
12:19 p.m – L.S. – L.A.I. D-Delt

12:19 p.m


L.A.I. D-Delta.

So let me complete this Equation where I met Alexa Vertefeuille immediately after meeting her in 900 South Road accompanied by Stephen- Esteban Miguel Filgueria, and she was introduced To Liberty C, 5 months pregnant who I had met for the first time also at 29 Lincoln Street. 29 L.S and ended up in her Home, on 29-8-2019.

So, yes one can see this as the completion of the Circle, Filled.
Defender of Man as the Green Leave, Masculine Line of Y in the X Chromosome and form.

12:26 a.m.

It was the only code I noted today on the microwave oven Timer.

I tried, but I am at 3805 Facebook Friends.C.85. H.E.
C, H.O.5.
C- H F. E.

Link and connect the line of Laura Walsh 4 Mutual Facebook Friend. The code year 1965.
At 4 which is Green and the 4 corners of Square Page, A Box.

4-7. 11 28-39 C.I.

C -E.I.
C Sacred Portal 59. End of the Script.

But not quite was it?

It was held back to recuperate and rescue the Lines nowhere present in one from all around the planet, and Universal Simulation from A-Z. A-A.

Yes, that was late 1996 when I met Jay, and Taun, as well as Jerome and Pablo- Peter.
An astonishing 26 years ago.
At Chelsea in London, at a fancy restaurant where we were all Barmen, from all over the world, but I was the only one employed of Afro Hue, Brown Black or Tan.
Taun and I were the only minorities who really stood out.

Ana Chevalier.

Ana Chevalier.


Chelsea. *”Chelsea (or the alternatively Chelsey) was first a place name of Old English origin, and the most common theory of its meaning is chalk landing place, Calc-hyð = “chalk wharf”.
Meaning: chalk landing place”

Chalk- Landing Place.


C.L.P Album 33 Speed Record Player.

29+ years after I returned from the Light Fantastic.
Hence I have not been able to move forward, to a life, my life, any life but I have been stuck in the past and a record which via Liberty C, her brother Chance Liscomb confirmed as 7-11-1996 from the article od Samuel Liscomb. (S.L) and a
Anafriend saved his life from drowning in a lake.

Alexa Vertefeuille will recall how it was first only she and I went to a local 7-11- on our way to 29 Lincoln Street on 7-21-2020.

I have men on record player going around and around since age 24 and even though I went into a coma, – a comma, and came out, I came out still at age 24. E.M.F= 24.

Silver Tunning Fork from Liberty C has codes 24 and 10 on it.

7:49 pm.

7 x 7= 49.

John Mack constant at 49 Facebook Friends

29+years ago, it inverses to 26 years.

Ana. Do some of you recall Ana Leonardo C in the play of the Tunnel of Love with Ines, ( Ines Antje) and Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life.

And that is the number right now on my Facebook Screen 4 3.

*:The Hebrew name Ana comes from Hannah, which means “favored grace.”

Favored Grace. F.G. 67.

*The name Ana is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Gracious, Merciful. Latin/Spanish form of of the name Anne/Anna.”

Gracious, Merciful. G.M.

But its the name “Chevalier” which interests me.

*:French: from Old French chevalier ‘knight’ (literally ‘horseman’, ‘rider’, from Late Latin caballarius, a derivative of caballus ‘horse’). In the Middle Ages only men of comparative wealth were able to afford the upkeep of a riding horse.”

Horse & Rider.

Not just the Man as a Knight but also his Horse and Rider.

Please see Sacred Portal 58.

I am carried home and a Being on his Horse,
An Man, a God-Man on a Unicorn Pegasus.

Image result for which mythical figure road Pegasus
With Athena’s (or Poseidon’s) help, another Greek hero, Bellerophon, captured Pegasus and rode him first in his fight with the Chimera and later while he was taking vengeance on Stheneboea (Anteia), who had falsely accused Bellerophon.

Bellerophon. B

*”Bellerophon. local hero of Corinth, who slew the Chimera, from Latin form of Greek Bellerophontes, probably literally “killer of (the demon) Bellerus,” with …”

Slayer of The Demon T.D.
Anger Rage.

*”Meaning & History … Alternate form of Bellerophontes. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a hero known for taming the winged horse Pegasus and slaying the …’

He tamed the Winged Horse. Pegasus. W.H.P.

Ferrill Arden,
Arden Ferrill.

Jeron Azure

and in between
Aurelia Gemino.
Leander Gemino.

Aurelia means Golden One. Twin.

Leander means Man, and while I lived there on Halloween, Leander ( Bun) went dressed as Goti.
which links to Game of Thrones. Micheal Myers in the movie Halloween, and of course the Gottis, one of whom I wrote about the man who stopped me the Tompson Square park and told me he was Dying and asked me to write his story down, of how he traveled from the Islands with his parents, and his father and mother- she a nurse respectable people got on involved with John Gotti.

I found myself returning to that Tompson Square Park, to record Dear Mr. President and encounter the man who had literally preyed on Homeless people in the park and took them to his apartment Killed them, and then fed them Homeless people in the Park made out of their companion’s body parts.
And I actually was led to meet him-see hum walking the park in 2010, released from Prison and free as a Bird.

Game of Thrones, Micheal Myers, John Gotti, or the product of the truth of people

1:33 pm

133- Extinction, so when Bun spoke of seeing Monsters in his dream and eating one with his friends which climbed out of the ocean, I understood what he meant as Anubis. S.I Bun, Man- Children’s Fear of Man as a Lie.

It was all of the above.
John Gotti J.G. 10 7, the man in an white jogging suit, I met in Tomspson Sqaye park and who was in my Article – Piece called The Elegant Nomad, was real and told me how John Gotti had taken care of him on the streets when his parents died.

J-G is 17.

Aureli June Betty Gemino = 17.

She was born 5-11-2005.
Leander Gemino- 8-11- 2008.

5-8.. 11-11. 20 05+ 20 08 – 2020, 05-08. 00 58.

*”god Poseidon
In Classical Greek mythology, the Olympian god Poseidon is identified as the father of Pegasus. Pegasus is the brother of Chrysaor and the uncle of Geryon. Pegasus was caught by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon.

God Poseidon aka Neptune.

And as for the winged Stag on my Altar right now.
That is more Harry Potter.

And winged unicorn?

*”A winged unicorn (or flying unicorn Also known as Alicorn, Alaricorn and Unipegasus) is a fictional horse with wings and a horn, and may be a variant from either the more well known Pegasus, and/or unicorn.”

Alicorn. Alaricorm.Unicorn
Corme Strydom

Kamil Ali Corn.

Corn *”This appears to be an early Huguenot name deriving from the Olde French “corne” itself coming from the late Latin “corna” meaning “horn” and originally …”
Corne-Corna- Horn-Trumpet.

Magical Creatures, Fantast- Fiction to Fact

A Being and creature of Perfection.

1:58 a.m


A E.I.

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