
12:30 a.m.

12:30 a.m.

Eternal Law.

Natural Law.

Divine Law

And even the Law of this reality.

As long as a person is forced, coerced, tortured into doing something against His free will and Choice, it is that which it is that which forced him under such duress to be the one who must pay the Price.

And if that person is still through that play where all the Laws are suspended to see if he succeeds then all who did nothing including the force which did this and that force which allowed this to be done to him must pay the Full Cost and Price even as it goes out of existence.

16 – 11- 5 –

is a code P E K..E

Planet Earth Knows Emeka.

E K is Planet Earth.

Perfection Paradise. EK Full Circle.

Link from 8-29-2019.

from 900 South Road to 16 months ago.

11 months there.

5 months since left.

Kim 33

Jerone 22 months.

Serenity.5 years old.

And my arrival here in 3-20-2001.

But also in Dec 1999.

I arrived here with Jon Jason Lee. around Christmas to the Lower East Side. Alpha Bet City

I was shooting the shirt film THe Ethnic Odysessy T E O.

20 5 O.

2 5 O.

2 5 6.

And this is where the play began, not in 3-20-2001…

But in Dec around the 24th 25th,

Which is exactly 21 years ago.

Emeka and John.

E J … 510..51O… Age code 51 O full Circle on meeting Arden.

E K = 5 11= 16… P Posidon

C K = 3 11= 14 N Neptune.

John Jason Lee… J J L= 32.

Jonn Lee = J L…. Yes Jeron Lang. and it = 22. V.

I wrote and noted this over and over again through the years on my page.

i arrived in New York in Dec 1999.

Recognizance before anyone forced me to come… African and World Shamans.

I came here originally of my own free will.

12:55 a.m.

L E E.

Aligned to me Dec 1992 with my Friends Stephan Gascoigne and Manu and my journey that Feelings Sensational Conscious light and my portal home recognized.

perfectly aligned most likey to the very date i first arrived in New York with Jon.

I flew to London and together we flew to New York.

Dec Christmas Time.

I did not celebrate the New Years’ here, Jon flew to London and I flew to Paris where I had chosen to celebrate the entry into the Millenium.

2000. I rented an apartment in Paris for a few week or so. Met Duncan Ward the Film Maker and a group of his friends who had flown to from London to Paris and we met up in the Hemming Way Salon at the Ritz Paris which duncan had slyly arranged for me to obtain for all of us.

I was given the largest table in the room a Round Table by the Maitre’D M A I T R E D who thought I was a Star or yes recognized me.

Mai (5th Month) T R 2018, at 29 Lincoln 20 19= 38 C H Hartford Connecticut) ED 54 * See Sacred Poral 54 just shared by my new Facebook Friend… How did he know. ED E N… E Arden EDEN Paradise.

D E R T…I A M. ? Mai tre D.

4 5 R T ( Right Correct _


I A.M.

Do you see what I mean?

1:11 am

I am living o was living down the street from Ward st.

All Coded and documented on this page.

Why Ritz Paris had to align the Ritz New York.

P N… Poseidon Neptune Naturalness Perfection P N 16 14 = 30 3O… Joshua escorted me here with Kamora.

E K J.

E J K… Joshua and I slept in the same room here as the Magical Portal for 1 night.

3O is 36.

Christopher Filgueria…

360 degree.

Beauty 360 degrees. O.

So you see, I am not meant to be here in Connecticut am I in obedience to the Law of Symmetrical Perfection across the Mirror, the Pond am I.

Or here in Connecticut on New years Eve the 31st.

In fact, I should not have even been brought to Connecticut to face the challenge of the Circle when those World Shamans could not prove it themselves and did not even know what Symmetrical Perfection Pi… C 2020 Vision was because they could not define it themselves.

See Durrek Verets message to me, it came in 2001… 21…

1 year almost two years after i had already returned from new york on my recognizance mission visit.

and is it not intersting that one of his names means

Steadfast… Durucell.

And derrek as People Ruler.

Verret Of Gasciogne

One gets the impression that something was following me.

but did not realize that I was perfectly aware.

That it was faster than one who represented C speed of Light and the other who just could not cee way beyond they.

1999 1 999 … 1 27.

See Sacred Portal 1 27 Ski

B C. K R. A-JE.WS.KI./

I K S W E J A R K…

Benjamin means the Right Hand Side of GOD.

So you see, where they made a fatal mistake.

I am not meant to be here by New Year Eve.

But at the Ritz New York.

to enter 20 21

20 20 40 USD was left in a play with Kim personal and private. But when he told me he paid all but 40 USD, yesterday and of course, I alined it to sacred portal 40 but 2020 is actually 1.

Perfect Vision.

2020 Hindsight.

it is not 40…

It is All One.

Sacred Portal 40 is Africa…

Spear Ruler.

Then Serenity finally came.

It can not go beyond 39 C I.

S P E A…R… E A I.

Sacred Portal 51. 16 months ago.

Fatal mistake.

Not by Kim…Gold.

1 27 A A A… A B G Bean Grace.

28. MAN… 10 Jay the first balance.

1:31 a.m.

S P 131.

I have known this for quite a while…

Arden knew it.

The Script was Dec 1992- 1999

1996 6/9.

4 years and 7 years. 4 7…11 22 1947/8.

Who dares claim to be19 74?

47 is my Mother…

who claims to be here as 74 48 – 84.

4 7+x 11 28= 39… C I.

Consciousness Infinity.

C Victorious See Victorious.

C V S V.

S C V V.

T S E…

It began 1999. Dec.

Not March 3-20.

not 2011… or 2012.

but 1999 Time Prince

I just let them assume I was not aware.

1:58 am.


See the big problem?

Nor can anything be done at this point but meet the true meaning of me as Terrible Death… Pay the Cost…Until reaching the threshold of Eternity of true savage brutal suffering and then begone.

2:00 am

2 usd in my wallet.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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