
1:25 p.m. – 1:26 pm – Sacred Por

1:25 p.m.

1:26 pm

Sacred Portal 125 & 126.





This will be brief,

I, We are at 4566 FaceBook Friends.
45 66


Delta Earth Fiction-Fact.
D.elta E.A- R.S. ( 666-18- 19- 6/6 1+6=7.)
Delta E.A.S… E
Delta E.A.G-E.

I will code 9 new Facebook Friends names.

Judie Danielle J.D

Kevin Joe K.J.

Christian Simmons C.S

Pauline Ethelyn P.E.

Lilly Isabela L.I.

Richard Olamide R.O.

Lucila Sally L.S

Yubaraj Shaikh Y.S

Helena Hope H.H

The Message Intel”

J.D. K.J. C.S.P.E. L.I. R.O.L.S. Y.S. H.H.

The message J.D. ( Judgment Day. 10 4 Terrible Death, S.P. Sacred Portal= 35 C.E ( Stephen Popiotek confirmation yesterday)

R.O.L.S…confirms the Play of 900 South Road closing the house by Liberty C 12-19. S.L)

That should be enough for anyone with Basic intelligence to read.

First Letters, First Name

J.K. C.P. L.R. L.Y.H.

* L.R L is left Right Left.
Y.H. add W. And it is the Yoga Singlet with code W.H.Y/ Y.H.W-VV.

Last Name, First Letter.

D.J. S. E.I.O. S.S.H.

Donna is with J.S and is not here, and E.I.O and SSH. is easy to read ( Elegant Imagery and S.P. 59 Both Full Circle.
SSH means Quiet.

Well you can see why I am pissed off with Nnamdi abit for making this script now corrected so long, it is still simple if you follow the Rays as E Lines, but when meddled with as it was, well it became a mess of ages and a chore.

Miguel the Worker for the Landlord has been replaced by David who arrived today.
So I have met and had interactions with Keith, Miguel, and David.
K.D.M/ M.D.K.
K is Kolo. D.M is Delta Manor, aka Kolo Dark Matter.
It was designed by Nnamdi Line of the past present to be a beautiful educative script, but of course there was one thing unforeseen, which would have been seen by Him and the line of the TEN if he and they as 10 to 1O, had come down here first to design this play of the Human Children. It was a play of perfection and the unforeseen was the power of Human Avatars and their free will and right to chose to be illogical, and to rely on and even hold onto beliefs and traditions- Rites which were alien to common sense.
And hence the power to hold up the play, which is why I am still here aligning and correcting that which by now you could do yourselves with the codes of your own blueprint within you and most of all the changing of the script of 2012 and extended it 10 more years, unheard of.
Hence the truly intense pain now of my body fighting to rise and it being forcibly held up to complete the rest end game in which instead of others joining, the play as was scheduled by Noni Promise line of the 4 Aspect of the family of Ten.
See Sacred portal, they left it for one person to do all alone, and when they, you, finally saw the importance, it was way too late.

2:25 pm
2:26 pm.




Emeka Kim.E.K.= 16/19
Emeka Keith.E.K.
Emeka Miguel.E.M. = 18 R- A.I. N
Emeka David.E.D= EDEN. 54. 9-20

Emeka Beloved. E.B ( not confirmed yet)

2:49 pm Edit.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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