
13:29 Hundred Hours

13:29 Hundred Hours

As I headed out of 29 Lincoln to pick up a few things,

I had noticed that Stephen Filgueria ( Eztabon Miguel Filgueira ) had liked Sacred Portal 87 which is the numeric equation of TRUTH

Played out with Chris Filgueira born 1987.


And Tree Sage

Confirmed at the completion by Christopher Filgueira.

Fil Gueria..

Warrior who sustains the Thread..

Sol! A neeedle pulling a thread ..

12 14 87 ..26 87 A Z

Athena Sell

Athena Sarah Kaizer.

A S …

A S K..

M A S K..

When I saw that he liked it, I knew what it really meant, that his selves were confirming the Healing and Cure for the world.. Eye Sight.. Perception…

And since there is nothing wrong with creation bodies, even the plan and original play.

Plan E.T..

Then it becomes a case of returning Beings back to True Being.. return people yo thier senses the 5 in 1.

And to their Self Discipline.. Sensie

I walked outside after noting Stephan as S F and E M F ..E F…had confirmed that world word people has been cleaned up which allows the E Family to rise in the cleansed air.

I was aware of this when his higher self and ge spooke of 99 over and over during our last conversations.

As I headed out, a car passed with the code .. 87..

Then as I starred at it as It passed I looked and saw another car parked right in front..

AL. 1987.

Al is the name ppl call Albert Santana.

268 Generation X Gardens

And the play which began in 2006

14 years ago.

Yes Arden Morgan.


The cars and the license plate is the rep of the code of the body and play you represent.

Liberty C Liscomb drives a Chevreolet.

Chevre means Goat

Baphomet Beauty

Sacred Portal 10 and 100.


See Alexa Vertefeuille post today.

Kamora Herrington the last play of this srory who came into the play via Kim Arthur Hines

TS… 20 19… 39. C I.

11 28 ..= 39. C I.

My Initials C I.. E I.

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna.

3 9.. 333.

Her car is called Matrix.

Chevre O L ET. A T. 31 6 33..

Red Truck .. 1858 56 1..

Matrix 00 989.

Thus the Body is the Vehicle which carries the Being..

But who is the one moving the Body.

13:56 p.m

That is the Matrix.

A dream within a Dream.

I.was not allowed to Drive through out this life play.

I was made to walk every where.. or always a passenger

I always wondered why.

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