
1:30 p.m

1:30 p.m

Evidence Facts Proof.


Alexa Vertefeuille

Tree SageTree

Brooke Lee Lemery

Stephen Johnson

Axel Love

Chibuzo Okolo

Eunice Oviawe-Jones

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

Josh Bywater

A White Raven


I woke up this morning, and with a serious light feeling, I was moved by my Espirit, while at the same time fully aware of my Espirit moving me, while pausing as my Hue man rational and emotive self to examine if I was in agreement what my Espirit was moving to do..

Which was to remove Mckayla from my Facebook Friends.

There was no malice, anger no such thing.

She played my little sister Harmony, but that was a Story of The Past, written in detail in my 2004 Creation story.

1:38 p.m

13.8 Billion year old Milky Way is the past

We are at the line of H.M

A V.

Holly MacDonald 8.13

Alex V.

My Liltle Sister Harmony and Little brother John are of the past, they are now all grown up

And evolved to E.

E. EE which they always were..

This 13.8 Universe was simply the Story of their own ascension as E MAN and E Wu-Man

Aligned to the Original E.

We are 5 55. E EE…

So, without much ado about nothing I removed her because she represents the Virus Infection since her story of her learning her A B C’s is completed and as what she believes as an Individual she and what she represents play was complete.

She represents Africa the Old Stories where Woman started at as Supreme..

But in truth just as my story of colors..

Where she evolved from darkness to the 5th Dimension Harmony..

The story does not End at a 19 year old girl but as the Victorious Wu Man.

1:47 p.m

Recall the play of her response to my good natured Challenge, that I could send her line to the Black Hole..

Recall Brooke was one of those 8 who liked it including Isabelle Ilic

B I…


O.B I… Heart

Middle names in my blue print of my Brother and Bio Father

Maurice John.

I.K. Nnamdi..

But my Bio Father was an illusion of his real self ..Maurice Means Moor…Dark..

John means the Creators Grace..

John M

Nnamdi I.

Would then be the correct order

J M J. M

N I N. ..E.

You saw the image she shared Sword forcibly open the Portal

Which she obviously did not do..

I responded with my own correct version of that portal, my Sacred Portal 29.

You recall the money code laundered from the money given to me by Stephen on the 27th the day I moved here, money he gave Jesse Macias to give me.

140 was the number written from the change after spending some of it that day..

And recall the play which took place after with Laura Walsh..

John Mack

And Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Chiefy) and

Benjamin C. Krajewski

Nature as Morte… Father in his most Terrible and Dangerous aspect of Satan instead of Dharma Santana..

And recall the Hell beyond imagination he put me through..?

18 years in New York to be abused betrayed over and over again by Human Children who blame shame .. twist and flip the Truth..

Masters, mistressses of lies, and anything to escape personal respinsibulity even after so much love and attention was invested in them..

2:06 p.m

26. Z

Book of Nature play

And Book E. My Father Son made me create

B.K E.

B.K V. Victorious


* Has anyone noticed all the Earth Quakes taking place all over the World?

And the codes.. 5.6.. 6.4. And there was another yesterday..

Brooke with Brenden Velez gave a gift code of 140 u sd.

2:09 p.m


Today I found this marked One Dollar Bill in my wallet

With the number 29 marked on it as plane as can see..

There was a total of 67 u sd.

2:11 p.m

B K.

Benjamin K…

B K.

4 u sd Wallet bought by Christopher Filgueira

Knights Templar Cross and the code B K.E 67 on it

Serial number

A 25133062 D.

A.D. I wrote yesterday

Alexander Stephens Father Alexander

Chistophers Father Darius/

A D / D A. V. I.D..E

My own David Campino D C. I knew in London with John..

( D J) moved to Brazil

Brazil Peru…

B P..

2. 51 33 062..

B. 51 ( E A. My age code 51. 33)

O62. O. F. B. D..

OF. B…

25. 13. 3O. 62.

Y. ( B E) M. C. O. F B. Face Book Fact Being

D.. D A. V. I D. E..

Independence Day E..

Brooke Lee Lemery seeing the play on Facebook told me she had not been really following what was taking place when I asked her take on, but I was fully aware.

She expressed how she was overwhelmed by all the attention almost 200 Face Book Friends request in 2 days..

And so much awakening..

I offered to help and be present and said I would call her but she did it pick up the Phone!

I left her a compassionate message..

Then she sent me a brief text an apology about ignoring me..

I responded that if she ever did that again to never call me or expect my help again.

Because I was the one placed in such insulting positions..

