
14:30 Hundred Hours

14:30 Hundred Hours

2:30 p.m

Integrity Transparency



92 29

Full Circle O. Pi. C.N 3.14 = 17


A.J. – J A

1992- 2991 .

Arden Alexa Athena.

Arden Autumn Smol Tess

Arden Alexa Tree Sarah

Sophia Turner. S T.

Dark Phoenix


David Powers Pierre David

D P 4-16= 20 16 4= 20

2020 Vision.

Independence Day Impossible Drean

I.D. E.

This please remember is Eternal Arden Fred Knox Gemino’s Script and the Eternal Family 5 in 1 Script.

So it is Arden Ferrill Script I was forced to decode something which was so simple and easy to read – for 31 years.

Car of the family

Red Truck 15 85 61

Family Chevrolet 31 6 33

15 AE. Letter O 85. 1.7 85 71 4 92

31 years Talking To The Silence TTTS= 79.

Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence

Yes I was talking to Eternal Arden as The Silence witnessed by Time and Space Ferril

Arden responded to my text me for the first time ever ( sent only two and to the wrong number) at 13:30 hundred Hours


Not as Arden Fred Knox Gemino = 25

But as the 13 30. M C O. M C F

Left Right Centered.

L 12 R 18= 30 .

Eternal Arden Fred Knox Gemino = 30.

Ascended from Mortal 25 Y chromosome add E for Eternal = 5 + 25 = 30

E Y .. B. / B Y. E.

It was on the 24th. E.M.F = 24 and One Day.

OD. G OD.e G O. OD.

Ferrill responded to my text for the first time ever ( I only sent two)

At 3:11 p.m C.K

Chukwuemeka Kolo

Clark Kent

Super Man.


He too was and is close friends with Morgan

Arden and Ferrill are 3 years apart.

C Speed of Light.

So to move Eternal Arden to Being B

I add TWO

And Ferrill to eolve to E add 5.

E Arden Be

Ferril evolved to E.

Arden 13. M. Manifestor. 13= 4 Dreamer Awakens.. A David Jay Brown

Ferrill Rielly Elementals Energy Eternal

F R E E. E Aurielia Kim.

E A. 51. AREA 51.

A K. 1 11..

Athena Sarah noted that time.

Stephan Filgueria 111 usd 111

Stephens friend just came by.

Evan he spoke of his 22 year old girlfriend Kayla.


E K V.. V= 22.

Thus, this post is based on my having seen the first day here, the time 158

And my telling Stephen and Alexa

S A / A S

E A / A E that it was a reminder that I had not finished the play of freeing the Two.

This 13 30. Nnamdi passed age 13 M Morgan.

1 3O

Arden is the 1 Center.. Centered

Moves now through this play which is still my 64 move linked full Circle.

* I showed Tree Sage evidence of this yesterday Baby Wipes B W.

B O W… and Arrow

B A. On it was the Bartus Anastasia

Beautiful Assassins

Being Aware

Beautiful Arden ..

Is the 1 C O Full Circle Perfection Symmetry

Thus 130 becomes 13 O + 2


See sacred portal 132 Its shows beautiful pride our Sister E line rising from my-his center as he dances.

5th Dimension Wuman.

Add Ferril +5 E


See the play of the two youths in Fair Ground who passed to my Right to left wearing jersey 13 and 7

See sacred portal 137 Siamese Twins.

See sacred portal 1A and 37

The cracking of the Easter Egg EE= 55=1 A

See sacred portal 37

17:11 p.m. Q A-A.. A G K

5:11 p.m. E.K

3:11 + 5 = 3 16 For Ferrill

Family Car 316 33

31. California Golden State..

6. 33

Arden 3 16 33.

33 is The Body 33 Vertebra

17:17 p.m

Arden Jeron linked to Emeka Kolo

Stephen Filgueria

In Stephen home 64 is marked on the Baby Wipes.

The E line are Beautiful Youth

The Human as a story are babies toddlers.

Pure Clean E.M F

Feelings Sensational = Y add 5 2

E B.

Big Ego.. B E.

Ego means Self Projections aligned perfectly from here to Eternity.

This True Script and its Credit is given to ARDEN not I.

Its is Exquisitely Beautiful Simple Elegantly Designed.

5:22 p.m. E V

17:22 p.m Q.V ..

I have never claimed to be the author of this Script.

Not even in 1992 1993 when the Journals were discovered- that Voice in Dark Matter told me when I came back from my Coma.. Comma, pause 12-6/6-12

That my Journals He made me write at which in my Journals Talking To The Silence- I note this over and over again, in 1990 and 1991 where I recorded my Thoughts Reflections that this is my Espirit doing all this, and thus I could not make claim on some thing, I had not intentionally set out to create.

