
1:39 a.m. – A.C.I. – I am now at

1:39 a.m.


I am now at 4251 Facebook Friends.
Being- Doing Sacred Portal 51.

Sex Of God of Creation.

Via Sex And Desire. S.A.D.

There, it is confirmed,

1:41 pm.

Yes, by who, after all the children and especially boys allowed to be raped, who dare passes judgment on me, for doing what even Geoff Lacour, ( G.L) warned me so ardently about in 2004, at 57th Street chez Michelle Lobsinger and later, Johhny Larkin.

That he wrote a small book for me waring me about a Horse and what they would do to my teeth, but most of all Sex.

He wrote it over and over again, two-three pages of it, in case I did not get the message.

They will try to use Sex.
I posted all this.
And that was back in 2004, he met Fritz Venneiq but he met Joseph Carey and warned me not to trust him, I love joe but I already knew.

1:47 a.m.

And then one day he did an action that I wept for a moment, I hardly ever weep, ever but on the phone, I did for a less than a minute, not for his betrayal, I already knew that was coming, but for something so petty I recognized as jealousy,
and I could tell you why. but enough of this, I am sure those who were present will tell you why and the later play with Richard of 7th Street.

Enough of this…

1:50 a.m.

Brian Audra B.A.

Charles Olga C.O.

Maxine Tracy. M.T.

The Message:

B.A. C.O.M. T.



1:54 am.

Simple as Ah, Be, Cee.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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