

October 14


A-O…Nnamdi..After Death…

(There is no such A Venue as After Life A.L)

Augusto…. Rome.

Could not sleep…the impulses, the urgency from within and somewhere else did not let.me rest.

I knew what I was being asked to link.

I could see all the pieces of the next phase of the puzzle all coming together as I fought to find forgetfulness in slumber.

No dice.

The codes and all the stimuli…Nnamdi in me forcing me to weave even as I descended into.my subconscious instead of finding sleep rest I found all the days pieces of the puzzle I had to.next weave…Clarifying itself.

I protest…for truly it intersts me naught apart from the moments plessure in once again the beauty of how each piece of the puzzle fit…

Nikoma ever the Avatar of Natural Expression N.E had unwittingly given me the code for the next weave…

I.had mentioned Octo as Latin for 8… He had heard August…And it had come to his mind before.

August is the 8th Month Oct is the Latin.word for 8

Word and Numbers…

Painting by numbers synbols N.S…a Matrix System not of the Creative Spirit…Just as the animal world…

Creating by the Word…Natural Expression.is the word…it is I who am the Source Natural Expression.

For Creation.is not by Symbols or Numbers it is by the Written and Spoken word…Mot…

No twins here.

Just.the 11 in 1…

I linked I had met a young photographer and knew I had to protect him…

He name was Augusto… A Beautiful young man who.had to.be a warrior to soon.

He was moving to death and I steered him to.the Green House. Sean Bono place where stayed a while then to Goat O place where we stayed a while then I had.to go to live in the Alley.

He did not have to pass through that Death.

I did not want him to…He would come to visit me…loyal beautiful..Soon he found his footing.in New York… A job.

He was safe.

I.knew he represented the Consciousness of Agustus Julius Cesser (A.J.C..another Incarnated. Christ Consciousness in hell rescued from Hell)…And he was not betrayed.

Agusta Georgia where my Late Uncle Lord Charles Igwebuike three children lived…Where the third and last time I visited I departee the day of Pope John Pauls Death…

Tochukwu Odera Afoma…T.O..A…

And so to A. I came…

Truth Alpha Omega…


David Nnamdi _Nicholas had taken the name Roman for his modelling career…

I.had met Roman Polanski in.Paris…

He was directing the Contes de Hoffman at the Opera Bastille…

Hoffman was the new director of Wella Turkey…

It was he who sponsored my short film Ethnic Odyssey…

Hoffman and Nikolas…the Muse who comes as a man and helps Hoffman three times defeat.love as woman and the great Evil…

Nikolas wishes that Hoffman love only him…

Rome…Romulus and Remus..

Royal and Reign 3 and 4…

A She Wolf…

Jesus crucified judged by.the Romans hated by the pharisees who control.the mind of the mob…

Roman Soldiers play Dice for his garments..

God does not play Dice

Spear of Destiny a Roman soldier pierces Yeshua Christ side..

Blood and Water…B.O.W…

A Roman soldier helps him carry.the cross.

Why did David Nicholas take the name Roman…

I know.. A secret code.

New York City is laid out in the Grid System of ancient Rome.

Its culture founded on Roman Classical education….

Rome was Order…not Harmony..

Rome was Unity Boom!

Rome and the Church…

A She Wolf.

I went to Rome and was adopted by beautiful ppl who seemed know me from another world.

Wild beautiful Romans from.another time a decadent elegant world.

I understood Rome..

Yesterday Al put on Darrien Brown D.B..) Apocalypse…one mans who was made to.believe it was the end of the world 2O12…

So real Zombies…

Like Ebola now…

Then came Seneca the Roman Philosopher

Rome…New York..

N.R…I called Nikoma Rios a Roman yesterday his other nature when not in the realm of E.T…the Martian…

Nikoma is the former brother from another dimension of sensation Color who challenged my Science…

Science Bros passed by on a T shirt he burst put laughing.

Then the all seeing Eye of R.A passed by..August Rome E..A.R.E…it had written on it Listen but do.not speak…

I reminded Nikoma of the Boy Pharoh…

There is Nothing I feel as darknor evil in me’

But evil.is created by using the arrogance of the Innocent..

We did not agree..

Manifestation will be the deciding factor…

He reluctanly agreed.

This play must end.

Struggle for possession of New York City Consciousness…

A Grid System…

Pagan (Roman) Christian…


Personal Computer

P.R.C…Public Relations Christ Consciousness

See it reflectee in who I be and what I do..

Two sides of Rome…

D.A.N in the Lions D.E.N..

Fed them to the Lions…Dina Dina Singh!

Center of Christainty

The Pope…Rome

Augustus Julius Ceaser..

I am Challenge the Popes…

I am Agustus Julius Ceaser.

I rose from Augusa Georgia in Harmony of the word the day Pope John Paul died 9 years ago on April 2nd…

I have been fighting the Lie of the Church as both Building and Power…

Land and the Body..

Being is the true Consciousness of Christ

Yes he is me.

Anthony Cleopatra…

A Library below the sea

Rome Eqgypt…Alexander…


A riddle can you see?


Mother Universe

Romuls Remus..



Royal Reign


Enough of this Challenge and silly Word versus numbers game.

Nikoma in the System..

Emeka not a system a flow of words without thought which thus create living breathing art…Creation.

How can a System Matrix of numbers

Compete for Control of the Source of the Word which created Man and Land…

Homme Anna

Terre Nwoke…

True Nature…

That is who I am.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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