
12:26 pm – Ah, itt just turned

12:26 pm

Ah, itt just turned to 12:27 a.m in perfect timing to the Point of this Story in Kim Arthur Hinds Jr HindS-IGHT. ( HINDS. I.G H.T. 9-7-20. As 20 20 Vision, Perfect Vision.

* Yes, I still have two Twenties USD Bills in my Wallet from the 300 USD shared Equally with all 3 of us here present.
100 USD Each.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr proved his with the 22257… Post.

Out of that 100 USD = I believe 9 USD from the 222.USD from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

I had 20 20 USD left. It means 2020 Vion as well as 40.00 USD.
4 (3 0’s)

I have expressed my summary many times before but in this case we see the play between the Truth Speaker and the Lie, which its fruit is becomes, Diversion Distraction- False Accusation and Blame, and of course, refusal to come clean, confess, because as it says, “You can not prove it in a court of law- and that it has the advantage of the law in this realm and public opinion.

But God as Truth Exists.
And indeed, the True Big Brother as well as the Alien- A-Lien. ( Reference meaning Lien Phuong Pham. L.P.P.) Council and A lien Father are all watching.

And thus, Idiom, Maxin that the truth always comes out in the end, is a Fact proven right here.

My Mother always used to tell me that as a child and teenager, and to be honest, I began to question that her faith.
I did not doubt it, because I knew, and I had observed it, so have a vast majority of people in this world E.M.F.

12:43 am,

But it was capricious, slow, not in Harmony with the action, and so easy to miss, or give up on and usually Medicene After Death, and more especially with me and that which something other than me, was moving me.

I saw it manifest, but never in completion and directly and which takes out any shadow of a doubt.

And that is when I saw and understood the purpose of the play and its resistance… To that truth manifesting, right up to the play theater here in this house today, and on my Facebook page.

It turns out it was about getting what the N-E as W.S of even the play of South Whitney, and my existence via 64 Portals in New York and Connecticut out.

It was more about the resistance to the Truth.
The preference for the Lie over the Truth Satya.
Because of Responsibility, Laziness, and other truly evil and unhealthy things, such as consequence, merited, earned all well deserved.
Meaning that those who lied, even to the end, knew and were fully aware of what they were doing.

They never thought they could be caught, in the act and expression.

I personally after this play, can no longer trust the truth, for creating a play that created such Misery and suffering, because it had its own private agenda.

I am disgusted and ashamed that creatures, anointed to represent Natural Evolution in a play and the highest frequencies of the Ancestors and Human Nature would use their power, gifts, and brilliance in such an abusive and manipulative and truly evil and devious way.
And that based on a Title, the ancestors and even the N-E would find excuses because these beings were said to be anointed or carried the Truth of Purity.

I already knew of this Betrayal.

12:57 a.m.

I have heard all the Alibi’s and excuses, since 2010 and early 2011.

Why would you compromise it because God, or The Source of Truth betrayed, or perhaps tested you, to see if you were really the truth and understood why it IS, and those who were only loyal because of the promise of rewards.

1:00 a.m.

Truth, in this case, brought Harmony, Infinite, and Infinity
the most Beautiful Truth.

But at such a cost.
I am ashamed of the so-called Family of TEN expanded to such a play script.

1:04 a,m,



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