
12:25 p.m.

12:25 p.m.

12:25 p.m.

L.Y… ( 3 7)


C-I. T.R…U E…

L.Y C .I..T R U E.

A.B.B E..C.I…B.O A.H…C E…

It seemed somehow fitting that I complete the Equation of the Y-Male Chromosme with my First Cousin Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C.T.U… 3 20…21)

He was born in 1986.

And i have felt the pull of the script at which he had figured prominently, his code.

In fact, I felt for years that the meddling in my personal script linked to the importance of the 31 year old Charles represented to the Script.

I do not believe in Blood Family,never really did, and my experience of Them, just confirmed that Truth.

There is a greater bond in People than blood, even Spirt.. it is the Link of E…

Expression Communication…

And that ability to Express and Communicate with people whom you Love because you saw and see them clearly despite what they turn out to become, is one guarding that Eternal Truth of them forever. And that which the become…?

Well that is their Choice.

Only Their Eternal Selves, will confirm if the one which you ( I) saw is actually the true Origina Eternal Beautiful Truth of You..

And each of the 1093 Face Book Friends who each unknowing to them represent actors and participants in Script.

As most of you are aware, I found myself in a Script when I first came to New York. A Script, nd invisible Script, which I was so stunned and incredulous of Its existence and insistence of being Real and Present that I spent the first decade tryimg to get the world attention.

I tried to get my Blood families attention, and more than anything else I tried to point out what was happening to my Body and my Being.

Forcing me away from the way of existing here in this world,

12:39 p.m.

Why would a Script meant to make rise the Consciousness and Awarenes of the Species move through such a Maze and end here at Delta Manor Homeless Mens shelter and impose that I stay here and publicly, complete the last stage of the Script I have been deciphering in order to give my body release and to at the same time, find myself through this Älien Script, truly A-llen.. A LIE-N….To resolve it to the Extra Terrestrial Beautiful Truth.

There is no doubt in my mind, or in anyone who has been following this script, that it is of the Spirit of Jealousy… S.O.J..

/ J O S…Strange Jos is the city my younger siblings had been kidnapped to, with one of them passing away there.

10 O 19… 10 15…19…25 19… 44…

Hmmm that is the bed I was forced to sleep on in room 4A for 9 hellish months before all of your eyes…

Fighting- Battling through a Maze and Matrix of Thoughts Veiled and Unveiled of malice cruelty, madness to navigate through the correct people portals to reach the end represented through the alignment of four young men I met at 1385 Starbucks M.W avenue..

Robert Vlaun

Peter Nyarkô

Jace Horsford

and the only one I was led to by Peter who does not frequent here Flip J Hendrixs.

Age Code 22, 22, 24, 28…. V V X B.H…

Eternal Youth…

You all witnessed as I was led to the elders first..

Lilian 73, Richard 73, Brenda 61, Robert 53, Lisa 47…

and despite the exhaustive work forced upon me to solve their riddles, so they could choose to join the weave they each chose to rest on their own peception of reality.

Then I was led to Youth, or better still the Youth found me, beginning with Robert Vlaun and Jace Horsford…

and it was exhausting because they youth, were being burdened with the weights of Old Age- worries burdens.

And here, I sat an older man, who still exists as the 22 year old, the 25 year old, the 28 year old whose life was put on hold at age 22 enter into the realm of Mind and Space- Talking to the Silence to bring into this reality the consciousness of the Eternal Realm.

Something which I was not even aware of Its Title, because It was my normal state of being…

To force a Being to play such a role, to prove that the Eternal Realm Exists, to be able to create such a script and implement a demand of such savagery, such brutality.. to solve a riddle which in the end, the evidence shows, that those who challenged it secretly did not wish it to be solved.

..But despite it all, despite all the obstacles, money shelter, medical attention, friendship, companionship, sex, family..etc…

I have done it.

I have documented and left a living trail from 1989 to 2018 back to 1989 when I first began Talking To The Silence…

There has been no greater evidence than the embodied being of Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron Addison, who I was led to through and by Peter Nyarkô…

I sit here in this Delta Manor shelter, and I look around me wondering how on earth I had managed to stay here this long, to endure the menalitie of men who are called Mentally disabled but at which I have found within their mental reasoning faults in reasoning which they are aware of but steadfastly hold onto.

I see the healthy ones, and I watch as they wave moved them to me.

Blair and Jamel I hardly see, Blair is about to leave.

Raheem, so many.

But I have stood here, tall elegant aristocractic by nature and not by an act of superiority, and endured and endired a testing which does not wish to acknowledge the facts. Instead creating more and more tests which serve no function, such as the act of beating a dead horse.

1:11 a.m.

The ones who pass through, I can see why, and the ones who have stayed here the longest, I can also see why…

There is an evil in them which they can not see or do not care about any more. a selfishness which has permeated their existence and a lesson which they refuse to learn from, evolve through…

A point of view.

Francis Anthony Lorenzo are the only ones of these Öld Timers I have any communication with.

F A L… Not F A L L… FALL of Man…

F A L… T E R… Would be the better word.

How did I survive this 17 years in New York steadfastly moving through a script which should have never been, which should have ended 3 years after I started , 3-4 years, 2004, 2005, replicating the same number of years I did the work consciously in Paris France.

There is no doubt that the Spirit Of Jealousy is the greatest fore which move Humanity, a much greater of force than Love, in this instance.

Love is much more power ful, yet why do and did the majoriy of Humanity- People, chose right to my face book page chose to move to Hatred. Indifference, who follwed me as face book friend for up to 8 , to 6 years… and years after wards…

Clevaland is getting a court pay settlement of 55,000.00 USD.

He showed it to me a few days ago.

Tongiht as I came in he greeted me, and beagn to tell me how the money was being held up for 23 days…

55 23… Was the intel he had been used to deliver to me…

EE… Double V.. VV… 55 88… 55 55… 26… 20… 46..

I was indifferent not to him but to the message.

He then broke down how he saw the while thing and the action to take…

Despite myself, Ï was impressed Yoru reading!

You taught me how to…he said.

You taught me hw to read and that is why I love you so much you saved me Existence and you are a gift from the Creator..

Äh he just appeared.

I can not buy Tobacco, unless I ask someone. I can not buy anything for my personal grooming yet my work has beenn valued from beginning to end as Priceless.. Invaluable and I have proven that in 28 years that I have broken down, on the field the riddle of existence and demonstrated the perfect Symmtery of Being… E.H…M..E

I am not intrested in this play, and yes, it is horrific that that though you all wish to believe that you are all moved by the power of Love.. which is to Cee.. Ï see you

The vast majority of you as the evidence and facts point out chose volunatrily to be CLOSE your eyes..

Meaning you Can See, but chose not to, and instead reach for the power of Negation… to Challenge Deny or Do Nothing.

You are not moved by Love, it is the truth, despite your mental deulsion and illusion that you wish to be, that you are Love, that you are God…

But the facts speak for themselves in the Unseen and the Seen realms and awarness of Everything…

That you are not…

Actually if you actual define it… the vast majority of you represent Hatred and Indiffernce… Selfishness Evil…

This is not a slight, of an insult extended to you, but my simply reading the facts and the summation Conclusion of this Script, past present and yes, it would continue into the futre until all would simply and horricically cease to exist.

At least in this evil Script the True Natural ones where rescued and harvested for the realm of the E…

1;33 a.m

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