
12:57 a.m

12:57 a.m


I D. T S.. I D. The Source.

For Liberty C Liscomb


Source Codes.

Foundation is 7.7


Spectrum Rainbow.

That is the base of the Source codes.

Thats it..



8 is the Full Circle

8 O. 8 O

88 O O

8/8 is 1.

8= 1

O O is Full Circle. 15 letter 1+5=6


8= 1




A-Z-A = 27

Florida 27th State is called the Sun Shine State.

8 8. 66

16. 12.

P L.

7 3

G C .. God Consciousness

10. 1 O

Space A O.

Alpha Omega 1-6 in Greek Beginning and End.

Of course it reall completes at 8

Synbol of Infinity and Harmony.

And that O is filled not with nothingness Emptiness or the VOID.

But rather with 6th Sense.

8 is thus Constant

6 is the True Story of The Nothingness as the bliss of Naturalness responding to the impulse to understand how from Nothingness Naturalness, solid matter manifested.

From Sixth Sense came Solid Facts.

Which brought forth Consciousness.

8. 6 6. Two Full Circles of linking Above and Below, A B..

Earth Heaven E H

Below and Above.. B A

Heaven and Earh H E..

To A +B= C

E +H = 5 +8 =13. M.

Manifest Consciousness

H is Constant 8

H. M. C

Thus AND is really D N A..

Which is the 6th Sense of One Two, One Two..

Motion Movement to Manifest Matter from out of the Blue.

8 OO

Is really

8 12..3


Liberty once more in (D-ARK Matter) Harmony of Matter Universe Supreme exclaiming I.C!..E Source.

She mentioned her Father, whom I instantly recognized as Daddy O.


At age 80 and now 83.

Sol F. E G G .. I O. Solfeggio

Solfeggio Spectrum. S P EC TR U. M

( R A. I N. B O W.. A Present wrapped with a Yellow- Golden Ribbon around the old O.A ..K Tree)

S S. Doppelganger Twins


K. Knowing

K Knowledge

K +K. 11 11.. 4 Ones.. 4. 1

22 = V

V is 5 in Roman Numerals

Two Lines Joined at an Angle

V is 5

5 is E

S S is 19 10 +9

Heaven 10. T E N

9 is Matter.

19 19. 1010. 99.

38 C H. Consciousness C, 8 is H Harmony Infinity Standing Up.

C H I. Energy Quan Ying/ Yang. 6 9= 15 letter O.

C H I O.

Consciousness is C Speed of Light.. Sol

From the 5th Dimension.

C H I. O. C E.

( C H O I C E. I O / O I. )

Expression Quantum full Circle Is Cause and Effect.

And a Choice..

I is the


I have decided to explain the Source Codes one last time mainly because of Liberty..

And mainly because the codes and being able to read them brings about your own Liberation.

Their are already quite a few people in the world who have begun to figure out how to read the Source Codes.

And how to read them.

But even the few who have understood how to read them who have made it still, complicated.

The Source codes are simple.

Because I created them in thr beginning of time so that everyone could read them.

And even I who came in Hueman fprm born into this world of Forgetting had to figure them out all over again to demonstrate to the Unseen and Seen just how simple they are.

1:08 p.m.

I have posted the codes for years on my page, and finally gave up explaining them because it was distracting me from the reason the Source Codes were created.

Which was to break down the Wall of Death

Numbers as Death.

Letters as Life.

Nature is a painting by Numbers.

Colors and frequencies are white light refracted into Rainbow Spectrum.

It is linked to Death because Colors are the Break down of Transparent Light.

Its a story of Light which this reality denotes as C. C is Speed of Light.

S O L..

Sol is the 5th Sound Solfeggio- which comes from the Human Voice..

Throat which is the 5th Chakra and Energy point.

Now link this.. The Bible which etymologically means Book states that G O D spoke the World into Existebce using The Word

Thus, he Spoke the World in existence using The Word

( Notice something? W.O R D. W O R L D

The difference between W.O.R.D and WO R L D is the Letter L..