I too had been overwhelmed and I had to deal what was happening in the world all alone because no one could see it, or took me truly seriously despite what was happening in my body which Brenden had stated with honesty

As my body forced me to kneel before him as if a puppet master was pulling my strings

How do I know that is real..?

A fair question I suppose..

But he had not heard the voice which rises from my body..

* Zion heard it the other day and rushed out of his room to investigate..

Are you ok.. what is that he asked

I explained

Beautiful Rage

Beautiful Truth which picks lies and unclean thoughts..

* David Roman Nicholas had the same sensitivity.. he would immediately begin to prepare to battle, putting his hair up in the style of a Sumari warrior

I found myself watching The last Samurai last night

Tom Cruise.

Today she sent me a polite post stating that she would not call me today.

I had not made such arrangements with her.

But she stated that she worried about her mental health and was worried

Of course she insinuated I was to blame.

I pointed out that I have been in the worst situation seeking to care and alert people to what I have known for 18 years

Forced to walk alone in that awareness steering people and the world from disaster after disaster, trained alone with only father on the streets of New York to master codes of his matrix, spent years looking for a language to communicate with people stuck in the hideous language of horror done to world’s and communication

For almost 11 years I trained alone, fought alone while dealing with grown men and women acting like spoilt children .

And all that work ( and all my failed attempts to leave the country to escape the viciousness and cruelty of this bewildering play.

And then dragged to Face Book to Face trolls and the consciousness of the abyss to fight to bring to people awareness that there is a Presence in the world and instead found myself thrown into a examination and test of everything thing I was brought Here to say by my Father Son…

She spoke of Being afraid of my judgment ..

That was just too much to bear..

Is an examination Test in University of what you learnt, how you preformed Judgment ?

What grades you score is that not Judgment ..

I had warned her, about the people die 2/3 because the Awakening made then go into fear instead of Excitement ad John had felt..

( as I had despite being alone and overwhelmed)

You see she had observed the Mckayla play on my page and did not say anything until I all innocent ( but fully aware) cared made myself available because she was not the one who had placed me in these circumstances and I felt her.

But instead she confessed she had gone into doubt..

I asked her, if there was anything I had done but being Truth Love Clarity..caring ..

How one moment I am this wondrous being giving all proof of their Highest Selves..

Looking at them as Beloveds..

And in one moment of which another who uses abused, and seeks to take credit and undernine publicly even one She herself informed me she was about to post an acknowledgement of my I.D.

Takes it away ..

And I am Satan..

The Devil


To blame.

Brooke Lee Lemery has been impeccable kind gracious strong..

But One moment of Doubt…

One look at Mckayla play and the response..

Alexa remember the Skate Board you sent a photo off to me yesterday ..

Satan on it…

There was a Skateboard at 217 South Whitney,I placed it near Mckayla’s bedroom door

John Mack links to Santana Dharama if he completed his part by being true to him self

Satan is a Woman

Not Wu Man..

Santana Dharma.

Is Man..

I do not need anyone to acknowledge me..

That is for your benefit

And I am literally the Sacred Portal Home

Emdonied as a Man

Brooke got every thing correct..

Her play was impeccable but then she went in Fear and Doubt and attributed the cause to me..

To not see or speak to.me, would take all that is how happening in consequence of that which made her so Happy ..

Brooke Dawn…

To the responsibility..

And then turn around and put the blame on the messenger who Father was cruelest to more than anyone..

Right diwn to still using money codes…

So you see why I despise Humans as the Lie..

A true human child would never turn around and blame me..

Jesse Macias has witnesses Mckayla ( who commented that his beautiful apartment reminded her of a Mall..)

John Tree, Brenden. Stephen..

All have passed though here.

He is present..

Mckayla did not surprise me, there was Beauty amazing in here, but I also saw her Manipulate and Decieve… children are very good at that but I was a child and at 19 was not that..

It’s a cowards way of getting what she wanted

She was never moved to 44 Brooke Lawn

John was

She was at 217 South Whitney Grace of John 2 years ago, and at 217 Grace a Myself and Stephen….

Never once on her own two feet.

This is what she represents and had chosen to be, representing a generation not X. but of Z..

The end of Respect of Truth

The End of Beautiful Youth …

Look at the Teens in the World…

John Mack represents their Truth

And she their Lie.

It was a choice .. we are all but we choose which Wolf we feed.

And you can not assume because your praise that it’s all done.

You have to get to the very end where the Exanination


Is Complete.

B Dawn Awakening..


David Alexa… V I D. E .

She sent me Intel Data…

3:17 p.m

Don’t rest on your laurels

This is not out play..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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