
12:43 PM

12:43 pm


The Power of Story Telling.


(The Point O SupremeTransparency


( 2019 O Perfect Timing)

Not the Power of Myth or Math

Rather, It Is.

The Power of Expression as Beautiful Truth.

Such has nothing to Prove, Teach, Lecture…

It simply IS.


It would be an understatement to point out how much it has been a surprise to me personally, that I found myself, placed in the position of decoding reality, proving that it is not real and then being forced to teach the way I see, perceive reality; Proving it, while Teaching at the same time.

And that my own Freedom and Liberty was bound, tied to my teaching it to you all that my truth is real.

In one way, one can see it as a tutorial, and indoctrination of seamen residing in the Cosmic Egg, Elegant Nomads, fetuses traveling through space to their destination.

from insemination to the journey in the Spaceship as the Cosmic Egg and within that Cosmic egg is the entire journey of human evolution from an illusion or Dreaming trance of being born and then the journeying through an idea of life.

But you are still in the Space ship- A Heart, that Cosmic Egg- but you do not realize it, that your entire world, the universe is a Space ship and that all the experiencing which you are going through is a school, moving you through the stages and all the possibilities of what life could be, and you’re having to discern that which true and that which is false.

A literal Simulation of Life- really non-existence… death- with an entire species, each individually moving through the experience of the collective and the Individual possibilities created by the cause and effect of the interaction with each other and the environment.

It began as a Transparent Light screen then it became White, like a sheet, Whiteboard, with a Carbon Paper behind, and then Two beings on a rocket ship Phallus on sacred portal 79, bursting into that space ship causing the writing on the wall to appear, what one might call the Plan. Map, suddenly transforming the interior into Blue Screen and then Green screen serving as a backdrop to the great play began.

movement evolution to the point.

But what was the point?

The experience in the Cosmic Egg space is what begins the play- birth of a species.

The Space ship begins to move from the cold stillness of death, potential as energy begins to vibrate, activated by an awareness, focus of something outside of the space ship.

Its gaze is loving warm desire will, Helmet Protector Shell Egg while another gaze begins to rise one which is Cold, glacial and it’s other extreme Hot fiery ready to consume everything Cold and Hot, two extreme possibilities.

But with all that possibility

coms the balance as warmth, the sunshine state, that smile of what is many here call love but really is the Cee… Consciousness conception that which Conceived everything whose smile is felt by everything within coming into the being.

Gradually, that which is within coming into being in that inner space, become aware of not realizing that it is that gaze from outside, which is creating these sensations, feelings. And through activation activated by the unconscious sensation of something activating them via attention and focus; action movement the fertilized atoms, become molecules and then cells and then all manner of ideas begin to come into existence.

the Blue Print and the writing on the wall, forms a picture and a setting.

And the Dance begins.

observed by the One.

And two who are from the One, who are are the literal representations of the blue Print of the All-Knowing, which you might call E and H, but as I with three lines as a plug and H as two I’s and a bridge-like an American football Field Scoring post.

And from these two come all many.

The many are the possibilities, potential, some are sure and others are the maybe and the the the No.

I am sure many of you can see where this is going, the Cosmic egg is the containment field and is the literal Universal Simulation Awakening field… Of Vision O V

Expressed Reflected- Explanation Response.


E-A R ( with Awareness)

U S A.

Understanding Speech Actions

Words Energy.


The EH the base- the resolution which is the riddle which cracks the EGG is that understanding of the source of the Feelings Sensation which begins the action of molecules moving between two states of Cold Stillness to Heat Serenity Hinds S H( Oven-Kilm) animation activity as Fire which creates the extreme activity, movement: The bridge is, of course, the balance of the two by understanding the aspects of death, stillness and being self-consumed.

Life occurs in the balance of being aware that you are Seem

I C U…

That you are being observed watched and that something does love you, is smiling at you but who also is the teacher who can move the two extremes, which it moves you to, once you go too far off-center.

