
12:45 p.m.

12:45 p.m.


L D E… A B D E…

L W. T R.

It is the awakening.

It has started.

So I have kept my promise to the World and all the people whom I encountered through the years.

I brought the Truth, I told the Truth…

Over and over again.

I did not lie, as so many of the people in this this world do, even when they are so sure that they have the Truth.

But the Truth is that which manifest for all to see.

Like making water… making it rain.


I have had a few days a relative quiet, since Stephen and the gang went off to take part in an Ahuasca Ceremony at a place called I C E C…

My body is still morphing moving, reforming inside- a feeling which I can not even begin to describe.

How I yearn to see the end result, to have my body back, but now evolved. I feel it, in moments when it my body momentarily aligns, and I feel it, what it is fighting to rise to. It is incredible what it feels like- a true Evolved Body, incredible in how it all comes together.

I have been eager to view the results.. meant to be the final chapter in this epic battle of my life…

Coding Evolution and the Awakening manually and through Conversations, Equating Equations. solving riddles and placing all the pieces of the fractals together.

Fractaling As Emeka Eze.. F A.. E E… You see.. ?

My facebook friends names, each represent the plan and the play- acting like Guides and indicators … even road signs which illuminate for the audience what I am doing be being in this Script.

F A H… T L E…

That is the code on Sarah Athena’s car parked in front of Stephens home.

Its the awakening and this is Evolution.

It has been recognized for what it is.

Stephen Filgueira has witnessed it, and that is the message which Joseph Byron sent me.

This is not how I saw it happening, not this level of manual labor required do be done alone.

I would have said such a task would be impossible, for one person to do alone, manually explaining, posting linking, weaving fighting things which should not exist or be named.

This is not the play I designed, by I recognize the pieces of my Original expression which I expressed over the years as the Truth and then on Facebook in the first years I was on it, echoed back to me through people place things, adding the point of view of the Eternal parts of yourselves evolving seperate and apart from the Original E.

It became unrecognizable because it was filtered through Nature and Time…

The stories, so many creation stories, ideas, philsophies, myths- all containing the seed of Truth, the Fil Thread ..

and the task was to find a the Common thread which linked them all. Commonsense Reason and Energy Eternity.

C R E E..

Creation C.

My war has been to keep that Common Thread alive as the Ideas of Time fought me, the Beings of the Astral Plane, teh Humans Attached to ridiculous Ideas which most now follow and sustain out of Habit.

I met up with Sarah Kaizer ( Athena) yesterday.

I was taken to breakfast by her, the first time anyone here apart from Stephen Filgueira has invited me out, to have me share intel and explain the codes and listen to the confirmation each person has.

Stephen and Sarah… S S..

Both where at Vermont the 14th State and Nathaniel Thomas Bywater told me that he is going there.

Joshua Bywater just got back from Portugal…

All these places they are coming and going from have meaning.

I know the meaning…

I know why Aaron Weston has moved into a place on 511 Farmighton Ave.

I truly know Everything… It is easy to know everything, anyone can because this whole thing is a BOOK..


And a book is a story which has a beginning and end, and everyone, anyone who can read, can see where it is going and understand the beginning 4.5 billion years ago, just as the Universe began 13.8 million years ago.

4.5 is D.E.. Add ( See meaning of the name Joseph) 9…

I.. 9 is the Highest number of Matter 1-9 before it moves to O the Circle of Completion, not 0…Zero which we all know does not exist… Nothingness contains something as we all know.

4 4 4 4 4.. 5 -4= 20…. 29…

29 years since I began recording this reality and consequently proving this is not reality but a Hologram, in my journals called Talking To The Silence.. 1989.

13.8 is M H… Add… 21.. U…Universe.. 3..C..Speed of Light.

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13..8… is 104…14…N.

C.N O…

The Full Circle …which equates to Pi…

Represented in Stephen Filgueira who is representing the World coming back to its Senses – and in his Family Line of Body and Spirit ( B S.. 2 19.. Whitney House… Whitney Houston.. Houston N.A.S.A…)

Christopher Filgueira

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

O the full Circle Complete.

C N O… 3.14 15…16… P… Perfection attained as Two Harmonies linked. 88 16…64… 16 64= 80…

8 16 84 Is Stephen Filgueira


On March 4, 1791, Vermont became the 14th state to ratify the Constitution of the United States. On June 1, 1792, Kentucky became the 15th state to join and on June 1, 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state of the Union.

Kentucky is already aligned through the play of the Kentucky Derby play of The Triple Crown American Pharoah ( and yes it is a code.. AM ER IC A H… P H A.R.. O-A.H!)

And Justify…in 2015 and 2018… while I was undercover facing the Nature Lines as Human Stories, beliefs through out time challenging my truth of the Origins of Humanity.