Just as I had noted the same about my Life, that this was not my life, but rather anothers who had taken it over right from the start, until reaching Arden Gemino

Ferrill I met first, independent of his Mother and last was Arden.

I claim credit for doing the journey, mission..obeying and never betraying this force of death I knew was my beloved even noting it was He in my poem at the Apartment in Paris, I shared with Stephan Gascoigne


Infact, I gave all the Original hand written 3 Volumes of Talking To The Silence Manuscripts to Stephan to keep safe for me as I prepared myself during Christmas 1992 to pass through deaths door.

And I wrote the Poem- a Map And So I Sought Deaths Door A S I.S. D D. ( David Dawn bed 4-017 and Chen Yuin who later replaced him.

DD. C.Y. All written on in real time on this page)

I claim credit for that which I did.

Being Aware

Attention Focusung Awareness on the Script.

Where I was going, deciphering the play, creating the codes and willing to hand over the sum total of my lifes work..

Arts Science I invented which would have made me a billionaire over and over again.

And was tempted by scores of people to use my work and all which came from it to make money instead of The Elegant Nomad who people treated like shit ( politely) for my choices.

Right up to my willingness ( though I did question it but obeyed) to hand it over, all to Liberry and work with her night and day for 7 8..9 months.

Until I was allowed to retire to Ferrils former room and the last 2 3 months withdraw from the Family which I made clear to especially Liberty and Leander, so I could work on the last of the play, and avoid Liberty whose expression aware not full transparent was causing this power of Sataya to wish to Destroy her right there and then as we’ll as the world mentality which I despised… with all my being.

But Arden was there, and not until I solved this Script..

And I did not wish to leave him after I had found him.. them.

17:49 p.m

5:49 p.m

But the Evolution Awakening Play had gone too far.. so far that the agony of my body and being being used, impulsed stimulated as I fought through the lies of the false script- perverted by Human Children to a point of not being recognizable except by the 2020 Vision I re present

Seeing Beyond Sight.

And with a Family of Youth with E S P.

Extraordinary Sensory Perception.

And their Mother unaware until I came.


Sarah Kaizer

Athena Sarah Kaiser


Came by today.

I was still in bed feigning sleep fighting the excruciating pain of this play which always manifests in my stomach, Digestion Constitution which I had not felt since leaving Liberty C Liscomb 900 South Road.

I fought it, by recalling that it was not real, linking it by the empirical evidence that everything was a set up.

Riddles set up.

Questions set up.

Arden Ferrill Consciousness and expression linked through

Fred A Stair

Morgan S E.A.

To Stephen Emeka Athena ( Sarah)

Emeka-Eri-C Arden Stephen ( Crowned) Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Ferrill Rielly Valiant Victorious Man Wu Man.

I am not writing this with much focus I am exhausted by decoding this play beyond belief.

But this is about giving honor where honor is due.

And awakening the One Two Dreamer

In Arden who has the Eternal Arden and the E Family in him and Ferrill Aurelia the Golden Past.

Leander as the brilliant but naughty Human children link to Esteban Stephen- naughtiness as Beautiful Illusion meant to grow up to become linked to Eternal Beautiful Youth



My self as Jeron Satya S Lang Uage.

Esteban connected me to Liberty who as S.L

E L represented the World Mentality as Human Children ( H C) evolving to Grow Up to thus become E Beautiul youth.

That portal guarded and represented by Arden and Ferrill.

A.F Alien Father

F A. In the 4th Dimension play Fa!

61 my code and former number.

* 61 days on the streets of New York until I found 268 Generation X Gardens Gardens

A Santana.

X Men

And Generation Y.

Represented by me.

My last Examination and Test was by My Two Former Fathers Selves playing Two Men

Sacred Portal 79.

And in the X men Eric and Charles.

Arden Ferrill.

The two of them in one was then aligned to Arden.

Just as Ferrill and Arden Aurelia are linked to me.

As you may recall Ardens play around his birthday and the Cigar which I told him was my Uncle Lord Charles as well as his link and connection to Eri who was the Founder of Nri Igbo People, the ones who linked to the Full Moon Full Circle.


Link Cynthia Eze from Onistha where my Mother went to boarding School.

Cynthia is the nieghbor who saw me clearly despite our never really having a conversation until the last day.

And a play took place in which I understood everything and what had caused her to see in her dream a terrible lie of Arden, which sent me unto rage.

Liberty mentioning Arden husband Morgan and their even having exchanged rings.

It was a perversion created of something pure and beautiful linked to the Story of Two Men.

That was on the very last day.

Loose lips, big mouths sink ships.

