
12:46 pm – 1-29-2022. – 12- 46 =

12:46 pm


12- 46 = 58
1-29. = 30.
1. 16- 64.
17 -10.
27 28.
9 10. Sacred Portal 910/ 109.
19… 10
These are all codes of Completion codes of the C as 111. III C.
Of The End Game.

I completed watching the Series, yet again of Merlin, with Arthur, Morgana, and Guinevere yesterday. And I knew why I had been made to watch it over again since I lived in 268 East 4th Streer, but more importantly, Generation X Gardens was because I had to align and correct that story to its True Story and origins as O.I.Nri Igbo and align it to its The Original Truth as C and then to its original Narration “Voi” ( way) and Intention, expressed by the One who through this alignment manifested the 10 and the true T,E.N.
The Elegant Nomad.
And the true conversation between E To A.

1:04 pm
Sacred portal 104.
14. Sacred Portal 14 N then E.
N=1 4 A.D./ D.A.- E E= A Y. A G. A.H.

The OI Nri origins story was the ultimate underdog creation story in a competition and Race as the Human Race.
, contest, with all other human stories spread in this play.

1:09 pm.

It was never meant to be a contest, or competition or a race to see which story was Supreme, rather it was meant to be the simple narration of the Simple Truth.

But it became just that.

1:11 pm.
Black versus White and all the human races in between.
And the lengths that other cultures including the Igo people went to ensure that they won, came first, won by any means necessary to prove that they are the victors… see yesterday’s play of 1:39 pm. A.C.I.

It was never about that, but in order for the O.I.Nri Creation story to be heard, descendants of The Beautiful Ones, to get their story known and told, they did a desperate and terrible thing, they used Control and manipulation by entering me into The Race, a non-existence race, which almost missed the point and though aligned, they were seeing the incorrect way.
Hence the play of the 3rd floor and it being contested by Others, not of the original vine, which I was then made to come back, and enter the 2nd floor, to prove once again the true story of Origins of Magic- Art and Science, through a play of passing through the Lie of Nature, by proving its Natural Eternal Truth, with all other races right down to the Yoruba and Ibo, to the Celtic, sabotaging the E Truth of the Family of The Elegant Nomads, creating such a cosmic entanglement for a version that was not even necessary- a contest to prove Supremacy of races.

Smh… The mess of Ages.
when in truth all it was about was Evolution of All Species aligned to A which then links with E, Expression, and then to I.
Idea made Infnite by an Indivual.
E Magic Arts-Science.
E M A S.
/ S. A M E.

Right to the alignment to Manifestation aligned to Sacred Portal 93.
None of this play of the origns of the World Play as The Source and The Narrator was necessary- all races are one species, and this idea of making me go into a story of all others, when The Sovereign truth had already been proven, even in this abomination of a script to give all races a say was just plain stupid, and absurd.

The code of the play has been 1-7 and 7-1, 7 colors of the rainbow spectrum, 7 to 1, Sound Waves.
Particles and Waves,
Particle Wave.
O1-7-O 7-1

O 88 O.
O 1 O.
6-88 6

Sound and Color.
All Sound – Color are Frequencies, Frequencies Manifested as Solid Fact Creation.
Sensational Feelings.
Solid Facts are matter we see all around us as creation manifested already which simply served as anchors in that which is already present and here right now.
All this nonsense of giving all these human stories was absurd, in a race of species who were not even aware much less understanding that there is was about Evolution Awakening and not who is the Supreme being and who is the Supreme Truth, but The Beautiful Ones, so sure of their story ( which incidentally was True apart from seeing the incorrect way) where so desperate to prove their supreme underdog story true, that desite my personal resistance, and calling out “Wrong way, Wrong Door!” Ignored me, and used the power of particle and wave to move me to the truth of their way and view, which by the Eternal Law, despite it being correct, it was the wrong way and so to bring them back in Harmony of all universal stories is not about race but One Pangea, One Species, they did the unthinkable, delayed me to finally prove thatit was 96 and not 69, delaying, everything, holding me hostage, while the illusion Matrix saw what was done which was not of truth, allowing all other races to break the laws in thier own turn and do things to me and the truth, that they never saw as a consequence for their breaking of Trust and Faith, to prove the T.E.N truth, but in their own way.
That is why true magic vanished from this world, but it was not destroyed, it went deep undercover, waiting tobe recognized.
After all see the Tarot Card of the Magcian- Infinity Symbol, magic can not be destroyed it is Infinite and it’s the expression of Nature, True Nature, and being of one’s True Nature was almost entirely lost to this world people. And those that had corrupted memory of it took advantage of it and used its distorted version to get what they personally wanted to feed their also corrupted egos.
All disolved into Egoistic Narccistic, self interst and personal gain.