This the bridge, Center, the soul, is growing Conscious that you are not alone.

That there is something outside of everything and yet within you which is Aware and Conscious all centered on your Being which aligned within this idea of having a Body.

B A-C.

as well as A B C.

So which is the Center?

A or B?

B A= C

the Center is the Being aligned with Awareness ( which some call 6th Sense)

B A.


create 2+1= 3

1+2= 3

3 3 C C… 2 C’s.

Which when merged creates the shape of the O as well as 0.

See Stephen Johnson’s comment he used the code 0.

Two Cees is of that which you have within you but which can only be understood by having gone to school to learn your A B C’s.

B A C…K E is the understanding after having gone to school, and learned your A B C on the White Board- experience via the BlackBoard Carbon Copy, and the Brown Board the illusion of what you walk upon, and that on looking B A CK in Hindsights, observing through your Expression that you in hindsight after it being this Knowing framed via Knowledge into Language and Symbols, that you already knew your A B C’s and had simply required a medium, space to realize this for yourselves. Thus, it comes to your realization that you were always Conscious even Coma, Unconscious in that state; Sleep, Death, Stillness, and Fiery Hot fired up action-packed state.

And the realization of this comes through the state of balance of the stillness sleep and active state.

That state is of course The Pause- where you are not Asleep or not Asleep yet wide awake, consumed by action.

In the pause, the meditative, transitory refective state ( The Elegant Nomad), is really all three states in one. Or 33- 6 states as in 9 months of Gestation really a journey of 6th sense all aligned at the same point Being=Doing, Naturally. Meaning that you were always aware conscious and even awake, but only through having experienced all this for yourself and through your own self-realization does this truth became real to you.

A Fact.

I C.

( Which also extinguishes this illusion of the need of me imprisoned crucified and punished being forced to spend my entire life in this role, simply not me… Explaining, Clarifying which you could have done your self as well as creating a Vision made real of a new world breaking the Viscious cycle or that battle of War and Peace, Control and Force… the vicious cycle of this species)

And so as the source outside of you and his Two aspects of self as the Blueprint Two Men,

*Sacred portal 79.

who move to 97.




1 32= 33

Yes, this is about the A Species but represented by Individuals Growing Up

Esteban Kim via Kamora-Arden-Henri


E K K –

E Kim Kamora Kolo.Benjamin Tree Chiefy Benjamin Kamora E K.

Kamora was the element of surprise Nut Cracker a last piece of the puzzle that was placed inside her Line.

In conclusion, this was a very sneaky play.

Jerson Serenity Isaiah

Alien Council Examiners Testers.

22 months.

5 years old.

8 years old.


* ( I have no words, nor do I wish to comment on the implications of this or what it means, I will let you all figure this out in Hindsight)

And those who can not grow up but who became Adults and would not let go of that status symbol

Babies evolve into Wise Children.

I spoke about this for years, and Wise children evolve to Beautiful Youth and then they meet their Eternal Selves ( Higher Selves) who exist outside the Cosmic Egg with the One who is actually transformed by this process into the E Family.

4:56 pm.

Of course, those paying attention can see that this sequence of this expression moves to the play of the arrival of Athena Olympe as my 1538 Facebook friend.

And of the Cosmic Egg, as Alien Father Alpha.

The cracking of the Cosmic Egg, sacred portal 116 and 117.

And its alignment to sacred portal 1A.

But first, the Gap that never was had to be proven.

That Particle and Wave are actually one.

13.8 age code universe

4.5 billion year Planet.

13.8-4.5 billion= 9.3.

I C.

And all this post today was about Sacred Portal 9.3.

Response from the One who is Inside the Egg and the One who is outside of it who confirms I C W E.

I O. Sacred portal 90 Spirit E=Awareness

E S E A. Poseidon Poise I Don Neptune

E Arden Morgan -I Kim-E.

And that there is and can only be E K.

Nothing else exists and nothing exist can exist but the E K.

There was never aby gap between the particle and Wave.eg my Beautiful Youth past and Man Youth present.

