
1:21 a.m.

1:21 a.m.


I do no have much I wish to add…

Though I have so much more intel, and data on what is going on.

But I have said it all before so many times that it has become my torment and torture, posting.

-Struggling between my exhaustion of 17 years 7 months and 11 days… of posting explaining, over and oer again while literaly decoding and deciphering an unexpected play of riddles and a battle beyond belief with the Spirit world or astral plane of intentions set in motion.

And stopping the ones sent to destroy the Evolution Awakening, disrupt confuse by those of true evil intent and the others, worse of Good intent ( not pure… despite they believing that proved it otherwise).

This script has left me so quietly stunned, and the more I watch and observe how I am pushed to express more, my Equations inevitable manifestation literally delayed, the more I just can not absorb that this is the actual play script- Story of how the awakening manifests…

But I often wondered if it is only I who wil be of this quiet fury and quiet incredulity at what was intentinally done to a being while every one else rises in Extase Bliss.


1:32 a.m..

Ah Sacred Portal 132 Sister rising from with and Brother and Sister dancing..

Kyle Murphy was playimg Lauren Hill when I came in…

She looks like my sister…

So much is going on, but I have been reporting the NEWS for 6 years and Ten years straight with my body.

And I realize just how few people heard me, read the script understood the codes…

I posted them over and over agin, but facebook friends where arriving amd leaving every single day, people I knew would not pay attention, truly pay attention, hear me, read the codes the posts the way I had elaborated how to for years.

This was never for the present, as I stated, as I knew… it was for people to read and graps in hindsight after the Fact.

But the more I went onwards the true depth of the experience, the cruelty and Hurt I suffered, not the part the Evil done by the shamans and illusions… that was expected that is what evil does…


Look I saw a post from Isabelle Ilic and so,I know my duty is to link to post which is how it manifests…

By Human awarness linking the sequence of everything.. every detail…

( You have no idea how exacting, precise.. the measuring of my Harmony. Look 206.5 pounds I was weighed today.

So was Kyle Murphy, I just found out he said he blood pressure was 147/118… Right…?

1 18 .. 147…. ? These are messages.. To me.. from me..

1:42 a.m.

206… 26…5… E…

3.5 more than one year ago almost to the date… Is that not what is the story of M’Aat… but an evolved version?

See what I saw Isabelle Ilic wrote on comments..

It is sacred portal 36… and 34.. Aphrodite.. Theresa of Avila.. ST Cecilia of Music…Jesse in the Book DUNE…

*Isabelle Ilic Oh I used to do this with a ring like that (pierre de lune aux reflets bleu azur et orangé, tel un coucher de soleil miniature).

Gift of a friend, I put it on my third eye and sleep a little.

It wasn’t a dream. It was like a vision. It turns into an ocean, everything begin to fall into water. I saw a face who look at me as if he floated in the air. It make me wake up suddenly.

A few days after, while m’y car stopped in nature, near a river (another dream), I saw cat with 3heads, after that, I arrived near a broken bridge. Indians on horse at the other side make me sign with hand to say hello. And an inner answer wich say to me that the bridge is the Christ….

Je ne porte plus la bague mais j’ai toujours une pierre de lune en pendentif.’

And see sacred portal 8….

1;47 p.m.

Sacred portal 26 is Aphrodite Eros/Cupid/Hermes conversing with himsef as Her Self now in the Air conversing with Eros Cupid Hermes…

just as I have been doing with Isabelle Ilic…

1:50 a.m.


1:51 a.m.

All Saints Day…

1168 Facebook Friends…

11 22 68…. David .. me…

11 28 68 Me David…

No I do not wish tp explain anymore..

And he coding is done for me… unless I am forced to do more…

Kasien Thompson sent me a message at 9;45 p.m.

I responded at 1:01 a.m.

9 45. I.D..E.

I Planet 4.5 Billion years old…

101 Bed here in Delta Manor…

1:55 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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