
12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m

L.E.B. A B.E B. The Being.

Completion of Being E.


F B. T S. Facts in Being is The Script.

@ 1259 Facebook Friends

L E I..

Lei! Lei is an O I Nri Igbo Word which means

Look Look! At Beauty, and Beautiful Pride in stance movement and posture…

It can be described as an quivering Blade of Grass or a reed, an arrow which pushes through all obstacles..

Standing impossibly tall, supple and proud.

There are no words to do its meaning justice

but for me it’s means the epitome of the Human body, the 33 Vertebra aligned to Create the meaning of Self Love and Beautiful Pride.

I am Beautiful Pride.

The True Hue Man Spirit is that of Beauty and Beautiful Pride.

To shame a person, of Beautiful Pride is to seek to destroy the Human Spirit.

And yet Beautiful Pride is Energy and can not be destroyed.

You may constantly seek to break such a person with systematic plays of setting them up to Shame and Blame them, deal them crushing blows…

Such as what this Script, enabled Humans and Spirits did to me.. tests to Humble, Humiliate..

Such as compel a person to solve the riddles of Existence, in front of a world unconscious, treat us like beggars even when we solve those riddles.. and respond with Silence and Indifference..

Force people into roles, scripts to play characters designed to hurt their souls.

Force them into situations, positions so unforgivable, that to be in Existence, no longer has meaning..

But despite all these attempts, to make the greatest beings seem like beggars

Still they rise

1:13 p.m..

1:14 p.m right now.

I am fully aware that my Sacred Journey was about experiencing the cruelties human beings had commited against their fellow man.

What I have lived and endured, is not my story but the experience done to those who rose with Beautiful Pride in Being Human, through the Ages to the present, and what the diseased mentality, as well as the suffering is good for the Soul mentality did to such people in response.

And why so many people of this Beautiful Pride stopped rising in the world.

Man’s inhumanity to all creation, all living things, to his her Beautiful Truth..

The absolute Self Hatred which rose to battle Self Love- that confidence which makes a man or woman appear indomitable..

And that impulse and addiction to undermine and break them down.

1:21 p.m

Look at me now, after a life time of sharing Intel and helping people to rise,

Take a look at the trajectory of my Sacred Journey, 7.6 years of which are posted here on this page, every day, linking each day to the next.

People of the near future, will see the absolute cruelty displayed in pretense of coming to my page by their own free will to destroy, challenge without even knowing what I am proving on my page

There is a ugliness, a selfishness a sense of self entitlement.

Pretense to care, but hardly anyone doing anything sincere which shows the Truth.

You have no idea, how horrifying it was for me personally to share the most sacred and Beautiful knowledge here, to those whose greatest armor is pretense and hypocrisy..

Despite a sincere desire to believe in what I am saying, which resonates deep in their being, but anyone in the future, reading my page as a book or film, can see what I saw, had to smile and ensure false promises, the startling Hypocrisy of Good People as vampires and monsters who so easily, readily are ready to call another out, when they do exactly the same thing.

So many empty words

So many broken covenants

Nearly every one False, Fake

Projecting ideas of them Selves which in the end is what most only care about, despite the mask of how much they claim to care about others and the world at large.

I have found very few people who trust the Truth they do loudly proclaim.

This world is beyond simply an evil place

Read my Book of 7.6 years

Read the comments, those who read the posts and add nothing despite your proving their beautiful Truth.

But say one things against their Natures as False, or that which they have not cleaned up and see how they will respond.

There is no hope for this world or its people, no matter how much they try to be good, they fail.

They learn only from pain and suffering.

The true compassion is false.

Scratch the surface of all their gestures, underneath all their actions is the corruption of Self Inteerest.

I was made to live undercover in this world, in so many homes of others, despite my work and incomes..

One hundred two hundred times I have moved since I was born ..

Sent under cover by an Evil Spirit seeking your Truth..

To see and experience your Truth, up close hand.

There is no doubt that in every person, ever experience there was Beauty.

Beauty in you so breath taking, there was Truth and there was love..

But it was never sustained or constant,

Fear, materials, suspicion doubt would rise, the moment you begin to call them out, help them clean.

And even after all that training they will always always to a Man and Woman betray that Beautiful Truth in them for the most banal and

Mundane of things.

I would watch them.

They believing their pretense, unseen their arrogance and deception making them blind to the truth that you can see them clearly

And their Anger so monstrous for you seeing them unclean naked.

I always loathed this Script because it was a waste of time.

To alert humanity, people of the arrival of the Truth..

Or that by forcing anyone to play such an odious role…the Sacrificial Lamb, that people will rise through an example of Beautiful Pride, And so the right thing.

I, more than anyone present, who was consecrated to such a role Lamb of God, of Social Scientists, analyzing objectively the Ego Id, of the World as Susan Train of Vogue once described

So, it makes sense, that such a Sacred Journey And Mission in which I was sent to investigate the Truth of All the representatives of humanity through Time to present.

That I had to be objective and report back to H.Q


Being Objective and not let my subjective personal experiences of this journey inform my option..

But simply the facts.

That my recommendation is the Extermination Extinction and Annhilation of this Species

No redemption

No recycling..

Destroy them all..

For I have proven the only ones real are the ones evolved feely by their own choices to the E line

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

John Mack

McKayla Rays

Sarah Kaizer. Who as we speak, I am aware that she is representing a line which is being the last in 18 yrs to be Judged Determined if age is in Deed of the line of E





Beautiful Expression Devotion to others who are as Self Sol

True Love .

It’s not my call..

I do not judge I observe, I Record

I alert and I conclude all based on observing the set up and how the representative responds.

The insane arrogance of this mentality

Even after all I have proven is that humanity thinks ..

Especially the Western Man Woman

The White Man and Woman, that they decide the Awakening and Evolution.

It has never stopped seeking to amaze me this conceit of the supremely delusional.

You have no control

This is literally the end of the White Race ..

Huemanty is Pangea..

Olive to Tan complexion.

No longer Black or White.

All Points of View

Not just this idea of the Superior white man..

Only the Free Man..

Not the Enslavers of an Entire Planet

In the illusion that they Control everything when they have to use the Toilet as everything else in creation and learn to wipe their asses

..clean up thier mess..

This script is the conclusion of the West Ends.

As does the Superiority of one race over others, in this case the. White… the Black Hearted Race

Brown Race is Supremes from them come all the Hues of Humanity Earth Sun and Moon.

2:45 p.m.

You have no choice or free will..

Do you have a choice when it comes to your birth and death?

You are summoned and you obey.

Insane Diseased people

Only Free People rise.

2:47 p.m

The rest .. to the furnace and their ashes?

It will be mixed with thier Bull Shit expression. Excrement and used to make manure so they are bound to the Earth, used as fertilzer to sustain Nature they so abused.

And thus, they will understand the true meaning of an Enslaved and Slavery

Created for this diseased so called Pure Master Race

And they will slave away, unseen, unheard, despised until they are no more .




A S H. Town

And unlike me and the E line who rise from the lava of the River Phoenix.

From the Blackest Pit of Existence and Depression Despair…

Still we Rises from these Ashes as Golden Eagle Phoenix’s

While you will never rise from that Des Pair.

The Twins

Life and Death as No

Eternally No.

Eternity Knows

E K.

Emeka Kolo

2:55 p.m


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