Humans and their Spirits… which are not E-Spirits because they;re truth had not yet been certified, confirmed and affirmed that they those expression as true)

16th State is Tennessee… Link Kyle Murphy Tennesse andthe play of Elvis Presley – Graceland.

I have played the game of the American Pharoah – linked rep bt Stephen Filgueira line, as well as having Justified my expression.

Which is why I was finally released for a total of 29 months in the Shelter System, 27 months without break and 25 at Delta Manor… to reach my Mother Line as who represents the C of Six Sense F..

*Cecil Name Meaning. Welsh (Monmouthshire): from the Old Welsh personal name Seisyllt, an altered form of the Latin name Sextilius, a derivative of Sextus meaning ‘sixth’. The spelling has been modified as a result of folk etymological association with the Latin name C(a)ecilius, a derivative of caecus ‘blind’.

Kyle Murphy.

Elvis Visi…. E V..

Merge: K .E… M V…/ V M.. Venus Mercury… E.K…

Emeka Kolo. 5 11… 16…88..2(8) I was born 11-28..6 O.. 66-69.

V M…Victorious Manifestor… 22 13… 35… C.E.

14 Vermont.

15 Kentucky

16 Tennesse…

V K T…

V=22..K=11… T= 20…

22 11 20… 20/ 02… 11 22…

* 11 22 is my Mothers Birthday Cecilia.., as well as that as my Brothers Spirit as David Roman Nicholas.. Cecilai David.

Meaning 6th Sense is Blind,

C D… Cecila David… meaning 6th Sense is the Beloved.. Guide

3 4= 7… G… 3 3 3 3… 12… L… 7 12= 19…S..

Stephen born 1984…

I posted over 8 years ago that my true birth age portal of my landing for the first time in this realm as 1984.

1984.. 19.. S.. 8.. H… 4..D…

Supreme Harmony David Beloved

This was a play and game of Sixth Sense moved and aligned to 6=F… Fact and then 6 6 6… Forms … Proton Electron Neutron 6 6 6.. P E N…

Stephen was allowed to keep his Pen after an adventure in Buffalo New York…

O P E N… 666 thus forms 18…

Which was my last bed number before I found Stephe and we linked from where he was at Hawaii the 50 State perfectly reflecting not only the E.O play as Eternity Infinity, but also Eo.. meaning Dawn.

I left room 4B..( D B) Bed 4-018../19… Recall it was formely 4-019 and then suddenly was changed to 4-018)

O P E N.. Open Center…. Stephen Filgueira has been builing one which is 24/7..

Seven Eleven.. 7 11… Always Open.. A O…

Stephen Emeka… S E… 19 5… Emeka Stephan E S… P..

E S ..F…

Perfection = Solid Facts…

E S… 5 19… The first bed assigned to me at the Delta Manor Shelter, after I moved from the BRC Assessment Shelter bed 007, was Bed 5-019.. Eos.. Dawn.

2:27 p.m.

618… Code of Sarah’s Car parked infront while she is at Florida the 27th State… The Sunshine State..

61 8… 6 18… FA..H.. F R… 55.. E E… Thus based on the alignment of the movement through numbers me from bed 5-019 and 27 months later to bed 4-019/ 18…

5-4… 9…

4 5… 9…

April 5th Nnamdi 1969… Passed..

May 4th… Emeka 1996…Present… *1996 Met Jay at the Collection Swedish Restaraunt in London.

It means that Earth 4.5 Billion yearsold is really the manifest Reflection of the original expression of its source 5-4…

April May… A..M.

May April… M A…

Add 45… 9.. I… I I… Isabelle Ilic portal I passed through… I I.. 9 9.. Ikenna Iheanacho.. I I… 18… 9… And 4 I;s…9 4… I.D..

13.. M…4… D… M D…Manifest Destination…

9 4.. 36… C F… Christopher Filgueira …

360… 36O… O… 9…I.

MA I…. I…

I A .M…I D… Manifest Destination… is I… E K… I..

Arrival at Delta Manor 9-16-2016… I P Address T P… True Perfection…

Found the letter P Magnet in my locker bed 3-002…

Color was Light Blue… L B… Brooke Lee Lemery..

See sacred portal 5… Which completes Evolution of Consciousnes portal depicted in sacred portal 14…

5 14… 19… S… 10… J.Balance… 1 O.. A..

E K..= 511… P…. Patrick Okolo play Light blue letter P.

S Stephen… Sarah… SF..Sensational Feelings…

J…Joseph Byron.. 10 2… 12… 3.. C…

A.O… Alexander .. Andrew Filgueria..

12-14… L N… C E…

Completion of N.. Link Strawberry .. nick name for Nathaniel Thomas Bywater ..completion of S C N..O… Supreme Pi…

I P Address Man.

