
12:52 a.m.

12:52 a.m.


I am not sure where to even start.

I left Starbucks with the number 98.

Yes Isabelle Ilic… I and I…

Also link the code Isabelle O’Brien I.O.

The last coffee before was 148 again.

That is the same number before I took a two break of not buying coffee there.

Sacred Portal 148 is Lady Harmony E withholding the Infinity Harmony symbol until… ( I see now, I finished the code of Father… Alien Father as Satan.

I do not really have to much time any longer or desire to explain how this play works. But I will say that I have already figured it out through the last 17 years of understanding what had been done to my Existence and the Eternal Truth….Eternal Order.

And that to resuce all the fractals of the Original Self, I had to pass through all the portal of the Originals who were evolving independently through enacting out the 1-8 and 1-O principles of Existence by playing characters.

Satan represents the line of Father as well as Mother Great With Spider Cat Woman…

The whole play revolves around retreiving their essential truths from the perversions and mistranslations created by the Human Body as Non Existence being given a voice.

Call it the False Ego versus the True Ego..

And so when I say that the play went to far it is because the perversion went to far and then the Family residing in those principles such as Father and Mother, both of which do not really exist, since in the Eternal realm there in no such thing as Birth or Mother and Father Roles…

They are Principles, which I have explained over and over again through the post and over the years.

This is the story of the Evolution of the Family of Ten who are distinct personalities representing the Ten 55 actually ( Five Five FF 66) Principles…As Expression and Consciousness…

Creations Energy… E.C to C.E…

And yes it is aligned to me name which I did not do or even realize.

53 35… 88… Two Harmonies 7-28..4 28… 11 28… Each is

Time Now 1;28 a.m

Each of the 11 really representing I and I…28 28….

I 28… I 28…. I I 56…. I I 11…

Once again we are at 11 65= 11… 2…11 1…

Enter the play of the Arab Bodega linked to Anthony Bienke who is now two… Anthony Bienke…

A B A. B../ B.A.B.A…Father…

Arab Bodega 17 And 9… Q.I…

Meaning attributed by the deroulement of the Script…

Q we know is Quin linked by te script and by Bed 4-006 and to Marcos Quintero and Albert born the same day and so forth…

Quin means 5 which is the letter E.

Thus Q is E…

And I which is Individuality, its Infinity… 333 C C C… Conscious able below and all around.

Q I is this E.I.

Kyle Murphy told me he say the number 95 15 times today after making a purchase of …95.

He also saw the numers 5.9… in everything even in what he had purchased.

I will let him state the facts of what took place…

He went to Coney Isaland as well as the 911 Memorial.. Ground Zero where he found family there…

And then he went to a Comedy Club…

* Delta Manor is on Beach Avenue.. Beach… Marina is the how once Docks.

She got my food from the pantry today…

Coney Island is C.I..

Memorial is to Remember which Micheal wearing a Militrary Cap confirmed as when he came and sat besides me and slipped what I was to latter dscover was a 20 usd in my pocket.

12 20… L.T… Lorenzo Tripoli…

So I.Q… And Q.I… is I.E/ E.I…

Intelligence Quotient…. Q.I.


The circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine.

In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch’i (About this sound qì) is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity.[1][2][page needed][3][page needed] Qi translates as air and figuratively as material energy, life force, or energy flow.[4] Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong.

There is widespread[quantify] belief in the reality of qi, with believers describing it as a vital energy whose flow must be balanced for health. Qi is a non-scientific, unverified concept,[4][5] which has never been directly observed, and is unrelated to the concept of energy used in science[6][7][8] (vital energy is itself an abandoned scientific notion).[9]’

Joy Armstrong and then Anthony Bienke… 11 64 AND 11 65….

En Joy is representing the feminine masculine aspect of my E blue print of sacred portal 147 A.B. As well as the Scar which I bear a V – representing me as the Beautiful Sadness…

1:47 a.m right now…

So see myself and Anthony Bienke Anthony Bienke x2 aligned and his epression as a perfect articulation of the play.

After solving the riddle of Satan which I simply posted the meaning, I got the coffee 98 from Chris which is Sacred Portal Lady Joy….

98 is 17….so we are going fowards backwards to the correct alignment…

17.. moves to 9… And then 8….

12 +20 USD = 32…

12 20/ 2012… 32 32… 64… 10… 10= 2….

Nne Nna… The charcters who played Mother Father…


When I got back here- there was a play which involed only myself and Ant who witnessed it in with that person caalled Curtis ( he reminds me of some I knew called Cameron) showed character who embodies the worse possible meaning of his name which means Courtesy…

And after the Dragon rose in me.

A play took place of here which was the play of Satana even to Micheal seeking to put doubt in my mind about Kyle Murphy who responded without being fully aware that he was being tested by Micheal not even realizing that he was playing Satan.

Upstairs in the T.V room The two left are Anthony and Bean…


Everything is moving to the Wave of the Truth Manifesting of the Equation Aligned perfectly…

Satan is the Divine order of the Truth rising through the Body through Ground Zero… Nothing is Matter to the Full Circle


Witnessed by teh See and Satan being Santana Dharma where the highest freqencies in existence had to be polished to reach Infinity.

1:59 a.m.

A E I…


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