
1:36 a.m – Maria – Meaning Origi

1:36 a.m


Meaning Original is Egyptian


Used to anoint the cherished and beloved as they pass through the Underworld

Where there are 42 Judges who you appear before then to Ma’aT and Anubis.

That Religious myth, legend is the one Story which is a Fact.

Kasien Thompson K.T.

Told the Truth.
In his coffins Memory….

And I sent my mother Cecilia Onuabuchi Egyptian Black bed linen, and Perfume, to remind here that I was awake and aware.
That was in 2011-2013.

She left this realm whole, while I was living at 900 South Road.
Arden showed me an E Mail from his ex and first called Abigail.

Liberty C her step mother and married to her father Donald Liscomb is married to an Abugail.
I coded her and her gifts and intel she sent to Liberty
And Chris Gemino her ex, is now married to a woman called Lace.
L A C E.
See through Viel.


C L O S E. D.

Now here is the Original Version of ” Abandon All Hooe All who Enter this Door.

As real.

Stephen Johnson
See sacred Portal 31.

1:50 a m.

A. E O. Om

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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