The Car which Sarah and I Observed as we left number 29 was code J B Z…9370… J B… A-Z… 93.. I C… 7 O… ( C D 3+4=7.. Crown Chakra .. C C.. 33 Oregon.. 33rd State.. Stephen was there during the Total Solar Eclipse…

Stephen means Crown.. Crown

7th Note Ti…

7color is Purple.. P..

T P/ P T…

Violet… T V//V.T…

Indigo… T I/ I T… 9 20/ 20 9…

Indigo.. Purple.. I P… Address 6th-7th Colors..

7O.. Completion of The Crown Chakra 7 Full Circle of Universe and World Play.

7O… O is15th letter.. summarized as 5 1.. Blue Red.

* I recieved to messages yesterday on waking… first from Chiefy Kim Arthur Hines… Tree Sage…

And from Joseph Byron and I saw a message from Peter Bragino.

Treesaid he saw 5 Blue Jays.. B J… ( See the Play in which the books by Cornelia Funke were used.. Ink Spell.. Ink Heart.. Ink Death… I S I H .. I D…

The Main Characters live in this world and a another world called the spirit realm of Fanatsy.. Two Realities Fiction Fantasy..F F.. But none of them is actualy Fact…

Only by merging them can you Cee..( F F 66 12..3.. C) Become Conscious of what is fact…

The main characters is a Man called Mortimer which means Death.. who has a literal Silver Tongue- which allows him to manifest stories through his Voice ( 5th Note Sol.. Sol-Feggio) to manifest things he reads and speaks into being..

His wife is stolen from him by beings of the alternate Universe of Fantasy and he embraks on a mission to find her.. Resa is her name.. Resin. Mortimer Resin… M R…

Rays McKayla.. Mackayla.. M R…

and they have a Daughter who is truly gifted…

Mortimer is a book binder in this world but in the other world he is an Heroic Character- a sort of Robin Hood who has to encounter Death – a Woman and enter Her Play…

Anamla Qayin was that representation for me of that play of me as Blue Jay.. while I was still playing James Bond…

Ahuasca.. is used as so many other Tools of Nature ( Nature Mort… Nature Numbers.. Drowning by Numbers..in Numbers.. )

I already have the Truth of Natures play acted out in Instanbul through my last production in Istanbul Turkey.. I T.. 92O/ 29O…

*Joshua Bywater recently visited Istanbul and Portugal..

I P…

I used Ahu Yagtu as the seed of Woman Evolving to the 5th Element and Volga Yildiz as the 5th Dimensional Man already present in this world as the contemporary Man.

That was in 2000, after the aborted Festival of Sharing on the Black Island B.I..

*( Please recall Nenad M.Djurdevich.. Bergamo Italy.. B;I… 29…

and 29 years ago I began Traveling and documenting my travels through the constant moving and meeting people and hearing their stories and documenting them- Moving through Individual Peoples Hearts Truth and Lies…

I just wish to point out how long I have been following the Trail through Humans stories and the Eternal Truth in them…)

– I Knew the way through the True Seven portals,Dimensions, Frequencies of Natures Colors manifested through Solfeggio Sound.. of a Hue man Voice…

I remembered and the Universe as Nature confirmed it through constant Confirmation Response

C R… Cathoid Ray.

I know the way through Deaths Maze..

But I was forced to go the long long impossible way- through your beliefs.. expressed through Time.

I was never the Witch Doctor, Dibia, Warlock which I was cast as without my permission by the Ancestors who live just beyond the veil of the flesh consciousness…

Instead I had to pass though all this Customs Traditions, Rituals none of them True…and yet made to seem true and real by people enacting out these rituals over and over again and powering it with their energy of belief. This is why they could not become real or escape the Labyrinth of Nature Mort. The inner realm – the parallel universe of the Outter World..

I moved through nature as A Man and as a Black Panther Leopard.. The Original Father- Mother Nature…

See Jeff Sullivan’s Ophiuchus Aclepius..

See my post of which for years I proved how I came through the forest as Destruction in the play of the Eternal Begining…

See the Truck with the Black Panther which appeared while I was at the Motel Grant Moor, in front of the Panera.. ‘Pan ERA…/ A R E N A.P…

I moved with 6th Sense and I checked the Facts and Figures…

6 F F.. 6 6 6.. and linked itt all to 18=R… Reason… infrot of you all and then to Individuals – Snow Flake… John Newman at 219 Whitney House…

F A. H… TL.E… Sarah Athena… S A.. R.. A.H… AT.. H E N-A.H) K A I Z E.. R I S E..

Isabelle Sullivan Evans I S E…

Its a play of words and numbers… Childs play my codes…

3:42 p/m

C ..Sacred Portal 42… OHM..

F A H… F R E E… T L.. 20 12… 32… C B ( Consciousness Beauty) .. 5… E.

Sarah and I had lunch, she told me of a person close to her who saw her page and my writing on it and asked if I she was in a cult.

