
12:58 am. – L:E.H. – L.E.I. – 1-16

12:58 am.





116, I had noted before I went to rest and call it a day Night and Day, was what I had left the Micro-Wave up.

And I noted earlier this morning that I was at 3330 Facebook Friends.
Then still refusing to leave my room, I sent a message to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr if he could get me some weed, it has been helping my body, then the next via the message, I learned that Jae Sherman had given the money back to him, asking why ( but totally uninterested) he told me that she said that it was because of something that I said to her…

1:06 a.m.
Sacred Portal 106.

I knew hat I had said, when I got up yesterday Pearl, the cat was crying out to me from being locked in her room for weeks- I told Pearl and the cats to scratch her eyes out.

I am an equal opportunity when it comes to Justice Supreme.
Anyway I was unconcerned except to say the E Play was done, I had handed the arranged the money, to be sent to Kim and given clear instructions to pay the Bill, the E play would pay Kim’s part of the Bill, and Jae Sherman could pay him back and then to me, but just get the bill paid.

I finally decided I would get up at 11:28 pm I noted, and I thought of going to Kim room, but I did nor have to bother, Jae Sherman came out, and I found myself telling her the exact same message that I had given to Kim almost a week ago.

I said, there was money, it had been delivered into her hand, and in the E play, it was already confirmed when Liberty C received the Facebook Friend K.B from the 211 USD Ever Source Bill.
I was completing the play of the Bill of the Lord.

Kim nor Jae had the money to cover the bill, and so that was the the supporting reason as to why, I also paid it.

1:16 a.m.

But it was first and foremost, the completion of the play, and to witness the truth which I was obviously set up to see and witness, staged I know for the public to see the play.

1:18 pm.

Jae Sherman, then spoke about being sorry that she was in her head and in the work of dealing with Wall-mart where she worked. And that now she felt clear, I listened to what she said, but I told her to be honest, I really do not care and had been moved by doing a simple Favor, pay the heat bill.

She said that she had made arrangement and had paid 20 USD of the Bill, but after a very brief expression by me, she said she understood now, and would take the money back and pay the ( God damned Bill on Monday which is the 17th).

I am aware that she probably reads and pay attention to my post more than Kim, but to be honest I do not care.
I had already written Kim, telling him that he and she could do as they pleased, that there was no E-Conscious play any longer with Him and I, this was the end, completion, and it was my last gesture was to pay that Bill.

So after speaking with Jae Sherman, she came out a bit later, followed by Pearl, Alaska, and Norman Bates.

1:27 am.
That was the last code on the MicroWave, while Jae and the cats were present.
Before she retreated to leave me to work, she offered a Thanks, for as she called it, “Taking the load and weight off “our shoulders”.

That was the original intention, why I had intervened, and also the E Play.

1:30 a.m.

I know, the truth of that play, I was aware of the lies, and the reasoning why It became such a mess, and the most absurd and ridiculous play ever, and why I know it is the end of this world people.

1:33 a.m

133 Extinction.
133 Evolution.

In the end,I know what it revealed to any intelligent person, paying attention.

How there was and is Perfection always, and how people were aware of this and then by the ego’s, needs, illusions, intentionally Fuck it up- by simply not caring despite giving everything, all the education knowledge, they would get in the way, even of the Enders Game, to the very end.
I was already aware of that mentality and coded it, called it out for the last 10 years.
But observing the play here, the last week or so, even I could not conceive the chaos and confusion of that which was made so startlingly clear, even after Diamond Clarity had been proven and perfection in Kim and Jae proven, He by being a facebook friend and in the play since 2018 Nov, Dec, and 14 months of living in close proximity and she for 13 months.
She was not meant to be a part of the play, but she was and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, well you all saw his training to completion, and then his being guided here and though posts, and to the moment when I said that all and he personally had been confirmed to have a full understanding of the play and now each must fulfill the same task alone.

