
12:58 pm. – Why am I so pissed

12:58 pm.

Why am I so pissed of with the Human Species.

I told a Story.

A True Story which people recognized from the very beginning when I first found myself taking to the Streets of New York and to tell The Story of the Family of TEN.

It was 2003 when I found myself telling the story.

I was not what I came to do in New York

But when I was moved to tell this story on the streets of New York, the response from people was astonishing to me.
People would weep, cry out, it was astonishing to me because they recognized it and a year, that truth rose up in me literally.

It was nothing really to do with me, and only when the Energy Frequencies of the Family rose in my body to help me write the story in detail did I understand that not only had I been used ( and betrayed and sacrificed for something, yes, beautiful)
Did I realize that it was the Story of The Blue Print of Existence?
The Origins of the Extra-Terrestrials and the Naturals.

And that all Humanity had descended from that original TEN.

I was not part of the Human Naturals and E.T story.

This was Eternal Nnamdi’s story and his replication through a breakdown of the Original True Conversation Between Energy E and Atom=AH=Tom.

It was my recounting to him as y awareness now N N- Expression as Naturalness and Nature.

I filled him with the True Story by recounting how I rose alone.

It was his turn now, after I rose from within My Self- Outside and moved through two Full Circles lone and at at the 2nd and then 3rd Time he rose and then his C aka Harmony Cee.

Now he too was to do as I did, and in his way by breaking it down his version since it could not be repeated, and everything had risen, a Universal Simulation called U S. Where played Adam or E ATom and created his version by walking through it as Time until he completes his version and his self as He and She.

I had manifested Everything and the only thing I had left to do was boogie and when he reached AH=Tom
Meaning A had gone full Circle from A Tom A Twins A = 11.
AT 316 33 the car which Liberty and then Arden drive.
It was done A H.TOM AH Twins
He as well as He-She.

This story is in every creation story, every blueprint- It is instantly recognizable.
Even more so than the Bible, Koran, Bhadgita…

Because it is so simple. I wrote the story in under a month and it was about 248 Pages.

Easy to absorb, easy to read.
A Premise is so simple.
That there are Ten Basic archetypes of Humanity.
55 Creation and Expression. C E
Expression Creation E C
Expression Creation Energy,
E C E.

Merge the combinations of the two and you would get the entire spectrum of Humanity.
10 Basic ways of Being in existence and creation.

This is an idea known for as long as humans became intelligent.

It was as easy to read as a Fairy Tale like “Le Petit Prince”
No, even simpler like to stories in Nursery Rhymes.

11:28 pm.

How many times do you have to hear a story, especially such a story, which affects you and which you recognize within you, and outside of you in your own nucleus- your families and then which extends to the whole world?

“Oh he acts like my sister, she reminds me of my father, my mother is so like that dude in the movies.
Different versions- but recognizable by the core.”

It takes a moment, after taking in the story to remember it, and soon you recognize it and can recount it by heart.

I told A Story,
The Story and left it to you to spread it.

The more you told the basic story, the more you would grasp more of the Truths within it, but none spread this story.
And those who did plagiarize it and made it their own version missing the point, or choosing to miss the point entirely.

I told this story n 2002 after my Bio Father died and I rose and was forced to come down as I was forced to in 1992.

I told the story first to people on the streets and it created such a movement that I told it at the Bowery Poetry Cafe and people all over New York were speaking about it that the press became aware, and David Byrant filmed it.

Once I told it I felt my job was done.
Others would spread the new and original story of the family of Ten, nor did it matter who whether it was true to you as fact.
People kept telling me that I had introduced a New Story, a New and original story into the world.

I was The Story Teller.
The Narrator but the story was not mine, it was yours.
So I told it and wondered why I had been used to tell it, but it was no big deal.

