
1:23 p.m.

1:23 p.m.

A W….E… ( A.W.. Link to Reginald Mansfield)


Awareness Being Consciousness..

*Please be aware that this is a long post which I am Linking and re-programing Dna as the illusion back to D.N.E…D..(+ J.A-O) N.E publicly and transparently in front of a sleeping or disbelieving public

on a public forum…

Which is why Dean Dunkwu and Patrick Okolo found me…

Patrick found me first then Dean…

P =16… 4 x4…(Expansion we have proven is the Past for where are you expanding to if everything has already manifested in perfection Creation Life….All you can do is Add to Perfection which is Symmetrical Balance rep by the Circle.. Symbol for Eternity Infinity)

-As the Doctor… Specialists of Gastroenterology.. Large Intestine… Colon… L.I.C… Long Island City.. Where He lives and where the Assessment Shelter at Green Point was on the border with…

Meaning 28 and all the codes he represents in this play is of the past…

Including my bio Father who wanted to be a Medical Doctor and change from a Veterinary Surgeon which he was..

After his passing that Desire and dream of the material world would pass with him…

The Understanding of the physical body is the understanding of the Passed.. the Past.. because it has already been created and manifested… Completion…

So Medicine M.D.. Should really be the Study of the how can Perfection and Symmetry of Expression be Eroded…

How can Perfection Decompose..

Which of course, would be because its Source Expression Energy which brought it into manifest Being… as the Body is not being aligned through ‘BEING thus, Being and Body are linked to it Source which is Energy… Expression…

And that the Human Body Erodes and decays because the Expression which brought it into Existence, is not linked Exemplified, lived through Being…

And so the body decomposes, because the Bridge which Links it to Symmetrical Perfection has not been Lived, Bridged Expressed… and so the Body Faces instead of its Natural Energetic self Regenerations as being Infinites and Eternal…

Begins to Fade… Mortality…

In its natural state the Body comes from the 5th Dimension called the Eternal Infinite Dimension, the one True plane of Existence…

Beyond the O..Where the Consciousness Being Awareness of ‘All Ideas have been completed and manifested… in Completion…

The Other Side?

No the Only side where are things are projected from.. forming the illusion the movie which is interactive called this reality…

But here all thing die and return to their Source reality Existence.. Source E… but not as an illusion allowed to exist here.. But as it Truth..

Its Illusions all cease to Exist…

Because this reality is naught but a University School..

Luke Simon already wrote the Article in 2011.. naming me correctly I might add..

Doctor Love and Professor of Beauty….

Ikem got through to me after his third text 6:31 only when he spoke of me as a Doctor.. who helped him see the Beauty in Life and how he could have been a better friend now that his mind had expanded…Gone back into the Past

Dean Dunkwu is the one Present as the Computer Programmer of Newt Works and Support groups who I found it easier to talk that Ikem…

Despite my not seeing him in 34 Years.. 6 more than Ikem…

34 is the code C.D/D.C… The True Full Circle….

DD.. 4 4.. 8…D.H… DD..Aligned to Onuabuchi Cecilia… D.O.C…


Jonn Blackwell J.B.. Haun Delguidce.. H.D…8 4…

44 8 O… I.E/E.I..

4:19 P.M.


Dewight Smith…

The Beautiful Present…

So why is it that Dean and my Mother are not present with me here now…?

It is because the Present is still being ruled and determined by the Past, that which was created already.. and instead of retracing ones step backwards (Which does not mean going back into the past because you are still present..here now).. in is called Hindsight and Foresight/Foresight Hind sight working together to understand a Process, to refine it, to Add to it…. And that is how ones studies and understands perfection…

Nature.. The Human Body, the Heavens.. What a great philosopher said.. or a great painter…

And suddenly you begin to catch up.. and catch on to what was considered Advant Garde Before their time..

And like the lie of the Expanding Universe which is really and Evolving Adding- Refining -Expression of the Universe which is represented not outside but right here in the Beautiful Present actuality of right here… Actuality…

Does the Universe, the Person and the People suddenly catch up and Catch on…

Universal Ephiphany….

See sacred portal 127….

Thor the Smith… With his Might Hammer…

Dios means Bright Devine…

Erik Ebrights… Miami.. 3 months ago…and a few days..

Today is 3 months and ONE Day to the Day that I moved from the the 27th State, to the waiting in the Streets of the New York..

Then back into the Shelter Green Point… to the very day..

Going back, to my fury into the past…

But it had changed… From Room A to Room B…

Just as EriK Ebright 2006.. and then 2016… 10 1 O was going back into the past… An illusion that does not exist any longer.. only the simulation of it and even then it had changed.. Despite it being a similar set up…

Because in truth it was simply going back to Refine over and over again the Bridge Link of Being…

The E or the E ONE Fifth Dimension as Infinity Eternity being expressed explained demonstrated over and over again until aligned and linked to the Body….

