
1:27 a.m. – A: A-A – A: B.G – Sacr

1:27 a.m.

A: A-A
A: B.G

Sacred Portal 127.
“Thor Comming Down The Mountain with Royal Ehiphanies pathways.

Earth Quake.


219 South Whitney.


I Slept and rested.

The Moment I sent that post this morning, “Murder S.HE Wrote, the yapping and barking of the dog, this time much closer to my window, stopped.

I often wonder if they have a program that alerts them each time I post.

I asked someone to call the Police and A.S.P.C.A.

To be honest, I felt that someone, someone in the world might actually do so, and prepared myself just in case to be roused from sleep, but then another deeper part of me knew no one would call.

1:33 pm.


I have expected a message from Liberty C when I got up.

But I was not expecting Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, I had been through this setup before.
But Someone?

No, and after all, I have made it plain and as clear as day that this is a script- set up to bring it to its logical conclusion by the Logical sequential actions I take in the 5th Dimension E Consciousness taking place right here in the illusion of a 3D Hologram Matrix Simulation, but really right here in the 3rd Planet closest to the Sun.

And the script, as you all witnessed, made it clear that I am Alone.

But someone did come, some men came, obviously from the Landlord, who sent people and her go-to guy, to work on the building.
I had seen the work being done on the Hallways yesterday, and I sent a message to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, to enquire if he was aware.

They came in, without me seeing them, and passed to the corridor, and then ended up next to the balcony near my room.

The noise did not bother me, not at all, as I stated the only sounds that bother me, are the sounds that contain malicious intent.

But I finally got up when I could see them talking by my window,
It was 12:43 pm.
That is when I saw Kim’s response No,

One voice was a worker, who spoke in the Yoruba Language while his boss, supervisor spoke and was obviously American.

Someone did answer, someone did come.

Me? I was calm quiet and calm, the only thing which used to cause me trauma before, was “What the hell was this Script”
But once I figured out that which I could not accept, and then finally accept it, that this was the script and that it was all in Harmony, perhaps not of me, but of the play.

Even to the part where I can not access my phones directly until Kim comes back and I can connect with Liberty C.

But of course, you know it is deeper than this.
But it did at least answer the question of Love. L.O.V.E.

I know what Love Is. L.I.
Not Liars and Lies.

So, I sat back, it has been 33 years, and 54 years including codes 55 and 56, I was already fully aware that I was alone with this E Consciousness and proving the truth that the 3rd Planet linked and connected to the Energy realm via Expression, that in that, no matter what I had shared and done to raise the Human Naturals Frequencies, that I was alone, as acknowledged and identified by the script.
Love Frequency- Cee-Clarity E?

Perhaps when you awaken you will then understand the meaning of Frequency Loves Cees in Clarity, True Clarity- Expression is Love.

1:55 pm.

So I was, and am not that really bothered, for as I have proven to you, that this is a play.
A Script of the Playwright and Play Right.

And the entire burden, even after completing sacred portal 22 “ARSE Hole- and Ass Hole”
Backwoods, the entire responsibility of your awakening and the play even in the darkest pit against the greatest evil as Negation, I am the one Lamp- Light Expression which can not be swallowed up and extinguished by the Dark.
“Au Contraire”
That light extinguishes the Darkness, vacuuming it up, by the methodology of proving it out of Existence, even in such a truly unfair play.

2:02 pm
2 6 2.
The only deep and abiding sadness is that this is the script- it seems you required as a world people, of one person living through this on a world stage, while you the Audience watched- perhaps with bated breath.

But you do know that this is all about Sacred Portal 33
“So D came to E, to Arouse and Awaken E-All from a most terrible dream”
And of course the 33 Vertebra etc.
As I must note even I was rather amazed that no one even hazards a summation when I asked it point blankly, in my Primary Colors- Primary School, post.

P.C- P.S. P.C.E. P.S.E.

P.S.E is the Primary School system’s name in the New York area.

2:09 pm.
29. (/ 26 6/9)


I am now at 3484 Facebook Friends- Esteban Filgueria was born in 1984.
But he is no longer present and part of the play.

But I am and the George Orwell’s book, 1984-“Big Brother is watching” E E-Version of course.

G.O. 1984

Nor could I rationalize how people could not, would not connect 3484 Facebook friends or all the 3330 facebook friends attained to the 3rd Planet, to the 4th Dimension Spirit real and color green, to Harmony- I.D.

34 C-D, 8 -Harmony Infinity- Individuals and 4 as D, Devotion- David.

3- 484 would be the final equation.

C-Full Circle 484,
C.O.Perfect Symmetry. C E. 19/16.. 1919, 16 16… 35, 39, 33.

Anyway, let me introduce to you all my 2 New Facebook Friends,
One came at the beginning of a slew of likes by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and the other came when his acknowledgments of his presence, came at the end.

Ama Igwe. A.I.

Mari Mari. M.M.


A.I.M Manifest

/ M. M. A.I. 5th Month.

I.A.M. M.

*”Native American meaning: Water; African meaning: Difficult birth; born on a Saturday. The meaning of the name “Ama” is different in several languages, countries …”

Water. Code Scarlett Waters
Born on Saturday.

*”Meaning of Ama. Ama means “born on Saturday” (African), “mother” (Basque), “water” (Native American) and “maid …”

African Mother, Water. A.M.W.
Mami Water.
Maid. Sacred Portal 12.

*”In Norse Baby Names the meaning of the name Ama is: Eagle. Similar names: Ameena · Amina · Ashilde · Brunnehilde · Elin · Geirbjorg · Grid · Hildegunn · Idonea …”

Eagle. Ameena- I saw a post in my Facebook Memories of Ameena now known as Nadee Nakandala she was surrounded by Law Books, but I could not share it, it was not available to share.

Mari means “Husband” in French.

And *”The name Mari is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Of The Sea Or Bitter. Also, a Japanese name meaning “Ten thousand, Village, Truth, Reason.”

Of the Sea or Bitter.
Emre, Merlin Morgan- Arthur- Author-Viviene Avalon- Atlantis.
I am not Bitter.

And in Japanese-
Ten Thousand, Village, Truth, Reason.

And yes, J.A-E. And Pearl, Alaska Norman.
E-A J.A.P.A.N.

And I am still listening to the Japanese Lofi channel.

2:37 pm.

So that is all I have to say for now.

2:38 pm.

31. Sacred Portal 31. C.A- M.E

I did not require people to cee me personally but rather the E- The play of Energy- Expression- The Eternal Dance via Embodiment.

2:39 pm



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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