
1217 Facebook Friends..

1217 Facebook Friends..

A B A-G…

L..Q… 11 1 2 1 7= 11… 2 1… B A…

John MacDonald Age 21… U.. B A….

The Universe is my B A C K..E K … A B… C..

AH!.. Breath.. Be… Cee See… S.. 19.. M… J… 21…

Age Code added of Rays McKayla and John MacDonald..

40.. A G E… See sacred Portal 40… African Warriors.. A W.. Alien Warriors… Kling Ons.. K O…

Destroyers of the Lie…. Pangea Africa.. Gorrilas in the Midst…


Christopher Filgueira told me how he and hos father had the same dream but years apart, first the father who told the son and then the son who tells the that there a decade later that he had the exact same dream..

Tarzan moving through New York City, swinging through a Vine…

De Vine… Bacchus Dionysus… Life is Celebration..


Grapes Violet in my Locker.. *See Play with Kyle Murphy

Robert Kyle Murphy.. R M..

Roberto Munoz R M..

Rosario Masi R M…

See the code outside of the Matrix play of Nature.. Nature Morte…Drowning By Numbers

Mackayal.. Micheal..


See true meaning.. ( T M… Ian Stuart.. I S.. Christopher Filgueira Staten Island New York he lived and then Connecticut…

N C… Florida.. Mississippi N… C… C N C.. ( Born in Connecticut… ) F M…

Father Mother…

Alien Father Alpha…

Who is as God…

Response.. Grace… ( Corner Stone I found yeas ago and documented it here on this page when I found it..)

Green Black…G R A C E… Amazing G R A CE… A G…

How Sweet The Sound

H S…T S…

E H S… E T S… E 8 5… E 2019…

S H E… S T E…

Air.. Water Energy… Harmonious Expression… Mist…

Gorillas in the Mists… Dew… Moon Light…

Silver Back… 19.. 2/ 219… 21.. U… 3… C…

Chris Mackayla Emeka… C M E…

Tarzan.. Greystone..

Tarzan is his ape name (meaning White-Skin); his English name is John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke (according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, less canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke)

John Clayton.. J C…

1984 84… H P.. Stephen Filgueira birhday…

Fil Gueria…

Guerrero Meaning of Warrior in Spanish..

Guérisseur Word for Healer in French…

guerrier Word For Warrior in French..

Fil.. is Thread in French….

Common Thread… C T… Site owned by Kelsie Bissell..

EC T… / E T C…I… Infinite.. Ecterra…

Fils is Son..

FIL… Guerria.. Warrior .. Healing… W H.. H W…

Y A H W AY… Y A J… H O W… J A Y… Center is at O…The Full Circle… The Fold of the Page of the Beautiful BOOK.. Of E.K..

Yah The Way To HEAL The World…

Conversation Talking ..Conversation True Consciousness…

Speaking leads to Harmony Music.. Expression it creates a portal to see anothers point of you.. and recognize in another .. the Truth of their being another You… Your SAME View..

7:26 p.m.

G Z.. Z A R A….

I .. O H A R A…Y S…E E…

Ophiuchus Aclespius… A CLE PI U.S…

13 Gate… E M…C…E…

7;28 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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