In the end and completion of all this, play of Blame, False Accusation and those who take Responsibility, and those who do not and make claim that they did and deserve the roles they said they were capable ad deserved, but could not because they did not do what they said they could do and what they were each cast by not be, but by the A-E.M.F= 25.
That this in the end, really had nothing to do with me, rather I was used as The Example, E.G, I.E, E.I and why I do not Trust people but that more so, this play.

1:50 a.m.

And the truth of Love Conquers the Lie and Liars.
Love is Truth.
And since I told the truth, even the truth of each of the people I was sent to, who each had that Original Gift of Amazing and Divine Grace, and what they did with it, that fucked up the world reality by each not being able to say true.
It the end, it showed that I told the truth, recognized each person’s potential, the first day I met them, and where they would become and do.

It was more about me, being tried and tested, for my Expression and Truth- Vision, with another force who despised Humans.

1:59 a.m.

And was correct about that point of view, but forgot to see that there is also Beauty in them and that it to some, it did not matter how much Love you gave them, guidance, direction, support- that this play of coddling and favoring them, that each was brought into this life and each by their own will actions and expressions, those who were naturally true, and those who would always lie.

Everything I saw in these people from the first portal to the last, from first sight to the setup created to prove that what I saw for the first encounter to the play’s completion-end was true, and a fact.

I met Arden Gemino, and it was Love and recognition at first sight, at age 16, constant and in harmony age 17 when I last saw him and 18 right now.
The same with Aurelia, to Ferrell to Leander, to even baby Azure are all in the Harmony Constant, even though I have not seen them in over a year.

Paradise – Perfection was never lost, it was right here but Adults fucked it up and created the mess of ages even when they were instructed like babies, toddlers, guided every step of the way, there are some who would Understand Love- Compassion as Liberty C learned to do, as Stephen Johnson did by his taking the play seriously and add humor correcting the idea they had of the play to seeing its true meaning, and others who would feel self-entitled and rely on Lies and Hypocrisy while negating the obvious truth, explained and made aware of its truth and seeing the demonstration of its manifestation in front of them, and still ignore the Eternal Law and the rules of the play.

As anyone, can see, this was all about the Truth, not Love. Truth is Light, Truth Clarifies shows results.

Do you recollect what I had when I came here, and what happened after 12, 13 months when Esteban gave me 220 USD as the last money after we I said No More I am done, I had no sponsorship any longer, and did you see what I did- with not a dime to my name?
Or when Esteban, left 111 USD in his home for me and then another 111 USD in his drawer and my rage at the money play?
He also gave 111 USD to Kim.

111 is the numeric code for perfection.

2:25 pm.

I did not beg, or compromise for that almost entire year, I just did the work and lived off money codes sent to me, shared it, and continued to proof that all moneies sent to me, which I was made to merit and Earn by using and proving the E Consciousness even though I was no longer meant to be in this play and was waiting for the signal to leave, that every dime that was sent to me, was part of the play, designated and that I had long since earned, and that all the wealth comes from me, and yet I was made to earn it again.

It was like this for all the moves, from first to last.
I earned it, via Merit despite having already earned it, prove it, that fact that I had earned it already before right here as a man, not even acknowledged as The Source, which I had proven, and even before that, as a man, who everyone called ad accused me of al source of things when they had all lied, used lies of Omission, because I did the work with them day and night in not just the E Consciousness, but right here down here in their everyday lifes.
They could lie, lie through their teeth, because I had no proof but my word, and the word was not enough, people chose to see the worst possible motive for my actions negating the truth of what they knew I had done for them in their lives and personal Lives and needs of that always something missing when they could not see, that it was because of that mentality of lying to the world, of what they had gained by my being forced to interact with them.
A Peron who by age 32-33 had a 17-page C.V. Curriculum Vitae ( yes including all productions and activities from Shakespeare and Co. in Paris to Convent Garden and to the monumental work I did in Istanbul- Turkey and work in Nigeria, such as my own company, lecturing in two universities by the age 19.