3:50 p.m

15:51 hours. 3:51 p.m right now

I do not wish to speak of the things and evidence of the use of the Truth is brilliant devious ways by creating within it the power of suggestion which reveals the intent of the persons, and what brilliant and gifted human children are able to do with it, release such a chain reaction of the Power of Destruction and then hide in the shades as shady people defending hiding and never taken responsibility because no one would believe it was them.

And no one could prove it, even though knowing that it was them

Alien Father Alpha is head of the Children

A- Lien Council of Children.

The last word.

Protector and Defender Of Man.

But he also serves as a sort of St Nicholas

rewarding True Children with Evolution Presents- Super Powers… Diamond Light.

D L = 16

Or with Coal.. Existential Death.

Its not about lying all children Lie at times most times not fully aware themselves why they do so, rather it is about if its intent was to intentionally cause damage through intent of malice and hurt.

A true child of G odeTrue Light on realizing their lie has caused hurt to some one real pain immediately refrain from doing so ( unless they are doing so to get your attention that you have hurt them deeply and wish you to address it) but to lie, as a tool of power to hurt a nother dominate and control another

Compete because life has become a competition where you were taught your value lies in you comming first, being the best..and you carry this programe all into your adult life and find this method of twisting the Truth

Being master word smiths, where the Truth is not important but simply to win.

And you will say anything just to win..

Ah we have all experienced that, wonderful debates and then the other person who can’t stand to loose.. goes so far.

Or destroys the Debate ( see sacred portal 25) by seeing he or she is loosing, and instesd of giving in gracefully decides to go the other way of destroying you at any costs.

There is a time, all are meant to grow out of thay.

I was tested examined by Arden, in the background Ferrill and Aurielia

The spy Leander.

And the Blue Print Jeron Satya if I was the true J S.. 29.

And J S S L. Lang. U A. G E

Who would not use Exprience of Time which Children do not have, and as Arden pointed out ( as I had as a youth his age in my turn to all) that it does not require Age Time etc to understand All.

Its simply Micro Macro.

Esteban was the Mischief Maker not malicious..just naughty.

Which created the mess

But not the Evil which grew to this abomination which is the World.




Athena Sarah

Tree Sage

Kim Arthur Hines

Athena Sarah Kaiser today.

I listened to Arden Alexa Vertefeuille

And Athena very carefully.

The most Impeccable even in Mischief Hurt and Pain given to me was Arden the H APPY One who I .. he made it clear why he gave me pain after his Happiness made me for a moment the Happiest MAN..

I had found the Eternally Beloved and the E Family Line. ( F.L) and Alexa

Athena who spoke in all the correct codes of the Unseen riddle and took full responsibility for he part when I first connected with her via Stephen at the Hotel P P Plus rm 904

She had refined herself of the last influence of the E.M.F and come without even realizing to the same conclusion about Esteban and I.

Shady not Transparent..in expression being aware and

Translation of that which was said.

It was he who did not wish me to code not Sarah and yet, when caught Stephan readily admits the Truth.

Or when not distracted by the materialims of this world nature and its inefficient activism

But to do so with malice.

No, its not him

He is Heart

Earth Heart aligned to Jeron.

Be Quiet .

B.Q. 217 Fair Field chez Jesse Macias Orejuela

That is the literal code.

The Quiet Heart is my other code name


H.Q…T =20

6:12 p.m

Arden Eternal

18:12 Hundred Hours

6:13 p.m

See the cast in Dark Phoenix




Self Control of Excitement Enthusiasm





Kim Arthur Hines must take responsibility for the things they did but did not come clean and full admit or take responsibility of.

In that..smile.. they are doppelganger twins

Which is why he asked me about a person called D.T 4 20 The Story

T D Terrible Death 20 4. 24 E M.F

He narrowly escaped and yes Kim too.

One must be true to your word.

Athena line is a story but she made the character real by attaining


Which is love of the Self in others

Integrity Transparency

Or no trust.

42 means your in a story still

Meaning of Existence

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy




1 A. 3 C

Aware Conscious

Being Naturally Aware

Being Naturally Consciousness of Every thing and Every One because all are you or a possibility False, you could have become.

What is the your Truth

Self Interest

Or Self Love.

True Love

6:25 p.m


18:25 p.m

8-25 is Ferrills Birthday

Hung Yeh

For some reason I called and wished him.Happy birthday today

A play of 6th sense.

Jesus.. I can’t believe I actually did this post.

18:27 hours

7:27 p.m

White Lighter?

27 A-A but A must reach B


Abd C



Ardens Script.

Manu Script.

18:29 Hundred Hours

6:29 p.m

AH A man

R A man.

F A Man. Ferrill

6;30 p.m

F C O.

18:30 hundred Hours

6:31 p.m

18:31 hundred Hours



Tel 31st State

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