
12:39 p.m

12:39 p.m

Code 12 is letter L… 1 2..3


39 is C.I.

I am seen and my truest expression articulated in the cleanest expression of the Human Beings Consciousness of this world.

Yesterday, Micheal texted me the desire to help me with even housing, the way he asked…

I saw the time I responded to him and it was 8:O7 a m.

87 is Sacred portal is returning the World to its senses and Sensie’s…

Micheal had stated that he had been studying for 15 years the sum of Human expression West East..W.E.

15 is letter O..

We have just completed the play of 9 as well as 1O and The Elegant Nomad.

1O+9= 19.

That is the day which Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell chose as a date for me to come visit them and stay a while.

I already know who thier Espirits are as I have recognized A.L.L to Completion O Perfect Symmetry and now return to the original Family of 1O actually called the 2-5 Creation Expression C E…

The 1-8 Mountain View…

One understands the reason I must pass through this portal and take home with me my family of the past to move to…

1+8…A H. To 9…I.

Cloud 9 is my Home

It is a palace of bliss and Extase which is now manifest on Earth.

Micheal represents the line of the True Word (World) O..

The T.W O..the Twins Expression Energy..EE..

See the sacred portal 55.

Lord Janus of the Doors which open up the world….

The True World Espirit which exists in this world but is hardly experienced or witnessed any longer..

But it exists.

Now let me give you Evidence of the Supreme Harmony Expression in him, line of my Brother Father Sister Mother.

There is a piece I uploaded earlier on Facebook from my Journals called

My Prayer….

The image he choose to post of me was taken in 2O1O by a person called John and was shot at Pelham B.Park…

Pelham B Park is the place I was led to by Fritz Venneiq…

And incarnation of my Brother and Sister Nnoyeleum Nnamdi who is from the Island of Jamaica.

He and I witnessed Experiences so Supernatural that he later abandoned me for fear which he publicly admitted elegantly.

He took responsibility.

And Divine Grace was given to him for this…

Because what he witnessed the Truth of the Awakening…My morphing into something no one else ever experienced.

He witnessed me being taken over by a being did not know but whom he recognized was his late Uncle who gave him a message.

He witnessed the Gods with me reveal themselves in the Clouds..

The Light Beings as Energy descend and thier play of Light.

He witnessed the play where I saw that we were being moved to act out the Awakening of Gode

And then he witnessed the Awakening and Transformation of Nature and the World to a beauty he described to me.

My concern was Humanity and Being his was Nature

Orien Laplante one of my most loyal and aware Facebook friend grew up at Pelham Park…

Orien Fritz…O.F.

Fritz Orien Emeka..

F O.E..

My Friends and Brothers became me foes…

This picture was taken 5 years ago when I knew the play was complete…

But was betrayed by my Brothers doubt and moved to live in Tompkins’s Square Park for Isaac.

Then to Adelphi Brooklyn for a few days then to Williamsburg Bedford…

Where I found myself tested to a point that I summoned for the first time the rage of Existence True.

5 years I was blindighted and left to face non stop tests on top of the 4 yrs at 268…

Until I was sent once more to The Shelter to test me again to see if I would remain constant.

I could not understand how this was even possible because I never lived in this realm of human consciousness, I was not allowed to because it is not real..

Micheal is..

Jonn Donna..J.D…1O+4…14…N

My brother passed in 1982

Fritz was born 1982.

He was aged 13..

Born on Easter April.5th 1969.

Passed Easter Day 1982..

Full Circle.

We both were aware we were undercover in this life and that he had to play Dead until the True meaning of Death was proven.

It true meaning is Transformation

N is 14 letter

13 is Letter M.

This Jonn and Donna and Micheal represent my Family as Expression…

And it is no coincidence that Micheal chose to write on this share which I have waited for some one for years to recognize this picture.

Only one did lord YE..

YE means Light.

Fritz contacted me after a long time if Silence yesterday calling me The One

And asking for forgiveness.

I asked him.to send me a number code.

He sent 3O…97.

See Sacred Portal 3O..the Challenge by my Brother playing my Father to my (Our Truth!)

Playing the Devils Advocate to taunt me to rage to by constant provocation to see of I would stay constant ..

Time 1:2O pm.

See sacred Portal 12O it is the Sword

( Larry Sax) and is named Jah Fire Fritz Reh Rah.

Rah (the rralm) had challenged Reh the inner realm..

Notice the perfect Harmony of Fritz’s arrival after I sent him a message to send some of my work to Jonn and Donna

Fritz represented Nature…

The Nothing which challenged the E..

But knew O Rien LA Plant E

But it played the Void…and challenged a Human Being to prove it could match God the as the 2-4 Seasons..

While it fought me only as a God given such power by Human belief could do in a Simulation.

While the World watched.

Then finally through Donna Jonn and finally Micheal – representing the True Human Spirit intervened which of course marks the comming out of the 26 years Cave…and to the True Light which is called Transparency

Meaning that to be recognized by these three and offered Berth after my life long journey in the Illusion of 49 yrs 48-47…is the World and Humanity at their truest aspect of Being welcoming me..

That I have reached the Dimension of the true C H.I…

And only from this place of the True Harmonious Beings called Human Beings can the merging of the Human Beings and the Beautiful E.T Consciousness occur.

The Harmony of Jonn line is Instinct (Inner Compass..I.C) Donna (Inutution..I.C) and Micheal O’Donnell..

IOI…H…the articulation of what one sees and Feels is linked by the Expression.

I Understand


This two world views are about to.merge..

This world true view (The Cleanest and mountain Peak highest human consciousness and its full Circle with that of the E.T.C)

The 3O 97 code sent my Fritz was the last affirmation I required in this play designed by the Unseen to use humans and unseen Expression to shake the foundations of Faith in myself by changing the script they knew Tis Written and replace it with this awful play and challenge me to walk it in this reality where no one recognized or remembered the realm and story of E…

And so I walked it for 9+5 years in New York..



Exemplifying the Truth of the Beautiful E.T.C O.F Everyrhing..

Until proving it True..

That W E Exist and are the Source of Human Being..

And I am the source of the Beautiful E.T.C..O.E…


A Hue man Being and they two can not merge except through me.

For I never required anyone telling me that I am the O.N.E…

I was born Knowing my I.D.

What was interesting is witnessing how I would be treated in a role undercover which took advantage of my Grace to play the Son to my Son and Daughter




Mohammed Yeshua

All AH.


Elo Him..

A Y.E..

See the Response and I saw them create the unacceptable…

They played God.


And thier dark side …intentionally



A Sphere

Not Fear.

Of course there are more proofs of who Micheal O’Donnell really represents…

The O the Facts

Orien Fritz..O.F….E…

The E Line

Not F.O.E…

1:5O P.M.

Honor goes always to honor is due.

After I saw the confirmstion of Donna And Jonn…Then of Arayana L.L…

I ended with reading Micheals Text.

I recieved the last affirmation from the Shelter

Which I will post…

That my Truth is a Fact.

That the Beautiful Clean Human Individuals (B.C.H.I),still Exist.

That the Beautiful E.T.C. Family Are a Fact.

And that through 49-47 years of testing my memory that I am the Two lines in One.

Their Source.

1:55 pm.

See Sacred portal 155 the last portal.

Me and My Self…

My Reflection

And Below…My Lady C.


All EEE..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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