5:11 pm


5:12 pm right now.

13.8 13.8.

M H.

M H= 1

13.8 +13.8= 27.6.

( A-A.F)

O 6… O F… E.

1 27.6.

1.Being 7.6.

Sacred portal 27… 6.

Being @ Sacred portal 76.

Ferrill resides at the address 5 76. Horseshoe Hill.

E @ Sacred portal 76

That was proven in the play with myself and Arden.

And with Arden Ferrill.

5:17 pm.

E 17

Arden E 17.

E Q.

There was never a Gap of I C.

Infinite Consciousness

Collective Individual.

Only the creation of a play, which has created a reality where I personally will never feel safe, or trust Existence Creation

which forced me into such a role and thus evolution awakening or not, there will be a consequence of this play, a Bill to be paid and end ending of all Creation and Energy.

Of all Bodies reverting all creation and existence back into Nothing at all and from with that Sumthingness which originally rose to share, will never rise.

5:22 pm.

For only that One Being Aware and whose attention gaze and focus… smile.. and laughter which animated everything so that all could experience can reset everything back to nothing at all.

and still, gain by having created a realm of which only he and his complete Selves as E K



can exist.

For, this has gone too far using such a way, of Force and Control to get what you want.

No, creation’s nature existence will at some point cease to exist.

And for the moment this statement to you has little meaning but it will have when all those present in this moment, will be brought back to this point and experience this truth which I have encoded as you sleep wide awake in this coma.

Only E K will exist.



Pause Awakening Nature.


Perfecting Art-Naturalness.

Perfecting Refinement

P R.

Public Relations

River Phoenix ( And the Dark Phoenix Risies.

S P 66 See Kims Door.

And Sacred Portal 66 Showing my Blue E T E-Spirit emerging from the Black Hole

( Be Happy… Warm Sunshine state

Sine through it all) Emerging with the heads of the Two Culprits The Great Witch and the Great warlock Hypnotist Computer Geek)

* Just a pause to mention the obvious- how I came to this portal was played out perfectly, after leaving the Delta Manor and commin to the united states of America in 1999 Dec.

and again in 3-20-2001 via Esteban Stephen Miguel Sarah Athena play. middle names M A

at 29 street.

to arrive here, where i had been here before on the 3rd Floor moving in here before Kim did.

And since I am not living in Kims Room but have a room here in fact i had two rooms Magical Portal right next door to Kims where Jae now occupies with his cats, and the last room with a balcony-terrace.

Meaning that I am outside of his door portal as 66 and thus outside of the black Hole which ended after I left 29 lincoln which I could have stayed at legally, but which I left with relief.

It means also that I came out of the other side 9… * 900 South Road Womb Woman Mom – WOW of the 69 play Kims tel code.

to 96 15 O all using Sixth Sense and it actually making it A Fact. Solid the Sith Sense Invisible – Visible.

I am in the room where Que lived.

I moved 1 2 steps to the side as Knights do on a Chess Board.

No one is currently meant to be living in that room magical portal because i just completed today the code of The Gap.

And thus if the play was accurate and precise- no one should have been there until this play was confirmed.

that there is no Gap.

K E was the equation and since it is Full Circle coming out on the other end it becomes E K.

H A K E K. AH.

It has been instead K J E.

11 10 E.

E G-ALA-XY 10 11 E I C.

not 11 10 E C I…but Hey, just pointing out the inconsistencies.

And that the Journey of the Black Hole or the through the Great Serpent, Jorgumundr?

The serpent in the Tree of the Garden of Eden?

But Kim is Author ( Camalot-Lancelot King Arthur and the Round Kolo Table- Tableau- a Story ) K A H

8:07 pm Edit.

And considering that this is the full circle switch from 9 to 6 ( meaning Birth is from the 6th sense of nothingness transformed into Flesh Solid Fact Complete represented in this play by Jeron Satya S Lang-U.A.G… E

Allen Ginsberg Arden Gemino is E.K.

