
12:02 pm. – L O B… E. – L F B.

12:02 pm.

L O B… E.

L F B.

Yes, it aligns to Sacred Portal 126.

Why am I still working with the Sacred Portals?

Sharia Perry
S P.

I had contact from Marina Burini today.

its 11:04 pm.

Yes, that is Tree Sage’s Birthday.

I will not even bother explaining.

As all know the play scripted at 900 South Road at ARDEN- and it would appear that a force of… utter selfishness which aligns to babies and children but which was not Jeron Sataya S lang nor Arden contested and challenged our truth and asked for Over Time and a rematch- cheating the right of my Twin Self not being a Black Man but a Caucasian.

I have no intention or desire to expain that.

But as you all have witnessed it keeps coming back to Arden the numbers 64 and 42= 106.

I and I.

I have no use for temper tantrums any longer of a race of beings who define themselves by the color of their skin.

My response, the script’s response, nothing will change the outcome.
Nor did I or V V, I and I require you to acknowledge it or accept it, nor did we or do we require your praise or acknowledgment of that which we always knew.

We are just starting quietly as we watch the play and what it means to us two.

You can not change the past, that which you sent out with your thoughts, nor can you bully me from that which had long since understood.

This hatred and race superiority.

This is an E Play.

Not a contest of competition and keeping me in a CAGE and using torture, torment, and threats in a spirit world in which I do not even exist.

I taught being the Cee- and See,
No one can see better than me, even if you set me up and decide by my response that you actually believe you cee see better than me.

I will allow you, even encourage you to think as you please.

I have the final say full stop.

I have been through this before, this set up where now a force is doing all it can to prove that Kim is not the E Harmony. just as it did with Arden.

While in truth there is only E K.
And Kim has already crossed over despite creating the web of suspicion and doubt- by casting him in a role from the past which I am seeing through and alerted him.

You see Arden is A -E K.

Hence the up and down yo-yo of Facebook friends.

11:22 pm.

I went through this play with Liberty just as I have done with Kim- Tree Cheify.

Anthony W Beinstein

The word Marina Biruni used to describe my Sacred Portals and my legacy to this world and I quote “…My heart and I can really help you with the unbelievable value of your art and legacy”

And that was from a play which took place in 2010- 2011 when I asked her after she had contributed so much money to the E Cause.
I asked her what was the value of me work and my expression…
She did not answer.

She has answered now.

Now see what the name Anthony means

*”The name Anthony is of Latin origin and means “priceless one.” Anthony is derived from the Roman family name Antonii, and evolved in the 17th Century to the version we know today: Anthony.”

it also means “Flower”

Flower Of Life. F O L. F L

Tree of Life .. T O L T L ( T F L)

The Tree is simply the Neck which connects the Flower which exists in the 5th.

The Tree connects the 5-4th/ the 4th and the 5th.

Now see the play with Tree and Liberty – Alicia – Sacred Portal 121.

Money code 54.

9 alined to I.
( USD)

Jetta Car 99. 45 54 = 99.
45 54 x = 20 20 VIsion.

29 29. is 1 58 Red Truck A F.

and 59 “End of the story MEOW”

How long since we completed that story was it with cats Angel, Thor, and Flora.

A T F.

Can you explain to me why Kim who has no cats, that Jae Sherman who had dogs, and her Mother has a dog called Bella whose name is written on this wall twice?

had three cats called Pearl, Alaska, and Norman.

P A N is my great grandfather and of course me.
Pandora Quartz Rose Quartz.

The original story of Pan-Dora was she was the most gifted and was so blessed that all the Gods gave her Gifts.
It was a boy, not a girl and suddenly we have the story of Chaos and Pandoras Box.

My Great Grandmother had stayed alone until our return but it was my mother who had indicated to me and pulled me up to the top floor and not any of my siblings ( which surprised me) to observe her arrival carrying a large pan on her head supported by her long graceful neck)
My Grandfather was the only one on the top floor watching with quiet and awe her approach and only after her entrance did my mother lead me downstairs to join my siblings to greet her, and that is when I recognized her, my mouth dropped open and she winked!

Dor A, My last room at Delta Manor was room 4B- bed 4-018 D O R and 4-019 D O S.

DOR A Door A the bed hand U stamped on it.

Do you see what I mean, something and someone is contesting Arden and myself still.

Even till now… the Z.

*”According to a user from Colorado, U.S., the name Anthony means “Gift of god”.
According to a user from Illinois, U.S., the name Anthony means “God gift”.
A user from Louisiana, U.S. says the name Anthony means “A greek anthos meaning flower”.
A submission from the United States says the name Anthony means “Very handsome and cute”.
2 people from Texas, U.S. agree the name Anthony is of Spanish / Roman origin and means “Flower”.
A submission from Tanzania, United Republic of says the name Anthony means “Grace of God” and is of English origin.
A submission from the United Kingdom says the name Anthony means “The best gift from heaven” and is of Hebrew origin.
A submission from North Carolina, U.S. says the name Anthony means “Rosemary, derived from the Greek word Anthos” and is of Greek origin.
A user from Virginia, U.S. says the name Anthony means “Handsome and perfect”.
A user from California, U.S. says the name Anthony is of English origin and means “Cute”.


Bien means “Good or Okay”

Stein means *”Stein is a surname with different origins. It is a common German-Jewish name. The name derived from German ([?ta?n]) means “stone” or “rockĀ”. Additionally, the Scottish name (/sti?n/; also Steen) is a form of the name Steven.”

Do you see what the Stone Rock – Planet 4.5 billion years is saying.

As if with great reluctance… Okay, it’s Stephen.

Only Stephen Johnson, and then Sharia Perry liked the most crucial post, I was observing and gave just a few indications and pointed it out.

11:56 pm. 56= 11.

Emeka Stephen.

At 15 53 Facebook Friends.

11:58 pm.
Cutting it so close when the answer is right before your eyes

It was never a competition- respect is a natural expression.

A W “E” B.

12:01 pm

“A Wonder” he called it.

12:01 am

12:02 a.m.

Never about loyalty to skin color.


L O B… E
Pulling your Ear lobe… Listen? Who cares?

12:03 pm

L OC… K E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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