
12:48 pm. – 4-11-20 21. – Hello.

12:48 pm.

4-11-20 21.


I woke up today, carrying with me a quiet boiling rage- I was not sure at first where it came from but it was aligned to the fact that I had still been in the Africa Uwa Story of the Ego Oge play.

I realized it, when Nnaemeka I Ezeuffona, was still keeping me waiting for a money play which I had not asked of him, he had offered over a month ago.
I already knew that he was loyal to that world view- years ago he had recounted how he had the experience of the E Line rising in him and at the same time the Witches and wizards of the Spirit world. And how they were driving him to insanity, madness.

I had worked with him for years on and off.
It was like he would be two-three people.

I had seen and experienced this before.
In people- all over the world, even in my bio family and observed how many became mentally insane, through this internal battle between the then-unknown Eternal rising in people and the Spirit realm of the ancestor of the past, the dead.

I had called it out for years on my page, how humanity was being possessed and that the great War was taking place within humanity.

I spoke of Rachel Sessions who I met in 2011 at Akils Davis. place and how she had completed her University Thesis on this – that the battle would take place inside the Human Body.

It is the very reason that I was sent, abducted into the Spirit World to alert you and to fight for you to become aware of how the true End of the world and apocalypse.

As I had stated that story was not real, and I came for the E Family and not to battle a story that was not even real to me.
But it was real to you, it was the foundation of most of your beliefs- and only by my being forced into your stories, and then I had to temporarily believe those stories, ideas and then re-align them to the E Orginal Version which is how I could extricate you from the ancestors and the Evil Spirits.

I do not wish to repeat or explain this again, since I have said it, posted it non-stop for the last 7-8 years.

This is the play that I can never ever forgive.
Never, sending me into your worlds, into your stories and homes to fight you, and the demons and evil spirits, some of whom are not even evil but simply selfish or so loyal to old ideas but because those ideas were distorted and were lies- it created the Abomination which grew and grew in power.

I did not know why I had to explain this when you have movies, series… remember the series Lost? and Heros?

How could I still be here, still be in the Ego Oge play? of the Forest People… at this point.

The day that Kim’s page was hacked, it was a person with the initials K D 7- D K, from Nigeria who messaged him.

( Yes, it makes me think of K D Lang)

1:11 pm.

Earlier, I noticed on my page, that had a birthday called D K, there were two who had birthdays that day on my page.
I acknowledged only one, and not the D K because it meant that I would have to go to messenger to send a message.
But there was something else.

D K is 4-11 which is Nathaniel Thomas Bywaters’s birthday.
Esteban’s brother, who I met, noting how he wore the Ohm Hat.
He was the one who gave me the most precise and exact intelligence of what I had understood was going on in the Spirit realm – Shamans, wizards, voodoo.
He had studied the Mystic Arts and Science in Paris.
I recognized him- and his intel and his page he looks like Brad Pitt.
Sacred Portal 42 A R D E N- C E C I L I A, S E L F. Meaning of Existence- 42, 42 Judges.. etc…
Had all been completed and confirmed.

Ah, now let me add this of the Bible Story and my arrival here from Augusta Georgia on 4-2-2005.

2:05 pm right now.

*”There are 42 Stations of the Exodus which are the locations visited by the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt, recorded in Numbers 33, with variations also recorded in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in Kabbalistic tradition.”

Arden= 42 – The Story of The Source – Tree Of life- Flower of Life.

K I M= 33. Body.

42 33= 75- 57/75.

Does that not align the Bible Story… at last.
Was this what I was missing the last 42 as the Stations of Exodus.
And the Number in the Kabala system of which God created the Universe?

How was it possible, I was still here, it was driving me to distraction.

We are in the middle of First Contact and I am being distracted by this… this story of the First People Igbo versus the E.
Spirit versus E-Spririt.

So when I saw the D K notice on my page,I paused and then I ignored it, but then saw the K D 7 who messaged Tree Sage before and was linked to Nigeria- Forest People.

I was stunned into quiet.
Then I tried to Tag Liberty, and even tried to contact Ria and, recalled the meddling with Stephan and the plays with Jae and the internet, and the battery, Earth Power.
The Hidden Figures, I B M play- in London.
The Cling Ons- Bugs, infections that stay latent, like syphilis coming out after years, decades sometimes of incubation and hibernation.

Then Sacred Portal 50.
Zebulon- Kim literally had a vision dream recollection of Tom Truman yesterday.
He went by Zebulon street, where his father’s house was just located off.

Hidden Figures, versus H F 86.
The Hidden Figures are the ones using people, using their weakness and laziness, selfishness to wage war to the very end moment.
While the E are not Hidden Figures- they are Transparent, Eternal Truth and have been trying to get your attention since the species became Aware and began Moving towards their intended Manifest Destination.

