
1:30 pm. – 2-11-2022 – Hello, – I

1:30 pm.



I was woken by the dog yet again, it is no longer in the corridor, but the person taking care of it takes malice and pleasure in placing it outside and near my window, so I awake to his every day.


It was like that for the past few days, retaliation.
But of course, this is a script.

I knew last night what the Evil Trinty of this Matrix was up to, I heard it in their play last night.

No one in this reality would be surprised by the response of these malice and vindictiveness creatures.
It’s the mentality of the World and it is the End of the Script, and I was led to them.

The true horror of what youth and adulthood have become.

I noted how the dog stopped barking, yapping when I got up.
Of course I am aware that they have been watching. listening, reading my post, following my through the bathroom window, upstairs and down stairs/

Take a look at my post yesterday, at 2:17 pm and 2:19 pm.

217 South Whitney and 219.

I was being prompted and being cues for the play they had already been set up to play.

I am watching the series called Badlands, I am seated by a Blackheart, named aligned to a Dog called Bella.

Angel & Demons,

Black Soulless beings, of course, I am aware who these evil Trinities are, and why they are above me in the room I once slept and below me and across the street.

On one side there is a man, the source made to prove the truth of existence harmony in front of the whole world, for 20-21 years, recording and documenting it all.

And on the other side, you have these creatures full aware of not only who I am, what I am doing, mostly against my will because of such creatures, then all of the world public can see how for 15 months they have attacked me, for calling them out to be conscious of not only the moment but what I am doing, to raise the consciousness to the Evolution awakening point. and you the public have witnessed for 15 months their response in silence, by actions that I simply relate.

The use of sound, the use of deep cruelty, dark thoughts…

1:48 pm.

If this is not the Deepest Darkest evil of the soulless ones, then pray to tell me what is?

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, I am sure the landlord is not aware of how vindictive and venomous are some of the people as her tenants, but I am sure that she did say something, and I of course knowing this species and why they are being coded out of existence with unheard-of consequence, never been ever manifest before. and that is why the demonic creatures sit so comfortably i this world so sure in thier human disguise that they can even chamllenge th Source of creation existence right to my face and while the whole world is listening, watching.

You are only seeing it now Kim Arthur Hinds Jr because your mind and heart were, let’s say on other things and not your Guest Z. E.Z.E.

But this has been going on for over 9 months and the entire 15 months.

The truth of the Evil you, are the darkest demons.

There is something truly disturbing of a dog who barks like that, there are so many dogs here present on this street, but none that barks 24/7 like this if the “mother’ is not around.

There is something that dog is enduring, seeing, much like the predicament of Pearl- P.A.N.

Kim, I asked you to call the Landlord and she must have said something, but I am aware that I am in a play of the truly Demonic soulless beings, who have placed the little dog in the center, used as a weapon to try to torture and torment the Creator. whom they know and have been following and spying upon even to watching my window, spying from above and the 2nd floor.

Of course, all of this was set up to get the evidence in a consequence of a play end script of awakening from a deep, deep nap-pan. I already knew all this, go back to Delta Manor where and when I met Kyle Murphy.

The dog is like a Hot Dog. Daschund I believe is what they call then, and he has a voice as does Pearl.
6th Sense to fact.

Brad Pitt World War Z.

I know exactly where I am, and who is moving the human trinity and the lie of youth.

Perhaps, I will still call the police as the ASPCA, I keep seeing the adverts everywhere, I am not going to be harassed by some Demonic creatures who are not even real, and scheduled for extermination, but manifestation was held up and so it gave these abominations such balls to challenge a man who is undercover and The Creator, and The Source.

Everything is taken care of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, the house is quiet, though that is probably still waiting on Officer Carter and his partner, but something is wrong with that dog, the way he barks, and even used as a weapon…

It’s true in the true play unseen yet coded now before the whole world, that everything is done, and complete, but I am not, simply wait here, while the blackest darkest foulest hearts of the Matrix, think they can continue to defy The Source, by placing their need to leave a dog she obviously can not take to work and leave behind here to do everything to disturb the being of Sound and DNA- DNE.

So, Kim, you can do as you wish, I believe that the lady landlord did her part. but this is the demonic blackest hearts in all existence, I was led to right here.

2:17 pm.

I will respond meanwhile.

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