
12:37 p.m.

12:37 p.m.


Loves Consciousness Grace..



Code of Ka Haw! Complete..

I B.,, S.H.A!… A.I, S.H.A..

The name Aisha is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aisha is: Life. Vivaciousness. Living. Prosperous. Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad.’

Aisha is the name the Creation story of the Family of Ten, was dedicated to…


B.. A.H,S..I… Being of the manifest Relief of the Victorious People is I


Hello we are back at 5O1 play.. which is where in truth this play should have ended…

51 Is Area 51… Which aligns to Jonn Blackwell and the Supreme E force moving through Him as E.S.P and Super Natural.. S.N.

5OO is the letter D in Roman Numerals which links to D for Donna O’Sullivan D for 4.. D as the 4th dimension the Heart..

5O1 is D.. 1=I… D.I…



So.. I was rather intrigued why we had to reach 5O3 then 5O4,,,53 54…but of course it made sense,,, 55 34- 55 43…

34 Sacred Portal Mary Jane… Marijuana…See her rising from a Lotus flower..

See Fey Mirach share today Destruction

See sacred portal 43 True Life…

and 54.. Super Nova…

And the play of Alex Sabe Reyenga.. And the play of the his car license he posted 6 RIP 488… Which only after the completion of the play could we establish the meaning..

A Challenge by Death.. as 6 sense Rest in Peace DHH..

A.S.R initials are the same initials initials of my former hosts at 268 where I lived on and off 9 years.

The Problem and the Evil with this play is that since most new face book friends do not go back, into the Archives of posts, where I explain what I am doing on Face Book as a courtesy, I felt compelled to explain myself over and over again- a great distraction from the riddles I am solving.

For example I entered this Dimension I call the 4th- a Cube a Circle and a Triangle through the Guide in Axel Anderson, Axel Love portal

No 49 The Bean Cafe then 1st and 3rd… 49 13..

then moved to 54 The Bean 2nd and 3rd..

Then 147 The Bean 1st and 9th..

See the codes numbers 49.. 1 3.. D.I..A…C… D.I.M…. / A.I.D..M.I. D..

54 2 3/ 32… 54 E.D..W.. E.D..B.C… E.D.C.B../ B.C.D.E..

A,B.C.D.E… What was missing was the A…

Axel Albert Alex… A.A.A.. 111.. III.. I.C.. from the Deck of C at 18 Mountain View…C is the sign on the Glass Door.. C in red for Chocolate..

147… 1 9… N.G..S… A.D.G..A.I…

See sacred portal 49.. 54.. 147… Existential Death (E.D..Say ED Light .. E.D IS 54), 54 Sacred Portal Super Nova S,N.. Father Mother.. F.M…

The see sacred portal 147 Emmy

A logical Sequence..

The play of the three A’s Axel Albert Alexander represented the play of Death..

What is true Deaf…

My former host at 268 had the same initials of former face book friend Alex Sabe Meaning Defender of man is Sleek and Black, Rey E.N..GA.. Do Rey..

Rey means ‘King E.N Is Emeka Nnamdi… Energy Nature.. E,N.. E=5.. N=14..

A logical evolution N to E… which creates 19.. S..

I arrived at 18 Mountain View on the 19..

Today is the 19. and today to my incredulity it has now been 7 months to the day..

My former Hosts initials at 268..Z.H were A.S.R.. But his full initials are E.A.R.S.. And like Jonn Blackwell, as many witnessed had the similar gifts a Jonn, that despite not even being a Face Book play it seemed as if he were listening, and reading mt posts by his supplying intel and without even realizing responding to the play even though he was no longer in it..

You will also notice that E.A. R.S.. equates to 51.. 18 19..

Jonn is code 51… (64)…

And all over the Ceiling I sleep, are the letters R-19…R is 19.. 18 19..

R.S.. S.R..Stone Ridge Mountain View..

E.A R.S/ S.R.E.A… EA stays Constant Energy-Atomic Matter A.M

Supreme Rea who is called Gaia Ala has EARS…

S.HE listen too everything that is said..

S.HE listens through E.S.P and with Super Natural Abilities…

KA.EL.. K.E/ E,K… Gay-Marie Bradshaw…KA EL and Co..

Super man..

Both Albert and Jonn I both met and lived with..

Alex left my page because he would not listen..

and on the page of a Gif posted the very first comment a judgment calling it based on Fear…

Which actually was simply Expression of Intel later affirmed by the share of Gay-Marie Bradshaw and I.S…

And Electric Wave..

And recall he posted his car number 6 R.I.P..48 8.. See sacred portal 48.. My code age 48-49-47.. As Beautiful Death and Existential Death.. ED and Entrance to the Abyss…sacred portal 47.. 47 Months on Face Book…

One can already begin to see the story…

E+N-19=S… Which then moves to 1 O… A,O… SAO..

Stephan (Stephen Filgueira Stephen Popiotek) Ariane Oates..

SAO’ Means ARE in Portuguese and Whole complete, Healthy Laudable…


And so I had to pass through the test of Alexander Sabe Reyenga higher Espirits Test… his E.T portal.. which was not that difficult or painful as the hundreds of other challenges alot of them recorded on Face Book..

