
12:59 p.m

12:59 p.m
12:59 p.m

12:59 p.m

L E. I


A-A-F. T S.

We Don’t necessarily get what we want.

But in this play and The Source Script,

I have ensured that all get what they deserve.

I have made sure of that.

Programmed it all myself.

To be Equitable and Fair.

1:02 p.m

That all get what they really asked for…




The Element of Surprise

But on Hindsight and True Reflection,

Ones discovers that there is no surprise, and that each got what they deserved.. and what they need.

1:04 p.m




A F D.

1:05 p.m

A F ..E

Alien Father E… E M E K A. H.

Afe means in African Morrocan First Born after the Grandmother dies

Afe/ Efa

Means Alive .. Radiant.. Beaming..

Juniper Tree.


Idad Tombadawi Asalwi

I.T. ARDEN 13.

Idad is the 25th letter of the Irish Alphabet


And is derived from the name Edad.

Which means True Tree.. Aspen

Tombadawi .

Tom means Twins

Badawi is an Arabian Name.

An Peoples of the Bedouin known for their Loyalty and Bravery.

Meaning of the name Asalwi.

Asal means Honey

1:44 p.m

This is Gods House.




14 78 Facebook Friends.

And since, it has come to my attention, that this has been challenged, disrespected and contested from begining to end, I would like to demonstrate the true nature of the power of Exttence God.

Aka The Beautiful Truth

Or the Truth full stop.

By proving Power, to those who just refuse to accept that Truth.

The Liars.

And the Lie are now Evicted from All Creation Existence.

And will be stripped of everything which they did not create or manifest by themselves.

They will not be Homeless, because that would mean that they had were meant to have A Home.

They never reached Home, so they were simply sheltered in Gods House.

1-7 8


Nor can they retreat to non existence, since that too has been laid claim to via my journey mission through non existence and by proving E Harmony within what others felt was is Nothingness, Chaos, Emptiness and The Void- that even here is The Presence of Eternal Law.

Where you go is of no concern of God, the O or Existence.

Each persons Expression which has created such a Consequence based on Eternal Law and used the position as Care Takers, Stewards in abuse to such an excessive point.

Challenging the rights of the messenger of the Eternal Law.

And even going as far as to meddle, poison, usurp and decieve with the Mission of the Evolution Awakening shall face a Nightmare beyond belief of a rage incited and provoked.

1:58 p.m

The provocation of The Creator, The Source to have to show a Truth of Power, by taking away all Choice, Free Will but leaving Identity and Awakened Memory, ( I A -A.M )

so that none will forget the truth of my Father Sons Authority and Power, and just how much Grace and Humility was expressed of One who could have easily arisen as a dictator tyrannt and Sadist, making your Existence and journey to Evolution, the Ultimate and Absolute Nightmare.

But instead chose to protect and cherish and make this Adventure and Evolution as Memorable and Beautiful.. a most generous gift of Love Supreme.

It is true, H.E sent me to investigate undercover and show me what He knew I would never ever concieve as possible..

Which I did not concieve as possible, because I personally would never let people, this play..

Evil from Selfishness go so far.

As I had stated, I would have nipped it at the bud and not wair, and allow it to reach a tree of Evil so great, that it would grow to seek strangle Existence.

2:09 a.m.






But it is one last challenge, it was allowed to go this far, to see if Its seed self of Evil would actually allow Itself to go this far, if it would stop itself, believe itself to have been able to go this far because it truly believed that there is no power greater than its self, or a taunt and provocation to such an extreme to generateba response..

I.E God Show Your Self

A Challenge to a certain degree, is of course, allowed when you are blind, and can not sense or feel evidence of The Presence of anything.

And all you percieve is The Lie.

But if Grace is given you, for you to witness not only The Presence, present, and always having been present guiding you.

And all errors were yours

And It reveals The Plan to you, and the Blessing it laid in storage for you, once you rose True.

And then demonstrates to you, how it is You the people and Individuals who are the Lie, the cause of all the Evil and horrors at which you have as a Species to the person, have been the cause…

And how some of you have created Egos so monumental as to use Dominance, Control and even possession and slavery to prove that no authority or law is greater than you.

That you truly have no fear of consequence because you can say and do anything you like even if it unfairly infringes on the Soverign rights of others, to the point of Harming their Souls, their Spirits and even when pointed out your response is Supreme Indifference.

2:30 p.m

Then there is no choice, no resolution or arbitration required.

No warning or explaination is owed, just the consequence of understanding the true meaning of fear.

Hemmed in, no escape, no place to hide..

Until you cease to exist, or through the True Program gifted to you, you manage to rise.

A Lien Father E..Meka.

Is Alive!

Juniper Tree


John Thomas

2:43 p.m

Beaming Radiant OH


25 Y, Chromosome Man Woman M.W.

Masculine Femi-nine M.F.

Male FE Male.

M.A. L E / E L. A.M.

E DAD is the True Tree..

Of the Twins Loyal and Brave..



2:56 p.m

Woe betide anyone using The Codes and the Scripts Intel to Interfere.

That is the fate and destination, known but which has no name.

2:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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