
12:54 a.m.

12:54 a.m.

I reached 1173 Facebook Friends.

We moved past 1172 which was the highest point this Play Game Match’ on my page had ever reached in 6.9 years.

117 3.. / 3 711…. 11 73/ 37 11… 84 48….. 12…

I was at 12 likes.

One year…

I am now at 1171 Facebook friends after the BEACH W E EK post

Judge… Brett M Kavanaugh versus Christine Blasey Ford…

Who is telling the truth… And why is the Truth suddenly important in the Kingdom of Lies and Deciet?

They Invoked Gods…

Invoked his Name….

Swore on a Bible..

Do they even believe God Exists…

Why call God if they do not believe in God…?

Is it because they do not expect God to respond?

Because… convieninetly, God does not exist.

1:11 a.m.

A .K..

A A A…

1 17 Is on my Page right now…

1171… 11 71 82….

1171 T E N… 10…. 1O…

171… N I N E….



Fritz Venneiq ( where are you?) was born 1982.

Nnamdi my younger Self left in 1982 age 13…

My class of 82, High School sent me a gift of 330.00 usd.

Chike Nwosu was sent to deliver it…

Via Dean Dunkwu..

C.N. 3.14.. Pi… 16the Letter…

D D ..44… 8 16…

1982 Is 36 years ago… 36… 18 18… 36… 9..

*Do they invoke God because they know that God will not response..

Justice then becomes Random, determined by Men.. and Women .. how ever can use lie and deception to sway, swat destory the opposition.

But what if God does respond….

Once he has been lobed enough to be seen, heard, followed respected. Acknowledged Recognized Commened Explained… Defined…

‘Call me by me by My Name…

Call me by Your name…

I am the Two in One…

I am the Music…


And what if he had a Son.. a Man undercover who was not really his son but his Father, who agreed to play his Son Daughter…

But not in this tile role or play, but to show his Son Daughter

The Way.. to be a Man…


I D MA N N ..

Who then is the Supreme Court…

and The Suprem Judge….

God is Harmony…

And Harmony is Perfect Timing.. Perfect Symtery…

Author of Hrmony is a Man.

Who is the meaning of 11 Eleven Seven… Eighteen,,

November… April OPEN’


A N.. N N A… M D… I…E

The Second Coming of Sex

Page D7 New York Times..

‘A Seeker Set Free’

Reeased fro Death Row

Damien Echols, now teaches the spiritual rituals which saved his life.

( yes I was placed in Death Row for telling the Truth by the unseen realm and my refusal to recant the Truth..

Promising all that they will all face the music ..

Because The Music’s name is God.


1 3 8…

1.38 Billion year old universe).

I used rituals to keep me focused…

Count of Monte Christo….

Christos Tzouganatos

David Wolkowsky, Mr Key West is Dead at 99

D W… There is a new.. the original key to the Western World arisen…

Who is the 1… the 11..

The Elegant Nomad of the one full Circle…

T.E.N… 1 O…

And the Nine… N I N E… E N… I N ..E

the 9.. Who is 6…?

The Infinity symbol who always stands up…

The Facts…

I came back to the the shelter from Starbucks…

I realized that I am playing roles of both the E and the C..

Chukwuemeka as welll as Emeka…C .E..

I walked back… infront of me was Raheem ( not Raheem Sarcar) he is the one called Radio..

as he entered I saw KT Lockett Kirtan was ahead… and then Kerem…

I was in no mood – I was angry, quietly so, realizing after my post that yet again, I had been drawn into this damned script and game.. and once more had to come to terms with it being real.

And thus, have to deal with the implications of my knowing this, my being correct the whole time…

And that Creation Existence had actually allowed this play to manifest.

The suffering I had endured from the contemplation and meditation of this is more than any suffering torture and cruelty doe to me in this script manifested only in teh spirit realm so it remains mostly unseen – or not taking seriously when recounted in this realms language.

No suffering could come close to the daily seeing the truth none but I could see, of the depth of malice…

I had decied that i was going to have a written compaint marked against my case Manager Nicole.

Not take the help from the shelter passport photographs or my passport.

I could have done all this but I felt that the wave would protect .. or at least sustain me…

I was sick of its constant betrayal..

I had come this far for it.. and it had left me to a fate.. Nyak!

Susanta Nayak.. See the meaning..

But this has gone too far… too far… I had used up the last of any trust in the Truth of Creation.

But I read the people code which formed at the Door


But C R E E… Which means Created’ in French..

I got in with 11 usd.

Kyle Murphy was there..

I went down to the back court yard,

Kassim sat across from Paul. and besides Anthony

I sat stood .. Kassien Victor was playin music//

E.K…A P.. P A…

I then saw Theo.. and told him m decision- he said alright but added that Nicole was leaving next week.

Alexis said that I could go with Freddy a new guy to take the passport photograph at Applebees…

Nicole came uo to me later told ne her news and asked if I would go tomorrow and at what time…

I said 3:30 p.m


Apple bees!… That is where Peter Nyarkô had bought me a Blue Long Islnd Ice TEA…

I later came upstairs.. Kule was playing Freddy Mercury..

We are the champions…I was all a set up…

Apple Bees

2:04 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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