
1:40 p.m.

1:40 p.m.




29-6-9… B.I…F.I…

6-29-9… F.B.I.I…Face Book (Bible means ‘Book) I and I.

Two Faces of Infinity and Eternity…I.I…E.E.. The Two (Twins) are 1.

Exemplified to I.E…To One.

I have a new Face Book friend…

Reba Hess…

But with Josip Šipek permission, I am tendering the Evidence, which I call Echo Confirmation outside of myself of my relating the E.Truth..

But before I complete the relevance of her appearing now in perfect Timing of the play, I must complete the equation of 6 97 Face Book Friends…

And the sacred portal of the Twins which is the completion of the the Sacred Portals 155…

Every time I get a new face book friend, the Play or the Space Ship Enterprise gets closer to its goal.

I have to upload and update, every new code, as one upload a E Quantum Computer with new Information-Data…

Until the True I.D..E is Established in the Awareness and Being of Every One (E.O) who exists.

So I upload more data…

I was given a key by E.E…which has the numbers 155.

15=Letter O…5 is letter E…


O.E Is the Symbol of Eternity.. Symmetrical Perfection..

It sat on on the Foundation Stone on my table ‘Installation which Sean Bono was witness when a Lady called Sue..Of the Green House in Soho, sent me to find Those Who walked the Earth before Adam

which I found years later in Alpha Bet City…E Street in the Hood.

I never realized that that I had met Erik Ebright at 380 Green Street in Brooklyn.

Please recall the play of Sacred Portal 38… With Nenad..

The very same street which 6 years later, I was on. Green Street Classon..(Class On) with the line of the Sensi’s.

Akil Davis


Evan ALexander Judson


A.T.E.B…AT.. Energy Bright…A.T…@..E.Be

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

Rachel McWilliams Young

Savannah Blair…




It is a code already completed from R D…RS..R..D.R..S.. Road Rise…R Doctors Supreme…

Rm…Room..Y..25..7..G… R..M.Y…

S.B…Supreme Beings… Linked by Sean Bono…

S.B=19 2…21..U..3..C

I just found this out recently…

5:11 p.m…E.K..(Yes, even that time code was and is part of the Updating Uploading Down Loading…process)

Yesterday I wrote the code, or the Sequence of words (Programing of the Dne Sequence to over-ride the Dna Sequence and current behavioral patterns of the this Zombie-Drugged up and Spell Bound Hypnotized world of people trapped in the Matrix of their minds through a collective agreement called Insanity…)

5:15 p.m


*There we have it.. another code, which I was not aware I was moving towards…Which now aligns 15 5 to 515….

O.E/E.O..To Symmetrical perfection…

1+5=6…6 O…

Recall that I left Green Street April 5th 2012…After beginning to post on Face Book after a Vivid Dream from my brother… a rare occurrence…

The significance of this is that my work on breaking down into language, the knowledge of ‘Beyond the Stars and C light, into a language of this realities History to present- for the people Evolving began in 2006…And was completed in 2012…(The Lexicon..Which I refused to do…too much work.. but which in the end I spent 6 years fighting and studying to find a way to translate that language of the 5th Dimension to the 3rd Dimension reality where language and expression had been thoroughly mis represented.

Creating a non stop mis-representation, mis-communication and finally the illusion of Chaos, Mis-Trust, Anger at being made invisible and eventually the Eternal War..EW…over nothing at all..

Insensitivity to Expressions and Feelings of Others…

(1966/7-1982-3…15..16-17 years…O..P.Q.

1983-1988-9…University 5-6 years

1989-2001..12 years.

2001-2005/6…4/5 years…

2006-2012… 6 6…


add 3 Months C…

Code.. 66-67…12..5-6…66…4…3 months

*My new Face Book friend first name means 4

Mothers name means 6…in Roman)

Insensitivity to others… I saw was not really intentional but out of carelessness lack of responsibility and most of all lack of Clarity-Clarification-Clearing up Expressions which give people the wrong impression…

That basic Human expressions I saw… was becoming extinct..

Expressing True Compassion… E.T.C… Etcetera…

Instead of A Formulastic Ritual of Words.. which one believes in for a moment, only to find the gift empty… then suddenly transforming into a stench.. only for you to realize that not only are the words empty… but that they are literally full of shit…and Toxins..



And what I saw in 1993 when I wrote the article ‘To Those who would Listen- when in a sort of quiet but unintentional protest, I did not go a head with the publication of my Journals and the wealth (Suggested 5 million) and priviledges it would have assured me..

I wrote about how Compassion is dying in the World…

The true meaning of Compassion.

And everyone is using each other to survive…

And so from 2006-2012… 6 6…

and then 4 years and 3 months on Face Book…

6:00 p.m.


23 years I found myself paying the price of my words and my rejection of Wealth, Fortune…

I had sent that piece to All the Film, Publishing houses, Fashion Houses, Academies, Federal Agencies who had professed interest in turning me into an International Star..I.S..

As if a whole world had responded with Do you think you are better than us because we Sold Out our dreams our Eternal Truths for a lie because we sought Comfort and Security..?