And yes the date for the Ever Source bill is due tomorrow the 17th.
I paid for it via the most insane play with Liberty C chosen to represent the World in this Ender Game, as well as my mother line C.Onu, now aligned to her via my Sister Lines, 3- 33, 333. 9

3 9= 12. L. 1+2- 3.

Loma Cronin
Liberty’s new address is “Grandpa Ferrell” 312. 3+12= 15 Letter O. 1-5 A.E.
6 – Sixth Sense to F. Facts
Ferrell Arden.
Arden -Aurelia-Ferrill- Leander.
A-A. F.L.
F.L is the code F.L= Florida
Fort Lauderdale.
Florida 27th State- The Sunshine State.
#Apartment 511 E.K.
Aurelia who went even while I was staying in 900 South Road went to Florida and Miami
F.L = 6 12= 18.
Arden’s age right now.

I am not personally interested in recounting the play of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Jae Sherman, or Esteban and Kim, as E.K. Or J.K.

2:59 a.m.

Or translating what is the consequences of their play, because in the end it was all about me, examining, testing, challenging and contesting me and my Expression as Truth. Based on a script designed for me to pass through from the day I arrived in New York, U.S.A, against my will in 2001, when I came of my own free will with Jon Jason Lee, in 1999 and chose to stay in the lower east side.

This was all about the most evil challenge and script if I could walk my truth which I had already been constant at naturally since I was born 8 pm 11 28 and 1966 to 1967 and 68 69 to 70- 71 when Jon Jason Lee was born and to all numbers till 80, to 81, 82 to 86 and 87 to 88 and 90 to 100% to 101 and 102, 103, 104 Terrible Death to Beautiful Death as Beautiful Transformation 84/ 48, 85/ 58
All about numbers and aligning 1-9, 1-0 Binary to 10 x10= 1.
100 -C. S.P, 100 and aligning then to letters, A-J. and to Infinity, to Facebook Friends and their names and finally to true people here present in this Idea of Life as a lie and back to its truth.
And even to Jae Sherman being used to representing the A.I Simulation.

It was about if I could tell the Truth, the Simple Truth, The Beautiful Truth, and Plain Truth that all is in Perfect Harmony of E.Harmony.
By walking with the Eternal Truth from the time of my Inception Conception, and walk with that True Expression when from the moment I arrived everything taken away from me to start from zero when I started from O and the point.
It was a script of Jealousy, Envy, Vengeance and Cruelty so beyond belief, that I could not accept this as a play script, who could have created and programed such an abomination for one person to prove that he is true, that he does not lie- who else but the liars and the line who called them representatives of Nature really Numbers, Gammatria.

You saw the play here, and that play of the simple truth and communication and what was so simple “Pay the Bill” and what took place when simple direct instructions were given.

3:20 pm.

The idea that I could not tell the truth in this reality because what is done to all those who came before me, and what was done to them for telling the truth, and the Viciousness and Vengeance, of seeking to do anything to destroy me, for succeeding in a script designed to deny me the victory in this ill-begotten reality for succeeding in using the truth in a different way, but with Amazing Grace. To see if I could become a liar, an abomination in denying the Infinite Truth, by that truth not being allowed to manifest after satisfying all the tasks.

3:25 a.m.

3:26 a.m.

C.Z Guest.

And through it all proving that Evil and Hatred do not exist, can not stop me, because it is all a construct created by the non-Human Mind, creating barriers by proving how Human unnatural get in their own way.
Because they are not real, and the ones who point fingers calling out Evil are the source of it all.

So, in the end, it really makes no difference, if I had not done this Journey Mission or not, people always knew the correct action to take, and chose this way, only thing to gain from this play is that Evidence AY fact so self evident, has now been documented, recorded so when people get consequences and others rewards, no one can use that age-old tired excuse of blaming others, blaming God, blaming The Source, calling out they they are innocent, calling out the Devil, Satan, Lucifer… or even witches.

