
12:43 a.m.

12:43 a.m.

Will, you just look at the time… and I am still being prompted to work.

Insane how far this was allowed to go.

It feels nothing like Supreme beings and Guardians of this Galaxy but rather it smacks of Human Nature as churlish spoilt ideas of children, who can not take no for an answer.

You shall not cross over to Evolve.

Not after such an experience from A-Z.

And the Supply and Demand, money play, used to control me Blackmail … Extortion.

Jesus, I am in absolute shock that this is a script with such an easily identifiable personality as the distorted and altered Ego and Vision of Consciousness as being the mirror reflection of human personalities as adults.

Still, wearing diapers and throwing temper tantrums and being spoiled into getting their way… because no one had the power to stop them, and if they didn’t these people would lay a trap and put even God on Trial?

Oh yes, the people here actually did.

And condemned him to hell and even nonexistence, but who then emerged from that bottomless pit as the true Terror the Beautiful Beast as well as his Twin Beautiful Symmetrical Doppelganger ( we have no such thing as and Evil twin in a Perfectly Symmetrical realm and Existence)

St Nick is back,

As is Santa Clause ( in the Contract)… yes Santana Claws.

Santa Baby… S B

J F K and Marilynne Munroe


South Carolina

8th State

H D N E N D H.

Coby Criste. C O. BY Crist E.

Nicholas means Victorious people.

Victorious People.

T V P.

Santa -Na means Eternal Law

S D / DS.

And now Interanl Law I L.. Y

C C 3 3

Joan King. J K 10 11

Sheknow Siino She Know S-I I N O

S S…. 19 19

Markesha Chase. M C / C Mur ror




M C.

CC ( A) J K S S ( A) M ( E) C.

You do recall, that A M . E K was the code which formed with Arden and morgan and Arden’s friends just before I left 900 South Road while Liberty left the city with the other offspring and I was left in the house with only Arden.

That was over 5 months ago.

I am just pointing out the meddling and constant interruptions with the Flow and the completion.

Usurpers… followers in the shadow who then claim that they know what this play is all about and how to read the codes.


Each to his own.

But each will face the consequences…

I promise.

See sacred portal 117 A Q. A-A G.

Mixed Blessing. M B

Mackayla Burgos and

John Mack came here…

They were here present just in the nick of time.


or sent back into Coal…

used only to be the fires we fan on the new foundation of hell on your idea of earth.

1:10 am.

1:11 am

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