I did not judge others, I actually understood…

23 years of suddenly having to really work hard for money which I used to attract like a magnet, may have not dimmed the reason for my actions, or Truth, but it has certainly brought me a greater understanding why people would give up their greatest Treasure..

Their Souls Expression and the portal to the note of Sol!

The 5th note and the 5th Dimension..

The Channel Portal of the call for Evolution…

Green is the 4th Color in the Spectrum which this Star Trek on Earth guided by my Instinct 69 and Intuition has revealed as literal being the 4th Dimension..

Nature is Time and Space…

N.T.S…O.N.Evolution.. Order Harmony…

It knows the Point of Existence..

Keep Evolving to the Point

The Point is Perfect Timing.


In Perfect Timing..

the door will O.P.E,N..S.E.E..S.A.M.E



C.M.e 4/3…

Full Circle as to why I began writing on Face Book was not just because Evan ALexander Judson friend had told me of all the people who needed this Language Lexicon of putting into words that which would bridge the Divide between the E line and the C line…

But because of Erik Ebright and what I experienced that day in June 10 years ago.

A Shock which brought forth a Wrath in me which I never knew before..

Stealing Beauty…

Stealing Minds… Beautiful Minds and replacing Beauty for Expression of Shit…

So here is the Evidence of the Eternal Twins..E.T..being literally true outside of me by my 6 97 Face Book friend…

With J.S’s permission..

Josip Šipek-

what is being moved ? and thats related to 2009 and something else namely a single person being infinite other people,as the only of the 2 that created the universe which is known as *gods* *lucifer and satan* the soul mates from the beginning of the universe that have countless versions of each other,for example you and Herry and alessa are mes and some other people are her or selves of *her*

Emeka Kolo-

my last equation- confirmed by the ‘Unseen’ was about the beginning of Existence and the memory of the Two who were (Are) one…This is the portal I am currently at, made manifest in this reality outside of my control but in confirmation of my Expression and memory

Josip Šipek

and anything that isn’t the one of the 2 would go to agony and be illusion and not permitted to have ever exist in the first place,cause that what i describe from the origin of the universe would be the higher power of love as us in sense of my selves and selves of the Second creator which is the soul mate of the first and who me i saw in 2009 if wasn’t a self of me

….nice,sounds very complicated which is very good

Emeka Kolo..

No not at all complicated.. what you saw and stated is perfectly correct… There were and are only Two…now 2-3…

Josip Šipek

oh and the pyramid,i have concluded that the most extreme power infinite would be from a *pyramid synchronization into eternity* like 2 selves of the first one in something like my 2009 being launched into the sky towards ascension the second creator

and every single of the infinite human or which ever entity of either of the 2 has potential for power far infinitelly beyond infinity

if you add a pyramid thing i just explained into that power,that is quite extreme

either way Alessa knows of this regarding the 2 and the power and how she is infinite others like me and being me as well with her soul mate going by same rules ?

Emeka Kolo-

The one I call my Brother Father is the Second Creator.. The one I stated I saw manifest as my twin.. Energy Consciousness.. Existence Creation.. E.C..5+3=8..H…and x..15..;Letter O… ECHO..my Echo…Creation.. This play is about his rising as E…C moved to D (David Donna Sulivan)…and now to E..Erik Ebright…Who I was led to by Sean Bono who had a painting of my younger brother whom Died at age13…But who is my Twin Energy C.D..E…and a painting of a pyramid to guide me to him.. And yes your intel is correct.. Alessa is also my aspect.. Alexander Alessa.. Defender of Man… Yes I also call Her C…she was the witness of the play of the Two… because she represented the future joining of the Two who is One but became 2 and from the two Her line rises as the 2 in 1=3..C

Meaning you are of the line of A.E incarnating…line of the Family… Amazing finally…

Josip Šipek

i was 13 during my 2009 ascension,and years…

5:32 p.m,

Sacred Portal 93..and 97…Alexander Hephaestus… A.H.

Alexander Hamilton.. First Treasurer…

and anything that isn’t the one of the 2 would go to agony and be illusion and not permitted to have ever exist in the first place,cause that what i describe from the origin of the universe would be the higher power of love as us in sense of my selves and selves of the Second creator which is the soul mate of the first and who me i saw in 2009 if wasn’t a self of me

oh and the pyramid,i have concluded that the most extreme power infinite would be from a *pyramid synchronization into eternity* like 2 selves of the first one in something like my 2009 being launched into the sky towards ascension the second creator

and every single of the infinite human or which ever entity of either of the 2 has potential for power far infinitely beyond infinity

if you add a pyramid thing i just explained into that power,that is quite extreme


And the Story of the Twins.. AH.TOM and E..

Really A True Conversation between Expression and Energy..

E and E is what I have posted in full detail from the manuscript to my writing, from Awakened Memory, that first story, over and over again, and challenged by my Own Twin.. to prove it into Existence over and over again…

6:12 p.m


All Written and recorded here on Face Book over a period of 4.3 years..

I have been in Miami for 5 Weeks..

Seen Erik but twice in TEN years..




1992..The year I went through Death back to the Light and came Back and then began a 23 year Star trek to VV Double V..

There is no Double You…Only U..Unique in the World…

The E Line…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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