
12:35 a.m. – Well, I Lost what

12:35 a.m.

Well, I Lost what I was about to post.

I was just stating the obvious.

Haris Babic used both heart and mind to merge his number 37 to 57 and sent me 94 U S D.

I D.
Identify Defined as INFINITY. In FIN IT Y. … IN FIN IT B E. Y.

Haris H Aris-E is the 8th letter= Harmony Infinity H=8 Standing up.
H Arise.
I Arise.

My Bio Father and my Brother Nnamdi both shared a middle name “Obiekwe” OBI means “Heart” H E- ART.

Means the heart is appeased at Peace.. at last, because at last my Father’s Truth ( the one who played my father’s guide. F G – Haris mentioned Forest Gump F G 67)

And that truth was that he had ascended to Eden Arden but his Body of Truth as represented by my body as The Beautiful Truth was his words and expression perverted and twisted with intention and malice, because there is nothing wrong with my body, just as Haris a cooly commented that they do not wish to rise.
That they know what they do.

Its is now 1:43 am.

My post to you vanished so that is that.

I will simply point out that I was at 1520 Facebook Friends at the peak at 900 South Road.

I met Haris here before Arden.

I met him in the beginning of my journey here in 2018 and again full circle at the end but through a conversation because he is in New York the 11th state.

And I had 11 USD in my wallet until the 94 USD 37+57 he sent to me via Jae Sherman Venmo.

A Full Circle of 2015 July when I went to the Assessment Shelter bed 49 to 94.
9.4 months on Facebook.
9.5 right now.

Haris means “Peace”.
H is *.
Emeka Kolo is 88.
I was born at 8 pm. letter H.
but also Harmony standing up means Infinity.

Harmony Peace. HP = 24, 2004. letter X and in Roman numerals 10.

The name BAB IC. means.

*”Babi? is one of the oldest Bosnian families that originated from the area of mountain Bile?a. By a legend one of the founders of the last name had a curved spinal core and it has associated people with grandmothers, which is ‘baba’ in Bosnian.”

I am do have my body twisted and the 33 vertebra- but that was through a story.
Nnamdi was born in Oldham Manchester. OLD HAM Harmony.
The Harmony of the past, Golden Age of Humanity.

Old Ham is not even the Old Testament nor the stories of Noah and Ham.

This is 8 Hampshire Bay.
Haris Babic. B A B.. I C…! E

And the True Story goes back to Eden Paradise full circle. Haris Arden Haris.
H A H Full Circle.

I A I Infinity Fully Circle.

*Source for the Babi? family name can be twofold. It can either be Turkish word babo or Persian baba which means father or dad, or it can be from a Slavic word baba which has a meaning grandmother. The difference is mainly in accent, so if we want to recognize which is a true origin, we need to carefully listen to how it is pronounced by those who bear it. If the accent is longer, it originates from Turkish and Persian sources, while the short accent may indicate that it is of a Slavic origin.’

Obviously, it is this meaning.

Nnamdi means “My Father is Here” which in the play is Zlatan but in reality, it is me, who played the role of his younger brother SELF in his version of the Intellect Brain.

Death and Destruction.
I lived in Istanbul for 3 years + and I have been coding Persia
The Persian boy and Alexander The Great for over 9 years.

12:57 am.

15 20 Facebook friends at 900 South Road, and now full circle to 2015. 20O. T O. 2OO.
43 more Sacred Portal Door of Life. 43.

And 7 more than my former height here attained twice.


and 7 arrived while I was connecting with H. 8-9…= 17.
A G. E. I.

The cells regenerate every 7 years returning to 7+1= 8 Harmonies- Infinite Light of Transformation at the Quantum Level.
Q E,
A G E.
175 Consciouness.

17 +5= 22.

Venmo. V- EN.MO./ OM “O” N. E. V. See Sacred Portal 22.

My age code was 1984 as I had stated.
making me 36 and my Brother self Haris 37.

37 36.

33 76.

He mentioned Forst Gump. F G 67 Ferrel Gemino- AURELIA = 67.

Bed 49 to acknowledge which Haris coded the amount he would send on his own.

yes a little late, I am at 9.5 years on Facebook.
I have already met Arden.

Why did I get 7 facebook friends the moment I connected with Haris who is in New York the 11th state while I had 11 USD in my wallet.
1:04 pm.
Sacred Portal 104.

94 +11 = 105 Wiltshire Bay.

But I did not have the 105 USD.

1:05 pm.

I had 100 + 11= 111. USD.
And returned 10 USD to Jae Sherman for the change.

1:06 am right now INFINITY.

16 P.

New York 11 the past.

I am here in Connecticut.

Haris is moving with his family to Tennesse- all the Script of the past.
& New Facebook friends arrived when I was speaking to my past self as Nnamdi Haris. N H. = 22 V
H was speaking to I… born 8 pm.

I and I as my Past in the present with Arden here present in the 5th state with me.

It’s enough now.

Do the math 7 is 8 and 8 is 9. = 17.

Infinity rose standing Up.

1:10 a.m.
Sacred Portal 110.

11 USD in my wallet.
92 right now.

1:11 am.

I live in the present, not the past but the past present is all the future present 64th move.

8 88 1 16.. 64. 8.1 H A. A H A. H A H.

All are present in one – with the same point.

1:13 am.
H AM a.m.
I A.M.a.m.

EOS First Dawn
F D 6 4. in

1:53 a.m,

A- E C. K O L O. 53.
= 8 H…?

+45 Planet Earth- Particle and Wave as One.

4+5= 9.

1:55 a.m.

Sacred Portal 155.

Smh… what a script.. Play

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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