
133 Facebook Friends Ya Ya Figo Y Y F…

133 Facebook Friends Ya Ya Figo Y Y F…

25 25 6…. 56… E.F.

E are a Fact.

Evolution Fact..

Eternals Fact..

Y Y 2 Males F…F.ACT..

This was the only thing I was allowed to share from Ya Ya Figo..

I have never really understood why people inhibit others from sharing their posts…

It kind of defeats the purpose of posting Knowledge…

I guess it also has to do with the mentality of people not giving credit for intel and others, who place it as a condition for sharing…

But I do not judge..

It is something which I had been curious about for a while.

Here is the code which links the code Ya Ya Figo represents in the Eternal E line play..

Y Y..F…

Y is male chromosome.. Y=25th letter.. 5 squared…One who is Two… I V.. And 3…


A B- S.G G…

A B- A I G G…

7:12 p.m.

Randall Michael.. born 7 12…

G L… O V E…

G L… 19… 84… 10.. 12… 1O 22… 22… 23…. V… 5.. E…

O V E…

G L O V E…

As you can see it is a Game..

But was meant to stop at a Play-Theater… 8 Stages of Man.. Rainbow complete..

Not 7… 8.. Back to White Light…

7:15 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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