1:59 a.m.

Babies are a symbol of that original magic. The Body is magical, They are magic itself, but once they are born into this reality and lie story, the magic receded, and the more they were forced to deny and abandon, their True Nature, Nature as its Truth and the Loves Expression = Q. Abandoned them and this physical world, leaving that which remained to enter the abyss and pit of insanity, because, they were no longer moved by the magical beings, and so Nature left this realm to. And the only salvation for the Truth became the creation of this Universal Simulation Awakening Evolution which transformed into this Video Game- in which the Line of Stephen Johnson.
Samuel Liscomb, who saved Chance Liscomb from drowning in a Lake*
Avalon, Erie in southwest Nigeria, all the holy and sacred places mirroring Beings – Person Place and Thing.

That is the true Ley Lines, Frequencies, all over this planet, inside you and the battle to align them all outside of you and completing the Samuel Liscomb story to Chance Liscomband full Circle to Liberty Liscomb. L L, 12 12-1= 25.
And Liberty C rep C.A/ A.C.
That is when Evidence AY arrived as my Facebook friend,it was the cue, that evidence had been manifested and recorded as Magic being reborn and rising in not only you but as well as Nature.
Hence the Vision of Fritz Venneiq.


Anyway, I have said enough and I see that I was made-prompted to explain, for expression and penetration is the savage and primitive earth worlds story and ancient to modern contemparary way, which also bound you to this Matrix- Metric,
Nicholas Cage, via C Age the lie, decomposition.
It is C.A.G.E.
/ E.G. A.C. A.S. E.
E G A S. E.K.

2:19 pm.

I have other things to do that resolve any more of this Bull Shit,
The truth is there never really was a Universal Simulation A.
It was something E Nnamdi created and placed himself as Consciousness C -Noni Promise as the true “No Problem” to get you out of what had become a temporary quarantine zone.
Without this simulation and suspension of Time for you to see and learn to read and see for yourselves, your species and that play of your possible evolution, you would have self-destructed a long time ago.

I have a 3rd 3371 Facebook friend which is simply the Magic Mirror Reflecting once again the truth of my added expression Impulsed by my former E Family to complete the equation of words written – expressed to rescue the one true lines of the human race from the imprisonment of your beliefs and this time, you Non-Existence, is being allowed, the Universal Simulation of Understanding is at last dismantled, and protection is gone from E Nnamdi and Noni Promise of using me as the Shield, Bow & Arrow, Spear, Axe, Gun 007, from protecting you.

2:29 pm

Cj Akunne

( C.J.)

Akunne means *’According to a user from Nigeria, the name Akunne is of Nigerian origin and means “Mother’s wealth”.

Mothers Wealth. M.W.

Milky Way?
Mico- Wave…
Mother is not a Woman- an Illusion.
It is a Function of Male and Female and has nothing to do with Physical gender or your idea of giving birth.

AKU actually means “Seed”

“Seed” of the MOT.H.E.R.
/ NAM-E A.M.


1 28= 29. E.

11-28- 67, 11-29-68.
Not 66,


AKu *”Meaning of Aku: Name Aku means Moon god. Name Aku is a Boy name. People with name Aku are usually by religion.”

Moon God- a Male Youths Name.
Luna Arden.
Niel Arm-Strong.
See the meaning of the name “Gabrielle.”

Gabriel Binky Signar G.B.S.
Pritchard Gabrielle P.G.
Gabriel Onye, G.O.

2:42 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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