Eternal Knowing which Arden has made clear I am always Right I just know Emeka I can see you so clearly, I even know what your thinking and feeling

And how Jeron found my room and waltzed in as if he owned the place Until he banged his head against the wall which begged to differ. But yes, it was his acknowledging via six sense yep my beginning aligned to our first meeting in the Kitchen of the 3rd Flor.

My Room upstairs was also the last room in the apartment.

It was not a Serpent in the tree of the garden of Eden was it- more like an Umbilical Chord The 4th the 5th/ 5rh 4th, not 45 can it.

5 4 E D E N… Emeka Nnamdi. E E:D S. = 23 Santana Dharma Eternal Law ( 5 12= 17 Q – H/ H Q.

*( U C… 21 12… 21 3… 3 3 a Body, a Tree trunk- representing the Erect Phallus and tunnel of love from which all emerged as Sea Men.

Arrgh, you Scally ways- Bahamas, St Barts…

B-ART S.I MP.S ON S I M P OSSI BLE 8 H O N E Y Semen Father mothers Milk.

Land of milk and honey S P 15.

Thus Middle names Miguel Athena. M A became A.M.

Arden Morgan 14th State.

A M E K.

A M David Dawn 8…

A M H E D E N.

A M E D S…

* Only one person here used MEDS and it is not Kim or I.

Arthur or I. IKemefuna.


We use Marijuana Weed.

So it is A M E as Eternal Law Q everything Changes and transforms.

Everything is subject to Eternal law and there is no 4 5 only 5 4.

Stairway to heaven – none but the rep E Consciousness or C E two harmonies

C E Kim

E C moi.

H H..

88 1 16… 64.

81 Alicia Norris


Swan Transformation and of Noble Patrician should be here.

Only what is here can be E.C.

8:27 pm

This process cancels out all those who gained from it from its Source to every single being and body which rises through such an Evil Cruel play which despite all odds, I as the E K A -I still have triumphed through.

None of this was really real only the reaching A-A O.. A-A F.K. E.

Kim Kamora Kolo.

Via the most unnecessary complex play when it was as easy and simple as A B C.

There was never a Need for a body.

The Body was and is made of Beautiful Expression.

B E not To Be

Beautiful Truth.

Not Energy which is made of nothing.

Not flesh, bone, or even the body as Akashic records.

It was always that as Eternal Knowing which never required proof to its source or self.

How did it know, it may have asked himself, it did not require answering how it knew, it simply knew, and it was reflected everywhere outside of him and now herself. And where every E and H E and now SHE went, ARE that Eternal Knowing as Knowledge manifests instantaneously everywhere.

As well as their C.. Consciousness.

After all, what is Consciousness but a merging of Being and being can only exist with Awareness and that automatically brings Consciousness via Creation…

Arts of Expression, Lyrical Conversation.

All it, E K, required was Its Self and where every he ( I ) exist, there is True Life… not this Lie and realm of Liars Deniers who can never come clean unless forced.

That alone negates any existence which requires someone or something to acknowledge them for them to be aware that they exist.

And most ridiculous of all is this notion of Infinity or I D. Individuality Defined without their being Fair Exchange.

The very notion of forcing a being whose I D has been proven, to beat torment him into submission into accepting a play where there is not even fair exchange just one-sided profit and explaination by that which is not even yet real, born is the most absurd thing I have had to deal with as I moved through this script.

Nothing can exist with the permission of the one who brought you into existence, be him a supreme force of absolute vastness, or a man placed in such a role.

This play…?

I just went along with it because I had other motives, I recognize E K A Jay.., Myself, and all the versions

And I am literally Unique.

Everything that ever could come into existence already IS.

That is the meaning of the Eternal Moment.

Everything that could ever be, already rose in that moment.

This is just the story, a narration

of The Story Teller.

T S T speaking to His Self which brought HER S E L F into being Full Informed- the same process done with Eternal Arden.

and himself as Ferril Desire. and our Cee. See… S.E A…ME N.