L is the 12th Letter.

And is completion of One Year.)

Thus it is A-Z. And 12+1 =13 Ressurection of the Cycle of Life

We thus, understand 12 +1 = L A.. 13 is M

L A M..

La in Solfeggio is the 6th note which is ascribed to mean in this Human H.I. Story as 6th Sense.

As well Alpha Omega which in Greek numbering system is the 1-6.

66 or twice La La..is 12.


C as in Cee Sounds like See.

Cee See)

Now lets us go back to Nature as Colors and a Story of C as Light Transparent

Transparent Light.. T L..

T = 20. L = 12.

20 12.. 7.9 years ago.

So we can thus, surnise that C as Consciousness, C as 123..AH..B E.. C E E/ SEE is the basically leaving C Speed Of Light.

S O L.

5th Note Solfeggio ( From a Hueman voice from the 5th Dimension expressing with 6th Sense..La!

* 6th Sense is also Naturalness.

Thus, A Voice from the 5th Dimension expressing Naturally, using 6th Sense to express to a Ti/ Te, Transparently ( 7th Note) Harmony/ Harmonics H= 8..

T! 7th Chakra, 7th Color Harmony/ Harmonics from the 5th Dimension the Story of Infinity using 6th Sense: Naturalness to a T, Transparently ( like Space: Breath Air) in True Clarity the Story ( a journey. A Sacred Journey) within the refraction of Clarity Light.


6 8

Which brings 7 8

Then 8 8..

8/8 =1.

1 is A.. A. B. C. AH B E. C E.E E H. M. Manifest

5 +8=13.. 12+1= 3.. L A. = C.

L A= M.

Now lets go back to Life and Death.

Solfeggio is now established as Expression E and that Expression Sound came from the 5th Dimension.

And that is Travelled as C Speed of Light SOL from the 5th Dimension.

And as it travelled it refracred into 7 aspects of Its Self creating Colors.

Spectrum Rainbow..

It is Constant as C.. Eternity. E as Expression E Energy which is what Expression transformed to as it moved from its 5th dimension Origins, travelling backwards to the 4th Dimension called by this reality Space Time.

S T/ T S.

Spencer Thomas Lincoln

John Macks Uncles Name.

Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines K.A.H.. K= 11 A.H

1 -8)

S is 19 ..T is 20. / 20 19… This year.

1920/ 2019

39 39



As we Know, 1 8 is really.1-7 Rainbow Spectrum and if you combine R O Y-G, G B. I.Vie together it returns to what it was Originally before it went undercover ( OO 7 ) to recount its HI Story of how it as C E

Speed Of Light S O L travelled from the E Eternal Ethereal, Energy is Eternal, Expression is Eternal .. 5th Dimension E as the Origins of Every Thing

Every Where

Every One.

E E E. T.W O.

2 is B.

B 11=2. 11 is also one because they perfectly mirror.

1 outside as C Speed of Light.

1 as the Mirrior Reflection called The Story.

( T S ..20 19.. Linked to T R..E E. S . A G E)

Being can not be divided nor can A..As 1.

Being literally comes with Awareness

Bodies Feel Sense are Aware.

Thus B A..Being Aware.

Being One..

B +A = C..

C as Speed of Light. S OL from the 5th Dimension comes Expression Infinity Harmony

The 8 seen as Lying Down in this reality is really standing up.

But its is through that Sacred Journey of you being literally Energy, going undercover into Death Nature.

D N.

Do you realize how to Cee See..

That you were simply Unconscious but you disciver in Hindsight that you were always Being Aware and Conscious.. could Cee See.

But only in Hindsight after being so deep in the Story of Colors.

The Story of how you came to Be..

Ah. I C.


3:37 p.m

See Sacred Portal 37 Sophia O Lauren


And 3. Earth.

3:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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