Episode 7 of The Irregulars was Ecstacy of Death.
*8 The Ecstacy of Life.
8 USD left in my wallet.

Light of Existence.
* I completed watching the series the Irregulars on Netflix yesterday.
episode 7 was The Ecstasy of Death.
But I had 8 USD in my wallet left and had been noting that I was still being compelled to post the money codes left in my wallet…

* I had of course suspected that I was still in the Ego Oge play but it was just too much for me to accept as being possible.
There was no way they could have gone this far, there is no way that the species were that irresponsible… but I knew you were, I had experienced living with you and the laziness…

But It had nothing to do with me, not anymore… I preferred to leave my body than fight any more for a species to evolve who had allowed this possession to happen to them, then told what to do, given proof and still have to remind them, scold you, write posts…

This is was that War, that war promised, that war I had been stated, a war which had nothing to do with me because I am E.

I am bored with T V and getting intel through it.
I am bored with day and night battle going on in my body, and exhausted by it, 24/7 night and day, I am exhausted with sitting at this table night and day as I have done for 20 years night and day 24/7 posting, coding, solving, equating while you are all out doing what you chose and playing.

But when I saw the 8th Episode was aligned to the money in my wallet and the intel which Kim had told me for the last 3 days of seeing the code E 5, E 8, E 1.

Episode 8 of the series of “The Irregulars”( I went back to Net Flix only because of Tree Sage who mentioned that is all for the moment he could access and what he had accessed there gave him a mirror intel of his experience…
Episode 8 was “The Ecstacy of Life”

T E O L/ L O E T.
Light Of Existence T – Transparent Truth.
That is Sacred Portal 97.

And then I could not get Ria Ria after sending her messages and was about to walk away despite my being aware that it did not make sense- she had no reason not to respond.

She sent me a message saying that she did not get any of the messages.

I woke up and almost snapped at Kim, then I explained that I was in a grumpy bad-tempered mood.

And then I saw Nnaemeka’s message, I had prodded him, had to push him to anger, I was aware – he had told me about using the spirit world voodoo, and was paying for the things he required for some rituals.
That alone was told me what I already suspected, knew but from his expression today, I got the proof.
And I realized it was all set up.

Tree Sage showed me what he had posted, it was the Orishas, it was Kelvin K O. it had all the data, and then he showed me another after I told him that the traitor and portal that the Evil Spirits va the ancestors had been going through was Nnaemeka Ezeufonna, who had ranted to me that He was The Maker- The Creator, Kim showed me a image of an afro man Cosmic Anger. Cosmic Rage.

Then he showed me some images from the exhibition Fresh Start which he had made a painting for one of the images showed a man bound by strings, rope…

That’s me, I blurted out.
The cosmic anger and the man bound.

I made contact with Liberty and asked her to send 55 USD.
I knew exactly why, it was 55 E E.

FR E E DOM & Liberty.
F L.

She sent it, in perfect harmony.
Ria Ria I have no other response.
I recived 40 of it from Kim- Tree Sage that is all they gave him.

15 thus remains for him, and I inherit Sacred Portal 40. Africa Uwa story.

8 USD Sacred Portal 8.

And have 48 USD in my wallet.
Making me Beautiful Death as Sacred portal 48.

2:28 pm.

This is how far, you allowed this to go, by the arrogance and conceit of knowing better than one who sent to bring you proof, evidence Facts?
This is how far the play was left to go, in order to recover your Eternal Truth.

This is what even the E Family as Fritz Venneiq as Nature Transformation Quantum of the E Family Nature to Eternal Truth N E T/ T E N allowed this script to go.
Do you have any idea of what has been done to me, day and night rape, betrayal, set ups to trap me, corner me just so that I would rescue the Eternal Truth as you- the All.
What my expression has been transformed into- a Man ranting, calling out, pushed too far, delayed lied to even by the ones evolving to E.

I did not intend to write this post, I had something else to post about First Contact.

After completing “The Irregulars” I had watched another movie and this also had intel about First Contact taking place right now.
I was not interested, not in the intel, not in the plays, not in posting, not in relaying intel or posting.

I have been in a war, a war so vicious since the moment I was born and added was the load, the impossible load of having to wake you up to your potential and make it Kinetic- and then forced into the role of an Elemetary School Teacher in which everything is taken from me, in order for me to do that which I refused to do- Controlled and Forced and sent into moods of rage fury, existential death day and night- while you played…?

2:39 pm.

Nnaemeka I Ezeuffona has made his choice.
Traitor and Betrayal- Nor am I suprised.
Be Loyal to whatever is your truth, but do not try to deceive me or string me along as this play of the Forest People has done- which is why I knew it was moving through him, the last of that play, and they chose a person so stupid in his ego and vanity to do this.