Represented by Patrick Okolo understanding me (and finding more time to spare for me) and truly listening to me instead of wishing to help me and not knowing how to do it..

Until it became clear that it was I helping him and the line of the Noble Line of Humanity.. the Pure of Heart.. the Pius who represent H.B…Human Being.. 82.. 88.. 2(8) are aligned and now linked to 888..3(8)…To C Harmony…

And to undestand my expression of 8888.. Balance Full Circle…


86.. 66 66 66.66… is 48….

I am at A Star Bucks on 66th Street and Amsterdam…

there is no 6 8’s apart the the 3 in 1…

888 888…96/69…15 15.. OO…66.. Moi…

The One Action which can not be repeated..

While all Hue manity- the Evolved rose at 5 8….888 88…

Being and Body.. B.B…22… V..

11 22 My mother and David Roman Nicholas birthdays…

And Even though the Harmony has been Explained to 7 8..

8888 888… 4 3..

and to 9 8’s… 888 888 888…

And even 10 8’s… 88888 88888…5 8.. 5 8…

It all comes back to 1 O 8…



Father of Infinity..


M.O.I. Matter Mother..

T.O.I…Truth of Infinity..

E.O.I…Eternity O.F..Infinity.

This has been a play of Gross Deception….

G.D.. by something called a little Sister and Brother (Temporary Independent aspects of the Source…

Who played the Humans Idea of God… which even they got wrong.

Dean Dunkwu Aligns to me perfectly and to my Instagram name incited my Erik Ebright…

Source E..

This was never about Healing the World when nothing was wrong with it..

This was and is about Solving the Riddles of Existences..

The Source Code…

To dismantle this Ancient Mess and break down the way of Ages and let the Supreme Sun Shine In…

It ended in Miami…

Ikem sent me messages July 22.. and July 27…


I was not meant to go back into the shelter the third time…

And so there is Extinction earned for the Human Being..

Only HUE-Man Beings may Exist.

21-9-9… U.I.I….Understanding I and I.. Intuition and Instinct..

– Silent Sound (The Harmonies) and Sensation Feeling…

(SS..19 19..38..11 1…S.F….19 11..30…3O… 1 3O…4O…4 Full Circles D.O…Link to Dean Dunkwu Onuabuchi Cecilia Kolo…)

And Bridged by Understanding and linking the D.na -Dne to the true Nature of the Universe as being a Song of Expression which can be understood in Hindsight and Foresight..

By Following the Color Wave of Spectrum… Rainbow…S.R.

Exemplifying I.E..Naturalness is the True Nature D.E.S.I.R.E..

Which moves us to Evolve by being able to link and read 6th Sense to Fact..

Moving the third I.. The Individual to Become and then Be the Bridge between the Twin Unseen Parallel Universes to merge into One…. By having aligned them to one..

III= H….I…C… (HIC..Hic!.. Dionysus!.. was not a Drunk.. nor was Noah)


9 3 9…

I.U I….I Universe Infinite.

I.C.I…I Consciousness Infinity…

Ici.. Here in French…

Nnamdi… Father the Guide is here Present


1:43 p.m..

Obviously, the Consciousness of Infinity is here..


Because I see it everywhere.. Everywhere now in the world I walk around in my Universe and I see it reflected back at me in the world.

I have bee reading it, while decoding it infront of you all for 4.5/6 years.

I have sought to bring you all into the play as best as I can but it is seeking to alert people who are sleeping that there is a Fire going on in a building which they can not see, because they are so deep in their dreaming…

And even descending into their realm of dreaming to alert then…

Your gestures may seem manic and intense.. even crazy because they are not awake…

( And trying convincing someone who thinks that they are awake, that they are actually sleeping…)..they as the Group who think that their domination by numbers, against the One Individual or the isolated Individuals.. Makes them correct and the ones seeking to get their attention as being crazy…)

And so they only thing one can do, is either leave them to their fate, or painfully begin to build a bridge of expression using their own history and pieces together the fragments of their own Epiphanies

and collective knowledge as a species, and the slowly piece them together as a Rainbow Bridge and Ramp…in Perfect Symmetry, like a Ramp, steps which they can ( those who follow or wish to) can climb up to see the View..

Moving through Solgegio and Spectrum through each stage Full Circl..

Do Rey Mi Fa So La Ti Do… Then once they have seen the view,

bring then back Down.. Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Rey Do..C

Do you Cee Now… ..E..D.O.C….The CODE…

The Conscious Ode to Existence Creation has open up a O..

A Circle which forms the Entrance to a tunnel…

A See…

The Understanding of Eternity Infinity as O.. not 0..

