
12:18.. 12: 19 pm

12:18.. 12: 19 pm



My Equation for Infinite limitless Energy Source works.

And is the Answer and the Cure.

I did this equation in 4 languages or Expressions.

The last was from 0 1-8 in the language of Art and Science, Ancient and Pop Culture beliefs in an unfair Challenge and Defiant Scriot in which it was less about my.Equation I so longed to share with the works- that extraordinary source of Energy Being Human Beings linked to their 5th Dimensional selves

I was so excited to share this…

But it turned out to be more about Jealousy envy and insecurity by an establishment past and present too busy seeking to prove what I declared I had understood and dine, could not be.

I was not boasting today when I calmly told Jesse MaciasJesse that I am the greatest Scientists who ever lived, but in this incarnation of my equation I used the Beautiful Truth and knowledge all true humans beings from time to present day. Including all contributions from Music to Movies to Sex n Rick n Roll..

My Equation was transformed into.a language of this world mentality ( established proven and confirmed to be Insane, suffering from P.T.S.D and Forgrtfulness..a very convenient self serving or simply careless forgetullness.

* My research shows that there is nothing wrong with Humans it was the choice of how to Be, which brought forth the abominable way if interpreting and translati9n.of reality, filtered and corrupted be your living.in your minds of Need, Childish traumas not cleaned up, all infecting even your wonderful ideas and expressions because you had not gone back to clean up your conclusions of events in your past.

This carrying with you every where these wound disease which testers and tots and spreads


All the while you are oblivious to its presence l, you got used to it, Hell it even became your lover friend companion.

Your Daemon.


Monster in you.

Your protector…

But then I.have spoken in such.detail about this over the years..

No.point repeating myself.

I was not boasting, and this last expression of my.equation in this insane mentality where nothing adds up, words have little meaning, honor , pride .. courage have all found new identies in the perverse or distortion to a meaning so banal, all to accommodate the mudane to take those titles for themselves.

To be able to articulate and cut through all this Bull Shit expression in lowest pit of Hell- this current Human mentality

Kali Yuga..

End of Time

World’s End

… was truly an achievement.. to get many of you to.understand, and for me to access and activate the E hidden deep within you all in the planet to rise and echo response to.my.Truth and Equation

E=C Me4/3..

I am not surprised yet still astonished at what I.have achieved despite these last unforgivable challenge.

Nicole Dollins

Greg Dollins

See what Dollins means..That is how Universe as a literal E C C O works ..

It responds independently to truth even with a sick psycho, sadistic script such as this.

I am bound by the rules of engagement to Tell the Whole Truth..no half truths.. no such thing Truth defined by its Perfect Symmetry as a Circle the Symbol.of Completion which.all creation knows means perfection of the ‘Idea’ to the Manifestatio.

Idea to Product


Idea to Manifestation

I.M.. Possible?

I.A.M. Solid Fact

5 6 senses inform me that what is areal Fact


I.understood how my words could seem.to others as a Conceited, Insanely conceited boast…

But tomorrow seemed to be a stupendous audacious boast and claim..

In hindsight, after manifestation to your liking and great fear of that which manifests

Stands Silence with Sound, Color Beauty Radiance vibrating sending of Current of


Suddenly my claim will no longer be a claim, despite my.being forced to.do it transparently first through.ignorance of why.I was on Facebook .

To clarity, horror and finally taking responsibility of the unfair and cruel pressure and responsibility placed on my.shoulders by another force.. not me.

Ah! Then would I not suddenly transform before your eyes as the most humble of men..

And yet, you can not allow your self to.belief that

. Me humble?


I.was forced to act meekly because of the Maze and conditions allowed script, to s9lve my.equation in the language of this backward reality which had all the Answers like a j8g daw puzzle lying around.

That is what McKayla Rays.saw in.her dream vision the last piece of a puzzle we had.placed and the puzxle was complete , solved and she sent she felt a Joy she had never felt before…


Fractaling As Emeka Eze

Exe means King

Of puzzles

No every one knows that am not humble

Honest..I.never.ever lied to.any of uou ever unlild the leaders and people of this mentality world beliefs systems.

That is what truly puzzled me.

I left.a trail 9f evidence facts

Gemstones not.pebbles for 7.5.years

18 yrs New York

29 yrs

Going even to age 7-8

And a universe comfirming.and still I was treated like an absolute fool.

Dostyievic’s Idiot.

1:13 a.m

A M.a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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