
1:38 AM

1:38 am

Damon Crescent

The name means He he tames and subdues . and he who Creates

I was curious after checking the meaning of the immediate response to my post, an Advert.

posted by Royin Riandy…

Door of Heaven Vishnu…Wolf Protector symbol of courage…

Again, I am incredulous that still this is the Script..

I did two more posts before this one, they vanished when I went to another page which usually does not happen..

They were time cides 1:04 am 1:10 -1:11 a.m.

I went to check my 127 Sacred Portal encoding and saw the very codes linked there..

And the time 1:27 am!..

That was the second post I lost..

Incredibly, I am linking that post to ..

time now 1:47 am ..Past to present with sixth sense..

To 1:38 am.. 13 8.. H M Harmonious Manidestation despite my lack on interest by the erosion and pollution of my Equation and the play..

147 12…14 7.. 21

138…12…13 8.. .21…

24 42…

Bean put on a movie called 24 with Ethan Hawke

E H… ..

How did I know to post at this point when I am done with this?

What is it that I Know..

What moves me on despite 17 yrs of Hate and Betrayal.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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