
12:45 am – 12:46 a.m. – I am not

12:45 am

12:46 a.m.

I am not going into the set-up which manifested this last Facebook Friend.

Again, we are the true end of this play theater of is this true or false.

The play was incited by Jae Sherman, I had already known that her self-programing would have to respond.’

I coded it all already, so this is not that interesting.
But I heard her making noise in the Kitchen- It is about getting attention and making a show of being able to sit in the Kitchen…

Yes, to get away from her and by the common sense of the two police officers, who came last time- Space =, privacy and at least basic human respect.

But its the end of the story- it is manifesting, and though tired, but chill- hence Chillwil Musix, I saw a face- Jae face turn into a rat as I watched the film I am watching.

It was not a Rat, au natural, it was a carton character- the kind of creation when they say “He is like dirty rat, abd the person is, and is set in that mold and not only can seem to get out, but is too lazy in that mode- until realizing that is they way of being that is who they are.

The sounds she was intentionally making, are that play of silence, solitude- passive-aggressive to get attention.

It is loneliness, and as I watched T.V and aware that Jae had been watching and was aware when I cook,
She does not stay up or eat late, so I noted her pattern change.

12:57 pm.

To be honest, I do not wish to talk about her play, except I got up when I saw the Woman, an old librarian, I knew when I was doing my research on The Elegant Nomad.
I had written scathingly about her trying to speak to me condescendingly at the Brooklyn Public Libary at Fort Green.

So, impatient, and yes I was going to get my food, I was not disturbed, I had made my dinner and I knew she would lie in weight to play out the drama that she had created in her head, transforming that which is perfectly clear and twisting in her head, using all the negative expression of human modern reality, and…

I really do not wish to write now, the truth is I simply out there and enacted out a roar, and the play scene began, and since it is the finale, I spoke about what she was doing and had been doing, – creating plays of Diversion, Illusion.

1:04 a.m.

Sacred Portal 104. Terrible Death.

Donna O Sullivan who is married to Jon Delguidce Blackwell, Donna has a daughter, her name is Sophie.
Go Back to my post in 2015-2016.

Donna, who Jae calls her chosen mother… And yes the Blue Jae’s appearing…
Who is Jae when the Donna Sullivan? S.D, whose house I left 9 months to the day her Father Robert O’Sullivan was born. ( R.O.S…E)
D.S Fathers Birth, S.D.
I had already started and then made to prove that Jae Sherman is a simulation- Flesh…

A Spy- a program…

I could not help but begin to tell her how all her plays are set up and set at repeat, she the natural denial adding even retaliations,
But I was done, but more quietly furious, I was almost trembling when I realized this was a setup, a play of, not only what I recognized in moments when she came like projections sent to me to anaylze.
And then I saw her, the Rat Librarian at Fort Gree, and I was calm as I found myself engaging her for a moment and recognizing gradually what the scene, was leading to as scripted.
She left after saying she was recording and then as I watched her act and try to steer the conversation to her intention- for an audience she would play it for, with intention, I wanted to almost splutter its the awakening, you know this and on cue, you are finally reacting.
It’s real.
Suddenly all this data-filled my head, she has read the data, she is programmed to negate, undermine every conceivable but sub-level play.

I have lived here with her for what 14 months.
I have observed all her plays, all her responses, where it comes from but most of all the robot-like repetitious diversions.
It was a Rat on the hamster wheel, a Rat Race going around and around.

She soon left when I was now addressing her recording phone and the data the understanding I was processing and now on a thread that went to its conclusion what this was all about… The Two Black Holes… Even this, at this point, is a playtheater.

That is what made me finally ground to halt, and I promised myself that I would not code this, it was set up, it was written and created. all to see my reaction and how I would handle what hey knew and they could see what Jae was doing and using the darkest human plays- “Hidden Intent”

There is knowledge of the Disease, the use of Air-waves, and Denial and Negation – the kind where an Ostrich thinks it is hiding by placing its head in a hole.

The Data which unravelled in me as she left and I continued to speak while dealing with the creeping truth that this was the set up for the end when I was meant to be my most Vulnerable?
When the evidence of Evolution Awakening is right around the corner, people’s attention gripped, the ones who all this was designated for…

This would be the moment to strike.
And then create this…expression.

They use her and most of the lifeless meat bodies, but it was the sickness used in people, and this being part of the play script, the tactics.

I was meant to write my conclusion and draw out the well of knowledge and non-existence, Garbage even with this… silliness, human pettiness which sends them out of Existence.

You want me to document this, record this.. you set this up…
Who? what…

1:33 a.m.

133 Extinction- for Evolution.

I will maybe talk about all that was clarified today and this last efforts to deny and negate the truth of the Awakening Evolution,
But right now, I do not wish to speak about this…
The Stupidity, The Evil Rat Race, and what was done to them, you.

You will see it all coded already and this is like the ribbon…

It is too bad, to evil, I mean truly, truly evil, insidious, diabolical.
And.. Excuse me. she has no power, it’s just the plays she was used to enacting, and I was manipulated to be part of that scene- that act.

I am quiet now, my scene is over, I understand the full circle of Negation O Full Circle back to 0 then Dot and fade out, yes, their is Knowledge but there are somethings better than knowledge- It Good Taste, Manners, making someone hold on to a truth so hard fought for and proven with Evidence AY, to go back and create yet another creepy, filthy play set up- even with this one using setups, lies, and deception, to frame others to get what she, they want.
The way they twist the truth already proven before their own eyes… but to create a scene, set it up so that I would be in it, act in it?

1:44 pm
144 Asshole Masters…


I have seen enough of that which has earned you a consequence never manifested.
I know what I said, I know what I coded these last 10-11 years. I hold onto every word I said, including the interest that will be paid, in the true manifest Hells KItchen you will get when you open your eyes.

This is why the E-Family of the 10 can never be as they were intended, Eternal and Immortal after they awaken.

1:48 a.m,

See my latest Facebook friend, Chigozie Ezeilo 10 Mutal Facebook Friend.

As you can see this entire”Life” you are in, was all programmed.
It is not a new concept, it is on western Television and film for decades.
But no one could identify the true Worm.

Smh- this is about Sacred Portal 127 B. ( Must I even code this!?)
I knew Professor Ezeilo and his two sons, Their Father was an award-winning mathematician, and the sons when to the same boarding school as I,
Each brilliant in their own ways. Pianists too.

Chigozie Ezeilo. C.E.

1:56 pm.

Yes, Stephen Johnson, Humans evolve to Hue-Mans… But the Cost, Price…Pay Ten. Pay Bill, Pamela Bills.

1:58 pm.

See How far this has gone way beyond “I can not confirm or deny”

1:59 a.m.

Just too much Bull Shit.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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