Which is why a Code had to be be developed…

Which is why D.O.C..Patrick Okolo and Code Programmer Dean Dunkwu both arrived back in my life (the play)

because these two had manifested.. E.D.O.C/C.O.D.E…

And D+E.. Twice with my Neighbor in my cubicle… Dudley…Emeka..

4+5=9..= Letter I..

My new face book friend Dewight Smith in Room 3A…

Whom I also knew in Green Point…


I..E… D.O.C…



2:08 p.m.

28..B.H…Being Harmonious.

I did not chose to do this, I was much more of the mind of..

Oh you do not get it, after all these ages of Humanity, and even with the Internet.. and you still could not put it together, you still have not finished your Home Work..

Your not Ready…

Tough Shit…

Literally, because all the work done by representatives of Humanity..

2:12 p.m.

Has brought forth enough knowledge for you to put it all together…

I did it at 25..26..

Erik Ebright reached the place at age 22, but did not pass through to remembering what is beyond the Evanescent White Light- Because it required for Humans to see that, that it had to be proven into Existence in their language of consciousness for them to see it…

No, I said Too bad..

Which is why the Logic and Intelligence of this condition effecting my body can not be described as Haphazard…

Or Random…

But Harmonious in a play, but not with me..

Because it forced me, compelled me…to do this long, long process which took me 12 years..

And kicking and screaming…

Because I do not agree with what I was compelled to do..

Without having been give the Choice…

4.5/6 years of Mind Blowing knowledge of Evolution..

answers to all Humanities Questions, Manifestation at every moment Confirming my expression in a reality such as this, where everyone is asleep in Superior States of a World Order they have existed in strove in and risen in, and here is someone saying..

No, no… you got it all wrong.. because your looking through the incorrect frequency, consciousness lens..

Look this way…over here…

But they do not… will not..

And I realized that it is not because they are Stupid.. which believe me is really how Humanity looks like from an outsiders point of View..

But because of the Efforts each one went through to get the lives, reach the places where they at right now,

Most of course, will see this Face Books page, and long, long years of expressing explaining everything step by step.. only after its manifestation..

So, I imagine what I, personally must be feeling (Since I have met no one else but myself doing this, though the experience of this public rejection of new ideas has been the foundation of Human Society and Culture…

The desire to have some one with whom you can share this most amazing moment in Human History… But instead to be set up in a play has been tailored, made and measured to fit the current human consciousness of insanity…

Because how can you claim to perceive reality when you are looking the wrong way..

Using a perception of reality which has brought forth a society such as the one Humanity currently lives in and claim that this is Life and all is well in the world because you have got material comforts, while you family structure, forms of Social interaction, Children born more and more with conditions, straight jackets which limit that which is rising as the Natural Limitlessness of the Human Soul.. Note of Sol! Rising and demanding to be heard..

But is silenced.. Silenced so brutally by a Society who have forgotten that they were once young…

And even when you remind them of their Youth…

They see it as an age, rather than a consciousness…

they see what they perceive as their naiveness, and the hurt they endured rather than seeing it as a frequency they once existed in which allowed them to so clearly see the world..

And the horror of a society which murders that in order that you have money and material things to comfort you when the inevitable cold of Isolation and Aloneness comes to you at a certain age when youth as a number is gone..

And now you are too, old..

And your bodies aging process tells you this..

Which is not the Truth, but that which you did, weighed it down with worry and stress for the material the physical which any student in Grade School can tell you from science class…

Does not Exist..

All things decompose back to nothing..

Only now, the man made things. Synthetics, Artificial not of Nature to longer.. a much much longer time to decompose..

Just as this play…Is taking the longest time to decompose that which can not even be…?

See everything by its After Effect… and not its Cause…

My New Face Book friend came because Hery Richard has left Face Book..

He sent me an elegant text informing me, that he was leaving Face Book which is the reason why he was un-friending me..

Probably A First.. someone having the Grace and Manners to notify me that they were leaving this play which I had invested in so much to include others, the public in this play…

Moved by the Will of this play and not mine…

Which ended up being wrong and my torturer and my tormentor..

the Evil who did the Impossible and Betrayed Existence Truth for a Lie…called Humanity.

We the People…

In God we Trust…

Meaning of the Name Dwight Smith.. D.S… Dharma Santana…4 19…

Room 3A, as I locker 3010… 30 10…C.O.J/ J.C..

31… Again.. Marcus who whose bed I was assigned to is 31..

Sacred Portal 31… Resurrection…Regeneration Restoration..

