
12:21 a.m.

12:21 a.m.


Bean just vacated the Computer at the Shelter for a moment so I could use it.

The People Equation, i walked into was Bean Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis and Karl…

They are the one who greeted me.

Then I found myself with Bean and then Theo.

E J K… 5 10 11…

E B T.. 5 2 20…

There was no sign of anyone outside; except for Yuin Chen and Pierre…

Randall Michael Wiltz I saw no sign of until the I was going up stairs and I saw him just arriving as Theo greeted him.

He had gone beyond the curfew, whatever reason I knew it all worked out.

But according to my equation- I had passed through his portal.

Geoff LaCour…

G L from who I had admitted into Cielo.. and before that Heaven nightclub.

I was there First. C H/ H C… 38/ 83 69 69… 15 15 O O… 54 54 10 8…18…R… 66..12 3… L C…

R C… I was there first, and Geoff Lscour had recognized me, Randall Michael had no idea as to who I was in any dimension apart from a person he had met here,

He had doubted me when I had said I was born in London. And then stating that Anthony Otta had too ( something which was not true but which I had failed to see the relevance but then of course, did… Igbo Play)

I explained it to him, that Anthony Ottah had not been born there ( I mean you can easily tell- it is a cultural thing)

But he had turned and asked Anthony infront of me, and Anthony had said yes, somewhat sheepishly.

I had not wished to embarrass him. nor is being born in the West that much of a big deal apart from the reason- which was of the code E.F…

But after that I understood that despite my giving and sharing knowledge with him on the highest frequency which was a gift. Just as I had done with so many here- though not many had responded that way-

I closed shop.

He did nothing wrong, not really but Geoff of 2004- 2005 and all the people I was led to and lived with recognized me in an instant.

All of them rose- to some form of recognition of me, from thier Higest incarnation in this Existence Story..

The first few days were always of that recognition which often lasted weeks.

Marina Burini spoke of it and of recapturing that Bliss and Clarity, that Beautful Sensation.

In this place that has never happened..

Except with Erik Eposito of bed 0009 And 004

and that I felt was pure instinctive, when he started saying I am really Jaymes Bond and nick named me Energy as Luke Wilson will bear witness and all is documented here.

The problem I had recognized a long time ago was that when people would meet and I mean even on the street, these people would rise and an epiphany would awaken in them.

But as I stayed around them or lived with them they would start to descend.

Marina Burini and Tom Truman said that it required being constantly in my presence to sustain in.

I knew it was also because they would still have to go to work and interact with this reality and soon after they would start to forget and even doubt that which was so extraordinarily clear that they invite into their homes and lifes and eventually … kicked me out when I could not either bring them back to that level of bliss and clarity but most times it was because the Work required and the proces of which the Play was based, in that you would rise, get evidence ( but then you would have to remember and fight to remember as I did.. and as the Gut Pearce did in the movie Memento)

But I did the work, and in the end, they went further down and chaffed at the work and would forget the reason why I was so forceful about They’re doing the work to sustain the Frequency Vibration.

It was this, this reason my rage and wrath at those playing Mother and Father as thier Darkest Aspect.. or as Cruelty and Hatred instead of Consciousness Harmony.. Infinity Harmonious Clarity who made it my responsibiity to sustain the Consciousness of Harmony for 6.5 moving to 6.6 years when it was not my responsibility.

It was a choice Free will and you can not keep someone in a portal until you are satisifed that I have injected that person through the most unfair and unequal play of creating an illusion of depency but was really placing the codes I had to get from each person before I could leave.

I knew that with Randall Michael W that he was influence by the Africa Play and Mother and Father …

Who had doubted that I could accomplish this mission.

But They forgot that they are not the Original Mother and Father, rather they were enacting a play in which they were evolving to understand that role…

And Cruelty and Hatred even used for a Good Cause is something I never used and that is what I have proven here….

12:54 a.m.

Yes Completion of Sacred Portal 54 Mother and Father Dancing at Last in the Song of Universal Harmony..

I am the original Mother and Father… And it began with Man.

Page 4 Todays New York Times

The Boss

Is Definety

Still In.

Le Bernardins’s ( L B) opened in 51st Street 51 ( 5 10)

About Maguy and Gilbert Le Coze…

A Brother and Sister from Brittany.. ( Yes Brittany Bertin B B Benjamin Button.. Body Being… B B… Duality… but there is only D V…Double V.)

MA-Guy… Le Coze..

Gilbert Le Coze… Geoffrey La Cour…

G L C. G L C…

Gilbert Le Coze died in 1994 At age 49… Of a Heart Attack while working at a Health

49/94… A Full Circle..

Geoff LaCour to 7 12… Rep through Numbers a Matrix A Body consciousness… Letter to Number… Being to Body..

Being recognized me… And G L= 7 12… A Full Circle Complte so I knew the Play yet another person being used was completed.

It is up to Randall Michael Wiltz to choose as all the players used in this place to release themselves by doing the homework or making available that which each had access to, my face book page but not me.

1:02 p.M.

Game 3

110 To 102…

Golden state Warriors won…

See Sacred Poral 11O… 102 is J B.. A O B.. A B…

Present and the Passed.

11 face Book Friends…

11 -4- 1085…

Twann Meadows

11 -4 * Jace Horsford

K D..

Kevin Durante scored 43 Poins during the game 3.

Ma Guy Le Cozy..

It tells of a sister and brothr so close and 18 Months apart…

That could be my story with my sister but there is no correlation in the links of codes… We are 16 months, 26 Months apart even 36 if you link the actual Truth..and now.

That is the proof…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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