It is all recorded now.
3:59 pm and so when the consequences manifest, no one will questions the recorded and public and transparent facts, or need to blame anyone but themselves.
All now have the proof and need not feel compassion or empathy, because they will see that each person, comunity, idealogy, got exactly what they merited and earned, and how they refused to listen and so, their consequences and suffering, everyone knows they have been given exactly the consequences that they deserve, and thus you can ignore their cries, begging for pity, and ignore them, knowing that Life – True Life is Fair, and that they got ecactly what they deserved.

During the entire scope of this last play, I noted a new film series on Sundance Amazon called “Discovery of Witches” which I was moved so to see it, that I asked Liberty who is on Amazon which I have been able to access since I lived at 900 South Road, if she could pay for the channel so I could watch it.

The story is about the highest forms of Witches called Weaverss and how they are able to use the Tread of the Elemental Goddess forces to weave spells linked to the Cosmos Energies of Creation its self.
And it also tells the “clarified: story of Vampires, Witches and Demons, and how Vamoires Sacred Portal 104 are linked to werewolves.

Yes, Arden dream of the werewolf who he used to fight with in his dream state, he sometimes winning and other times his werewolf aspect winning, and yet he never dies, he is killed but is left in coma, a pause, darkness but fully aware and alive.

It goes back to when I was in Bed 007, before I was moved to Delta Manor when I was given two books by Harold an South American Native American Indian who was moved he said to give me the Books Enders Game by Erenest C-Line.
And then another called “Witches Landing”. W.L./ L.W.

I had always rejected Witches Landing as part of the play, and that it was all about Enders Game.
But the Witches play perisited even to my calling my sister in our last interaction before the death of our Mother, A Witch, a Great Witch, something I was also called Liberty C, but I knew why I called my sister a Witch, because she had great powers, as did my mother and many women in my Bio Family- Grandfather, Chief D.N and the Deep Blue -Honda Accord, linked connected to Chris Gemino and now Arden Gemino Black Honda Pilot.

But this was a story told in 3 parts series 2 of 8 Episodes and the last of which were only 3.
3-8, 3-8, 3-3, I knew in an instant that it was aligned to my Sacred Portal 9.
“We chose our King Gods, Elenmemtal Godesses and the Pharoah King, and Persian Prince.

K.G./ G.K.
Egyptian Pharoah & Persian Prince.
E P & P.P.

In the the series, it tells of such Witches being so rare as a presence that theyy became legends and myths, because they were so rare and few that hardly anyone even knew they existed.

It was the most accurate story of witches, and Book of Life, and history of the dance between Humans, Demons, Vampire- were wolves, and Wicthes I had ever encountred watched or read, aligning to my own truth, I have ever encountered.

Fil Gueria, Thead, Silk, which I ha enountered very rarely but who had always been around me, the 3. It explained my own Magical way of art and science, so well, that I had to smile and let out a whoop last night as I watched all of it to the end.

4:30 am

43 O but there is even more.

In the end, there is no amount of explaining which I always knew, hence why each I knew must experience the truth of themselves and this play for themselves, not from someone doing it for you, so you can do what you historically do, blame the one who brought you the intel, when things go bad, and take the credit for yourselves when things go well.

I am now ar 3332 Facebook Friends.

C C C B.that is 33= 1, 3. 2.

or 9-2. I.B

See Sacred Portal 22 V. and Sacred Portal 20. T. True Clarity.

10 9 is the code on my page right now.
See Sacred Portal 109 “Danger Danger U.S.A.”

10 and 9 are the two highest numbers 9 is Matter and 10 is 1 O.

4:39 am

4:40 a.m.

D.D.O. D D F.

4:41 a.m.

Liberty C has 41 mutual Facebook Friends.

4:42 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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