Dudley Locker 3001…31…

3001-3010… 30..3O.. 1-10… 1-1O…

My social Workers Ashely Cassandra… A.C.. 1 3…

/ 3 1…31…A-Z.. 1-26.. +5…E… A-Z-E

Aze means Wolf and Warrior in Scandinavian and Rib in Japanese…

31…4..D.. Delta .31+4= 35…C.E.. 3+5=8…H…and Symbol Infinity..

just as is the Mathematical code 0.O…Is Infinity Eternity… I.E


Meaning 31 Equates, in Logic Orderly Progression of a Line to a curve, to a Circle… to D.C..E..H.I..

D.C.. 4 3.. Can no longer be seen as Washington D.C.. ( The Last play of Washington D.C was in my Case Worker Laurie Washington,,,

But which aligned to Luke Wilson Luke A. Wilson…formerly of Bed 004… 4..D…L.A.W…

In the play of Eternal Law..

Code Santana Dharma… Dharma Santana… D.S… Which has followed me here to Delta Manor…

as well a rep from that place who practices the Oldest Religion in the World which uses Vibration and Sound… But who is not in my room…

Room 3 A… C.A.. 3001-30010…. 31-31… (62..F.B..Face Book) completed the play of Harmony Infinity on a micro-macro Chess board…

A Simulation….

De Vine

The name Dionysus is very old and it’s no longer clear what it may have meant to whoever first thought of it. The Dio- part appears to come from the same set of words that gave us the word dios and ultimately the name Zeus. It means Bright or Divine:

From an English surname meaning metal worker, blacksmith, derived from Old English smitan to smite, to hit. It is the most common surname in most of the English-speaking world.

More about the name the meaning of the name Dwight…(Dionysus)

In popular imagery, this deity is often depicted as a mere Chief Entertainment, but its significance as cultural phenomenon goes far beyond that, as the Bible obviously notes. When Noah exited the Ark, he planted a vineyard and became drunk. His son Ham ridiculed him, and Noah’s subsequent curse organized the modern nations. And when Jesus prepared His disciples to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19), He instructed them to remember Him by drinking wine (Matthew 26:27).

Dionysus (/da?.?’na?s?s/; Greek: ?????s??, Dionysos) is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility,[2][3] theatre and religious ecstasy in Greek mythology. Wine played an important role in Greek culture with the cult of Dionysus the main religious focus for unrestrained consumption.[4] His name, thought to be a theonym in Linear B tablets as di-wo-nu-so (KH Gq 5 inscription),[5] shows that he may have been worshiped as early as c. 1500–1100 BC by Mycenean Greeks; other traces of the Dionysian-type cult have been found in ancient Minoan Crete.[6] His origins are uncertain, and his cults took many forms; some are described by ancient sources as Thracian, others as Greek.[7][8][9] In some cults, he arrives from the east, as an Asiatic foreigner; in others, from Ethiopia in the South. He is a god of epiphany, the god that comes, and his foreignness as an arriving outsider-god may be inherent and essential to his cults. He is a major, popular figure of Greek mythology and religion, becoming increasingly important over time, and is included in some lists of the twelve Olympians. Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus. He was the youngest and the only one to have a mortal mother.[10] His festivals were the driving force behind the development of Greek theatre. He is sometimes categorised as a dying-and-rising god.[11]

The earliest cult images of Dionysus show a mature male, bearded and robed. He holds a fennel staff, tipped with a pine-cone and known as a thyrsus. Later images show him as a beardless, sensuous, naked or half-naked androgynous youth: the literature describes him as womanly or man-womanish.[12] In its fully developed form, his central cult imagery shows his triumphant, disorderly arrival or return, as if from some place beyond the borders of the known and civilized. His procession (thiasus) is made up of wild female followers (maenads) and bearded satyrs with erect penises. Some are armed with the thyrsus, some dance or play music. The god himself is drawn in a chariot, usually by exotic beasts such as lions or tigers, and is sometimes attended by a bearded, drunken Silenus. This procession is presumed to be the cult model for the human followers of his Dionysian Mysteries. In his Thracian mysteries, he wears the bassaris or fox-skin, symbolizing a new life. Dionysus is represented by city religions as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and thus symbolizes everything which is chaotic, dangerous and unexpected, everything which escapes human reason and which can only be attributed to the unforeseeable action of the gods

The codes are all here…

Silenus is Silence..

Bach.. Back Us

Mature Male (Not Old man) and A Youth…

Sacred Portal 86…Penetrating the veil of Sound…

The last God to join and complete the Pantheon…


The Outsider..

Entertainment Theater.. E.T…

Dionsio Hepheastus

Eros Dionysus Silenus…

From Ethiopia.. Brown Skinned..

A Foreigner…..

God of Epiphany…

Smith.. to Smite…

Strike.. Struck by a Lightening Lightening the Darkness of Forgetting to Memory…

Awakening… from the Room with a View is no more…

Now Walls..

E.L. Law…

5:08 p.m.


888 88…

3……2 .. 8’S

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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