The Sword and quiet steely response she enacted how she responded to such a poisonous expression which people use every day to negate the expressions of which they have no clue… Nor do they even investigate

I was please and somewhat surprised by the quiet vehemence and indignation of her response to this person.

It was an insult to me and to her, because as she stated in shines a light on that person believing her dumb enough to join a cult and not being a person of her own mind…

And to me she looked at me

Yes, I have fought that insanity of those who make such judgments and then act on it, without even investigating the Facts…

She spoke of how she saw reality as Linear in order to make sense of it.. moving from A-B.. Because of an experience at the age 6-7 with her grandfathers Death.. who was called Murray…

I felt sadness for her and pride after all she went through all the ills which Americans and Humans excuse their inability to rise because of all the things they were given from pharmaceuticals to alcohol to trauma, I listened to Sarah’s story and saw how she had done that entire journey in two years from Obesity to drug free, to all those ills which come from a PT.S.D.. One in which she was not given all the fact- but she took responsibility and from 2016 till now became the slim persons with all her eggs lined up in a row- that she could see with the clarity of the Sword..S-WORD.. In Clarity not only how my codes work but even my point of view and have outrage and empathy .. and incredulity at what I am experiencing after all I have shared, at the hands of the Human Race.

Ah, I told her that she was really representing the Sword of Athena, and the cutting out the excuse of Men and Women.. M W.. Of the MW Milky Way… Who did not do thier homework. did not need me to do this journey of Evidence and Proof, and even after doing this.. They treated me in such a way in Response..

No respect, now awe.. I do not need thier respect awe or appreciation gratitude … rather I was just quietly stunned because even I feel awe at what I have done..

Awe, because looking at what I have endured subjectively and risen above from ( constant ideas imposed upon me to endure Misery Suffering and Pain) – I could step out of myself and objectively view my expression as Purest ego projected and view that person as not me, and good lord, I am awed.

– And I know that is the natural response to such feats..

No, I said, you were in a story playing Athena Goddessof Wisdom’s Avatar Descendant – bring her Truth to expressions like teh line of my sisters rising to my defence at this outrage…

It took her Two years to solve the riddles of the ailments of the World…and she is only 30 years old.

Sarah and Stephen represent the world restored to their senses…Fellings Sensational… S.K.. Science means To Know…

Both expressed indignation and he incredulity and disbelief, she was not suprised.. At the nature of people of this Non existent world of 10101010…

55 Code of the World… @ Flora Restaurant

Stephen Filgueira represents in this play, the world coming back to its Senses and Sensies Supreme..

See sacred portal 87…

It represents bringing the World back to what it was intended to be.

Christopher Filgueira was born 12-14-1987…

S S… C C E E….BB A A… D D F F G G H H…I I …Infinite…

K.B… is a code.. Kelsie Bissell..

K=11..B.2… 11 represents the Dopplegangers… Parrallel Universes.. Andromeda Milky Way… AND ROME.. .D.A.

/ A.D. E MOR…DNA… E Moor.. is Energy is Black…

Sarah sat the whole time under the letter E on a sign which read REPEAT She sat under the 4th Letter and the 2nd E…

4 2.. E..

And when we drove back and she took a cab to the airport..

An Uber 7742 Z…

I knew it was the end of the Story of Life And Death as Duality…

Sarah last link in the code of Sacred Portal 37.. Professor of Art and Beauty. Source of 5th Element S.H.E…

4:15 pm. D O N N A… Means Lady Sophia( Wisdom) Lauren Crowned.

4;16 p.m

Dawn Pierces…


She was off to Rayz Beach Florida…

27th state.. an age code she spoke about to me when Change came to her and she decided to change her life…

By using Choice and Free Correctly… using it as a Tool and Gift forged on the Anvil and Hammer in the Ear of hearig…

And so the Sword of Truth was forged by paying attenting Listenig Hearing and following the line of Logic and its Facts.. Reason.. to move from A to B..and finally the Apex of the Triangle.. to C..

The Full Circle… S S.. forms 8..

The Infinite Harmony ( Not Misery)

of Being Supreme…

Beings Supreme


2 19…

21.. U…

3… C..

I C E C /

C E C I.. L I A….H…

6th Sense..




Vermont Kentucky. ..Tennessee..

22 11 Thanks Giving Day…

20.. 2O… T.B…

Strawberry Fields of Forever…

Representing two being in ONE Being…

of the Beautiful Truth of E.

Existence.. is Beautiful.. Eternal..

to Exist means to Be… To Live.. is Existence Being…

Doing Flowing .. O M.. H O ME… H O M M E MAN..

A-Z.A… Full Circle…

Erik Ebright… 2016…

E E..

F R E E.. W O R L D..

F R E E P E O P L E TO BE .. AS I..

IN. DI V I,D…U A LS OF THE Full Circle of All…

4:29 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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