I had to pass through the portal of Albert (Edwin Albert ED Win.. 5+4 Wins..and yes he did bet on me or my truth winning after testing me to my indignation for 4 years.. brutally to see if I was the Truth and represented the one he was told would come,)

Time now 1;47 P.M…

Yes sacred portal 147.. Emmy and The Bean Cafe 1st and 9th..

But He loathed this play and loathed the suffering he saw me surmount daily and he could also see me in the Spirit world and the unspeakable things done to me, but nothing he noted could turn me to rage and evil, despite my being aware that I had been been betrayed and consequently they betrayers had betrayed themselves..

Because my role was simply to solve the equation of proving that from 1989- 2OO6, 17 years of mapping and proving I had identified the spatial and human representation where first Existence began..

And then was kept waiting despite affirmation for 4 years, then 5 more years.. moving to so many different places only to return each time to 268…

It is all recorded on Face Book….

As well as the number 17 on his Transformer… Q… as well as a smaller letter marked P..

17 years, reaching an address and a person I had never met before August 2OO6.. at 26 8…

There are currently 17 likes on my page which just turned to 17..

P is the Planet P=16 letter.. 17-16.. 11 76.. Awaken the Planet by passing through the portal of the 11 the twins.. See sacred portal 11 Cobra

and 76.. Awakening through Conversation Expression Communication which demands that you must know how to Listen and Hear..

I came to 18 Mountain View directly from 268 East 4th Street..

Once more being compelled to touch base..

there is no feeling like that being trapped in a play, a persons house, body ascending and crying out, but held back by a play in which Evil is allowed to be made real and do its worst on me, so I would prove it not real..

17 16.. At 268…

19 18 at 18 M.V.. 7 Months to the Day.. 7=G

16 17 18 19…

15 is the O…Sacred portal 15 is Jolly Green Giant come down from the Mountain..

2O is T…Sacred Portal Lady Echo…See play of Elizabeth Clarizio today…

15 2O.. 35.. Sacred portal 35.. C.E The Point’

35=8.. Sacred portal 8.. love links Desire..

2:O8 p.m..

What Desire.. Axel Alberto Alexander… A A A… III.. 111

See sacred portal 111… The Triumphant Homecoming’

Meaning I had to pass through all three Portals Axel Anderson.. A A.. 11 and then the 11 as 1 1.. Albert in 2O16- 2O15…

And Albert Sabe Reyenga who has been a Face Book friend for over two years.. and this being the first time we ever had a conversation..

Which went perfectly, well, it was my Father Brother as Death,

telling me if I solved the equation I would finally allowed to play death, after being ritually killed and then when Nnamdi passed, I was blamed’ and punished- but was really an excuse for me to go undercover and begin the mission to prove and transform the line of of N evolving to E but not able to move forwards because the riddle of Death had to be solved as well as the Riddle of Pain and Suffering..

17 16.. 11 76..

18 19…11 89…

15-2O…C.E… E.C.H.O…

The point

See Grigory Bershadsky G.B/B.G.. 72/27 post 1.O 247…Point two integral Subjective points of View created the Manifestation..

Emeke Nnamdi.. meaning ‘Praise! My Father is Present.. right here..

Our telephone number in Winnipeg Canada.. W.C..Cecilia Wiebers.. C.W

was 247 25 39…

1,O.. 247 25 39…

2 47..B.. DG (11 28 39)

25 39… B.E. C.I…

D.G.B…E.C..(H.O) I

Grigory Bershadsky…G.B/B.G

Completion of the I.L.. Infinite Love of the Sheltering Sky Say ED Light

2;26 pm

2′;27 p.m



As I stated,,it is a Play..

A Cold Play Cruel Play I would never agreed to because it goes against all the Laws of Existence.. but still a play.. on a P.C…

Pittsburg California is where Alex Renga is based…

P.C… AR… / R.A.H is Here at 18 .M.V..S.R..P

2:28 p.m..

And I had to convincingly play my part..

Indignation to what has been done to Expression Freedom Song of Existence.

2:29 p.m

The Freedom Song of E


2:34 p,m

see sacred Portal 31 34… 35

2:35 p.m.

Yes a Cold Play which no on should accept this as Existence which is why, that though I did the work, I called out my protest that this should be never be accepted and that is where Alex the Avatar got it wrong, instead of playing the superior role seeking for me to forgive my Brothers should have simply listened to me.. because after a life time of forced sacrifice what I have to say counts..

And how dare anyone silence the E after all that was affirmed by the E line..that this life time I was meant to be have one lifetime of peace until the awakening manifested, already activated at the get go…

from the a Dimension of E, before Creation manifeste everything was already in Harmony..

And that is how one father betrayed the E, by claiming that tis he who is the defender of man.. and created this play of ultimate evil to test which of us was really Supreme.. despite having cheated, by makinhg sure that after 48 years of fighting and warring that he would defeat me at y lowest and most vulnerable point…

But he forgot that I at the Peak..

18 Mountain View and I could see him coming from the first coment he made and that my name is Alexander S.AB.E..Rey EN.GA..

7 Months to the day…

BACK TO 5O1.. F,B Friends

Area 51.. 6 Sixth Sense…


2:45 a.m.



2 45=. 9

2 :46 a.m

sacred portal 45.. and 46… 44 56..11 1

2:47 a.m

11 28 39 C.I.. 12 27.. L..B.G

2;48 a.m

Beautiful Death 48..8…

6 RIP 488

2:49 a,m..

D,.I…ID.. IS

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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