
1:32 PM

1:32 pm.




A Message from Beautiful Death..and Death Period..


Yesterday I knew that my Brother Father as Death Rose…

And He had some questions…

First of all…

Happy Birthday Lady Donna O’Sullivan!

It is a very special day…

Just as was the Birthday of her Lover Companion and Partner…

Jonn Blackwell.. August 5..5-8…

These two Beloveds of Universal Existence..

(I know that they are Beloved by the roles and the script I have been reading, and the Force which moved me to break my vow not to ever live with any other person ever again…Not even for the sake of the Awakening…But I had to obey because my very life and Existence was held at Random, if I did not pass through thier Portal..

So, yes, I know they are truly Beloved…

But do they truly realize how much…

And how my very Truth and refusal to continue this play…even my very word and authority was usurped for them…?

The entire script of the E.Harmony end play was placed in them.

Placed in my comming through this Portal.

What is so special about them which could warrant such a defiance of my Desire and Wish and even the play I had figured out..

What is so special about them that so much was placed on them..

That Nature would subvert the very play it affirmed to compell me to meet them and pass through thier Portal…

1:45 pm.

It is more about just what they represent but also who they are..

But who are they?

Is Jonn Luc Daniel Charles Balthazar Nwanna.?

Is Donna Lucy Cecilia Dove, Barbara-Ella..(At last my Love has come along )..Ojugo…

Are they representing the


Consciousness of Harmony in the planet..

The Collective Harmony…?

The Everyone…

Just as Aryana Luna Leone code represents the A.L L in this play…

And Brooke Banwer the Beautiful Beings…

Michael O’Donnell the Intelligence Fill Circle.

I am tired…


Having lived with so many people these last 14 years…and experienced the best and the worst people can do to you, (and each other) when living in thier Spaces their Consciousness.

1:51 pm.

I had to investigate, figure out why these two people were so important to the play, the Universal Existence broke the rules of its own play I figured out, and which it has affirmed that I was correct that the play ended when I discovered A.Santana at generation X Gardens 9 years ago.

9 years of Death to reach them.

Who are they…?

And so I came to investigate even though I already knew who their Espirits were, but what about who they are as Human Beings…

And so I hid my exhaustion (and quiet rage and the insults I have endured) to find out why them.

I could have quietly resented them, secretly hated them for their being put ahead of my very obvious requirements of healing myself, taking care of myself..

Getting my teeth fixed…

Being Emeka again.

But I did not..

I came…

And I quietly investigated.

A.H…I realized…

They are the potential Beautiful Ones.

I could see it clearly…

But did they know..?

Could they see it in themselves?

Did thier experiences in thier life’s destroy that possibility for them to see what Universe Nature Existence risked everything for them, including my quiet hurt and rage of once more being enslaved in a role of Disrespect and Insult.

And I saw…

And I understood so much.

I could not feel resentment nor hate for I saw them Beauty and even after 26 years of battling and enduring and forming an Eternal distrust of the Force which moved me hers and through this play…Nightmare..

I could not deny their Beauty..

But what about me..

It is so strange the Human race..

This their inability to take correction…

To acknowledge the love shown to them

In which I am constantly undermined and enslaved to provide evidence and proof of why each I am led to is Beautiful.

Yet it is the hardest thing for these people to accept.

The world finds it hard to accept thier Beauty..

Even though they feel it inside…

If you do not acknowledge them, they will subvertly call your attention to it..

Act out, often brilliantly by calling attention to it.

And when you do, they disbelieve you…

They are suspicious, act out the worst in them waiting for what is their greatest fear…

Being Judged.

God is my Judge is the meaning of the name Daniel…

Lucy Lu-C is bringers of Light..

And so Humans judge each other,.calling each other out in the cruelest ways, deflecting thier own fear of judgement.

How they have been Judged.

Had the scars of verbal, emotional and physical

They become Hypocrists…calling out in others the very things which they are afraid others we call out in them..fully aware of the Truth that they do the same thing.

Is it a way to call attention to that which they know they must clean up in themselves.

But then why do they resist so much…?

Why do they fight you with such vengeance..

Is it because they are afraid the core of themselves, their most sacred Truth is that they will not be seen..their True intentions obscured..

That they know inside, deep inside as to why they are Beloved…

That they know they are really Beautiful.

This issue of Duality in humans is the reason the rehearsal of First Contact in the beginning of mans Creation created the Divide..

The Beautiful Ones from the C realm True Consciousness…retreated within and to the Invisible world because they Humans could not believe that they could ever be of the Beautiful Ones..

Thus Love Hate, War and Peace, Generosity and Miserliness, Good and Evil..

All because of the Insecurity and Confidence..

Dualistic interpretation of themselves..

Are you Beautiful or not…?

Make up your mind.

This great Human fear of never measuring up to the Truth they know within of thier True Worth and Value .set against the Fear of being acknowledged and having to take responsibility for their beauty- set against that Excuses they create to never rise to it so never having to face that fear of falling short has been my greatest cause for suffering in the hands of Humans

This Illusion of Pressure of taking responsibility for their beauty .

When it is obvious from this play, that the Source Creator knows you, recognized you because you were first created as the Beautiful Ones..

Your full potential already actualized and that there is no responsibility.

Just be yourself.

Destroy the Illusion of your life and its spells having now been offered the Intel of the True play..

There is no big responsibility in being you..

You already exist..

That is the Eternal you..

I recognized each even on Facebook..

Even gave Evidence

Even fought for you..

Fought you…to prove this True.

While fighting my own non stop diminished self worth and Value given to me to live in while you were each treated as precious and I a slave of little worth apart from my ability to prove you Beautiful…

The only responsibility you each had was to come back to your senses..

Be Natural and in doing so you could see the True mirror of the reflections and effects of the roles you were forced to play so that you could experience the Beautiful Truth of your True Nature..

Then you could see where you got infected and clean up…

After I had acknowledged you with Evidence and Proof before the whole world the Truth of why you are Beautiful..

Yesterday Jonn Blackwell was moved by Nnamdi as Death, to share a Movie…

Tom Cruise..(Yet again) in Magnolia.

It was all about Death…as mercy.

The one Universal Harmony who you become aware of the moment you are Born..

Because you begin to die…

The film was about Pain and Suffering.

Going around in Circles…

Cycles of doing te same thing over and over again.

Self Sabotage

Self Defense.

Who is attacking you..?

Is it not you…

All in your head.

Death was asking a question.

But also giving an Answer..

Not the music of the movie which Donna posted..

Aimee Mann..


Loved Mann..

But for me, not anymore..

You are so afraid of being judged criticized, condemned, because of Fear of being seen by what you think you also might be..

Not Beautiful but ugly mean and cruel…

Worthy of being abandoned, left alone and die alone…

That you act it out..

And make others suffer testing, them, rejecting them, crucifying torturing and enslaving them just because they called out that Truth which no one else called out.

That you are Beautiful..

And even explained and gave proof why..and how …

But instead because you can not see it..

You deny the Truth..

Making Truth a liar..

By doing everything to prove that Truth wrong

An excuse not to rise.

A Bad Habit..so as never to fully Be

Blaming it on others

And thus…obscene.


Make up your minds..

Beloved Mann..


Alexander Mann E..

Because I personally have had enough..

As the song says.

Rise and Be Come.

Or Begone!

2:5O pm.


Laziness and Being Clever and Sly..

-this play ends.

I can see right through you all..

A children’s play..

Decide or Begone

2:52 pm.

Beautiful Death.

And Existence Death


2-53 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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