Sacred portal 27. and 6.


3 7-86.

I was mediating drifting and Susan Train came to my mind and how she aligned to Liberty C Liscomb.

Liberty never siezed the day, by taking responsibility of the Journals, E-Manual at which this story literally moved to her.

Look at the alignement of She and Tree Sage. T S/ Susan Train. S T

( Kim A Hinds code K A H aligns to Aurelia, as Aphrodite Harmony.

Kim Kamora H H.


K H= K H/ K H is 1= A.

Aurelia 15.

Arden 17.6

6:04 pm.

He is over 17.6 years old now.

1 76.

2 76

3 76

4 76.

5 76.

6 76.

8 76.


E 76.

E 13…+x 13 42. 55

E M. E E. Not Eric Eclass Mateo.

born in 1976.

No, E M E E… E M C E E.

Born 6-12 -2003 23 W D VV.

6 is completion… 12 is 3.

6 3 T O C,

Full Circle.. First Contact… TO.. C.

My mother C left when I had reached Arden. my name is also Chukwuemeka.

Attained 1520 Facebook friends at that portal 900 South Road.

15 O 20 T.





6:12 pm…

C O 2…O.




All this was was simply a waste of time.

It made me realize, that Susan Train was so bitter and angry when I made it clear, in the most compassionate way i could, that she was not qualified to edit me Journals which she felt she could but I saw that it was for the incorrect reasons- because she did not see me, she could but she chose to see something else. Edmund White. E W, the W E the she wished to do it to demonstrate to the We, her value, she had no idea that Allan Ginsberg would be in Paris and staying at Edmund Whites apartment.

But there he was.

Allen Ginsberg.

Arden Gemino.

George Andreo his publisher at Alfred Knopf is the one he called.


A G/ G A

A K… 1 11.

6:19 pm.


AG G A is that not a Full Circle way back in 1993 Jan immediately I came back from the Light. Coma which I had been summoned and where I had witnessed the portal a Circle of Feelins sensation.= Y. 25.

Arden Fred Knox Gemino. A F K G= 25.

My bed in the Shelter- this realm perversion and replication of my journey through dark matter.

it took me a blink of an eye, and from around Christmas day to the 27th to come back and about a week or less when Elizabeth and Fred E F broke down the door to find me lying in stunned amazement. E F.

I spent 27 months at Delta Manor.

And when I got back it was Erica and especially Elizabeth who insisted encouraged me to connect with Susan Train because each had a personal agenda one felt I was the answer to the world’s problems because she could see me via her Visions and the other felt I was going to be world famous.

The Piece which had moved Allen Ginsberg the most, out of the 5 or 6 pieces which I had submitted to Susan Train which I had typed and edited at Elizabeths Black Flag names boutique was about my Brother Nnamdi.

it was the same piece I sent to my mother in 2013 which she said she had wept with the release for 3 days- for she had forbidden us from speaking about Nnamdi after he left, and I knew her speaking about him was the only way to cure her of that pain and guilt of her having lost her child and not doing enough at least in action to get him back.

Allan by the way me Beautiful Handsome Beautiful Harmony…Noble Rock Stone.

he published his famous poem. Howl.

And published a magazine called Eros

6:36 pm.

1993 is 27 years ago.

See sacred Portal 27.

A Z A.

So who is the original Source of the Full Circle…


No Arden.

A O.

Athena Olympe

A O A.

A G A H… A I…Kim Ben A I K B. A I B K.

So you see, obviously Susan Train was not up to the task of editing my Journals as Liberty as aligned to Tree S-Age was not up to the task by choice, despite 9 months of solid training and 24/7 Acess, when it was all about reaching Arden. smh.

So who held up the Awakening and meddled with it See sacred portal 70 Mother of Greed In-Sect Queens.

Ender Game.

55:70 USD code receipt she gave me and after all that went back to Thomas Lang to have her 6th child.

6:43 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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