I was stunned when in 2005, I was preparing to go home, knowing that the Original and New Story had been planted and then instead been led to 268 East 4th Street ( E D S ) on August 26th, 2006.
And that is when I rebelled.
Not only in the Alley, on the way there but also being led to Erik Ebright’s apartment on 248 Green Street, then to 25 Green street in Soho by Sean Bono who to be for was stunned as I was before he betrayed and told me that there had been a change.
He had been so young and true … he began into an Adult but notGrow Up
. I watched the change in him as he moved from C as 3 to D.

Do you recall the Mural found at the Green House Johnny Lavalle led me there?
Jerry and Johnny J J were the only people there the first day I arrived after going to the British Embassy to arrange to leave the country on a temporary Passport which was easy to do and I had done it countless times before.

And my absolute shock at the woman who I met there at the counter and what she had said that caused people to turn and gape at her, me with the greatest mouth open shock.
While instantly recognizing here energy as from not only West Africa but my bio family and the Forest People play.

It was an image on the wall of a boy fighting a Giant Monstrous Demon, the boy’s finger held up 3 -4 Fingers while the monster held up 3… the boy’s fingers as 4 were fathering and it was more like 3 and a half.

4 3 is life.
3 is Control Order.

* This post is taking much longer than I had intended.

11:59 pm

* The moment I feel it rising, like intel- I felt it in the bathroom as I showered and in my body in pain stiff, and even as I said I am done, you can kill me if you like.
But the moment I agreed to write the equation to get some peace – this is what happens.

This is why I must take action myself, it has been doing this non-stop since 2004.

Tuning Fork from Liberty C Liscomb 10 24.
/ 43.

Tis they, who forgot that this was a story and became addicted to Control and they went this far to use me to get them back and in their way- their language when you no longer are or recognized what Language and Communication is Story Telling in which in a story contains all

And making me tell the story you yourself could have easily remembered and simply spread it as P R to all, by simply recounting it- Belief was never required.

Alright, as usual, I am getting angry at this provocation yet again.

I know this Deception game very well.

This was a story which you could have released me from any time in the last years, by simply remembering it.
Reading it.
Seeing how I basically told the story over and over again and it takes less than a page, a post to tell it.

I have been telling it, for how old is Arden?
18.Every day for 18 years.
And it was not even my story to spread.
Any one of you could have pieced it together, come together telling the story, recounting it to each other, asking me if there was anything missing.
How could be, it was a most simple story of a Family of Ten who are Two Fives, 55.
Erik Ebright.
Erek Eposito.

12:16 pm

And that is all you had to do to release me, take the story and spread it your selves.

The Seed had been planted, so I played George ‘Farmer” I would then have stepped back as any Farmer would do, and let nature and NN A.MDI playing the Nurture-Nature Naturalness- Guide and let it do the rest.

Some weeding, and some supervision, and at the end I would come with my Brother to Burn the land. Fallow because the land would become barren.

That was the only thing I was meant to do, at the end of his story of He and She, come arrive into the play to bring the End which only I can do.

But this is what you, not the Demon not desire, not anyone but you chose to do.

12:26 pm.

Turn me into the slave.

You said you felt Helpless at what could you do?

Spread the Story, not about Emeka Kolo but his new story of the Family of TEN you.

Is that not how it works here with any great story Word of Mouth?

There is only one reason that you refused to share this story I have for 18 years 6 months x 365 days =6789 days adding 4.5 as leap years.
6793.5 days approx.

12:39 pm

Either it was not worth sharing, or Jealousy and Competition because it seemed to you that it was all about my point of view, not yours.

If not, why?
I was told by people from the beginning right to Liberty and Stephen that it is the most beautiful story ever told, and I offered it to all for free in my E Manual. World,
I never charged a dime
I am a qualified Film Director and Writer Story Teller.

Why then did you not share it with others?
Why did you not come together to make sure and research my post to make sure you grasped it.
Or ask me a question about It- not about you or if you are coming home.

Go own,
I dare you.
Tell me Why.


12:47 pm


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