As it was stated in the web site which popped up on my computer 13, 14 years ago, these Creatures do not care about him or you- they made it clear that they did not care if the candidates they chose, went insane and suffered a consequence beyond that which they could conceive.

How these Natural Ancestor betrayed me, in their desire, no matter the cost, to rise to the E- to return to Eden- that they went this far…
That is what has been the most astonishing and disturbing, not those who were willing to use and capitalize on your weakness and ego’s- jealousy, bad manners to make you believe you could challenge the source of Existence because he came as a man to a play in which he was spirited away to rescue his brothers Truth.

In the series The Irregulars, Microsoft Holmes brother, Sherl-Lock Holmes played by Henry Loyd Hughes ( not Howard Hughes- Henry Hughes) dies or vanishes with Alice ( Eileen O’ Higgins) into Purgatory – Death through the rift opened in the Spirit world.
Thier daughters Bea and Jessie, as well as John Watson are lefft behind.
B.J aligned to the middle names of Aurelia. B J.
J W is Wisdom John.
Bea-uty. Jesse- Jessie Macias.

I am Africa – U.W A.
That is me in Sacred Portal 40 as the Winged Being about to take Flight.
But I did not come into this world to enter into the past. The past is the past and you can not change it, I came here for the E Family and to bring forth my Sum Suns Truth as Sol and Pluto.
S P.
merge the two sides of him as the ALL-Y. back to One. I.
And take with me his completed Divine Sacred Feminine back now evolved via Time 4.5 Billion, 13.8 Billion by showing there is no Gap of 9.3 I C.
Via the play of Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo- T C True Clarity.
Which was aligned through a play not meant to have been, using Elementary School.
And their Teachers- Tree of Life.

I am 20 years older than Tree Sage or 22 in the Lie.
T V.
And I have proven Victory even in that play.
As well as Liberty ( for all) evolved to C.
Chris Chrisy.
Chris Cringle.
Santa Claus. Clause- Claws.
Liberty is age code 45.
Jae 45-46.

Sherlock Holmes S H.-( H L H-HH 88)
Alice- ( E O H – 5 O 8. Sacred Portal 5O Ego Oge, 8 USD in my wallet.)

So H H and E O H played by Kim and Liberty in this script
Ria Ria did not respond but Liberty did.
Ferrell Reilly Eric E-Bright.
Defender of Man.

Man is 28.
me 11-28
so there were Two Men in even the children’s story.
Kim Leander.
Arden Ferrell
Autumn- Aurelia-/Jaden.
Arden Jeron.
Emeka Arden.
Emeka Jeron.
Emeka Aurelia Jaden

HLH and E OH as Kim and Liberty and Kim – L.K. and her now as C K.

H H E H.
Middle O L…E!
Sacred Portal 50 The Bull and the Maat a Door “Matador”
E L O… V E.
In the E version K L and T Lwere not sent out as Collateral Damage, for the reasons suggested in the series
Libert Tom.
Tom means Twin.
11 is the Twin 11.
Jon John = 10 10. 1.
11 Kim.

3:20 pm.

T L= 20 12= 32.
K L= 23.

32 23 = 5 5. E E

Do you see why I had to ask from Liberty 55 USD?

E/E=1. A. E= 1 E=8

This is not what I had intended to post today.
Yet it was all set up, even the post and words, I now have to add in another post.

Evolution and your awakening was not worth such a play which I have endured.
It was Selfish.
In which Selfisheness to such an extreme was used- which created Evil, Evil which became self animated and Intelligent.. but not Conscious because CONSCIOUSNESS= 175 Q.E/ E Q aligns to me.
And if you are Conscious it means you can Cee at the Speed of Light, and if you can not, C is Create, Compassion- Passion to rise to be, then you simply do not exist.
And if in desperation you used evil, to get me to do that which you felt I could do, only I could no, while you sat back and did nothing, some of you not even bothering to respond- then tells me everything I already knew.

That you do not exist.

For this is the War created, to distract you from that which is really taking place, right under your very noses.

F “I” R S T.= 72 – I= 9 is 63.

C – O N T A-C T. = 76


See Sacred Portal 76.

the First 123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening.
How can you be sure, the only way is if you were there in the Eternal Begining as I One, and I I Two.
coming back with the Third I who was not there in the eternal beginning but was a Beautiful Illusion a Beautiful I.D.E A.

Which is why I had to be Ferrell.
Kim- Ferrell.
and Liberty evolved to C.
J.O .D.I F O S T E R.

F C.

J F.


J C in the Sacred Feminine.

3:30 pm.

This is not a play of you Rising, but Destruction.
What remains after, is what aligns to me like the Phoenix Bird- manifested in 2010 in the presences of Fritz Venneiq.
Rising From the A S H E S and from the I C E A G E.
F R . O Z.E.N.

3:42 pm.

3:45 pm.

It wasn’t worth it.

No Trust.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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