
12:01 p.m.

12:01 p.m.


You know, I just read a post, which I had written earlier, and I could not believe the number of syntax and gramtical errors was in it.

I write a million times better, but I realized that not only am I too tired, my body over used and over worked, but most of all,

I am indifferent, uninterested….which is the reason I knew I had to stop.. stop everything.

But what I am dealing with, the persistence of this wave, whose insistennce and power to enforce It has made me understand that in Truth I do not recognize anything about this as anything that I wish to be part of.

Sure, I can read it, and It is pointing manifesting everything I stated and have worked on…

But the means has defeated the Ends to such a degree that I deny Everything about it apart from that which I did with my own Free Will.

And as I stated before, I have already encoded all that this Abomination Anomay Singularity, forced me to do, which was all based on maniuplation Control and deception no matter the outcome-is to be destroyed.

To me personally and objectively, it is better that Everything faces going out of Existence.. Everything and Existence Life Everything ceases to exist…

Apart from the Eternal Realm which inviolate… because It is that which has not been attained yet, and that place which only I hold in memory, and have proven.

That this power can even now exert control and power- using the very tools of Evil of Negation to manifest this play to set up the Lorenzo play, and the play which created this Pots today to move from 1053 facebook Friends, to 1055, to finally 1056 by continually seeting me up in a corner 17 years later….6 years after its Ultimate Betrayal of the Source Creator… To take advanatge to such a degree…

Then all reason for coming into Being and Existence has gone out the Window…

I listened to Lorenzo and watched the set up, I sat up holding those 52 cents- knowing that I was still in the Spirit World and play of the Mind and records of the Past linked to the Present…

The use of Money and my I.D.. and worst of all taking advantage of what they thought was my Love for them or family that they could use that Love as leverage to such a place…

That love stopped a long time ago, when I observed the Facebook play and then quiet response to the non stop Insults done to the Truth… he Beautiful Truth which gave rise to Everything….??

That anything could go this far…?

Ignoring with impunity when I say.. No.

No more… moving through my body, moving people, moving conditons cirumstances…. if this is what they the Process has become and how Creation agreed to such a play script….

Then better scrap everything.

I have made this clear over and over agan and the Money Play is the biggest part of it and the Depth of Evil I have witnessed what Men but most especially Women were allowed to enact in the Spirit Mental Shaman world…

I had sought to share what took place, not because of this Script but to preseve in record, to those who would remain or Rise from the Destruction of all that which never had a right to be…

But was allowed to be for a play- which then not only was manipulated to change the Original Blue Print but set up a play to use my own very Expression and Energy against me, to make me do Its plan….

12:29 p.m.

The line of 29…. is who I am referring to… the A-Z+123…

There is no C… there is only A.B… 3 As in Tre as in Trnity as in 333 does not exist..

All is 1 One and as I explained this over and over again to Lorenzo, after just twenty minutes, I saw that it was a ruse once more.. a waste of time a breath simply a use of my energy…

A moment later Francis Fric came into Lie down amd though he still wished to speak he resepected when I said that the conversation was terminated and never be taken up again because i pointed out, you do not listen and you already have a poit of View where you are in direct communication with God…

and I can not and do not deal with the insanty of an Intelligent Man who side steps Logic and reason… which he loves and and holds sacred bt not more sacred than his idea of him being Superior, while acting the most humble of men.. for being the Chosen one…

Nothing excludes everyone else than this…

This singlemindedness I have witnessed in him and in other wise, reasonable and intellient men and women…

The abomination…

He did show me something though when I mentioned the Matrix, he showed me Isaiah 49…

I simply read the code 49… page 842….

I knew I was looking at the Source of Existential Death…

that which is of almos the highest potental which would never Be.

12:46 p.m

Sidney Poiter is on Telvision… I loved him…

And I recognized his energy ( in all cultures and complexions) and yes he is the correct incarnation of the Energy of the Original Deadly Black Panther..


12:47 p.m.

So, yes, when I stated that this has gone too far.. I said this oer three years ago and when I was forced to enter into the Shelter… for this play of the Forest People…

I said no…

Not only because what It has done to me personally and thus to every Being.. even if I was able to endure and surmount it is not the point…but also because It goes against every law of bringing into Exstence and even that of Destruction…

It simply erases all meaning of comming into Being and Existence…

A Script enforced to such a point of the Source Creator transformed into the reciepent of every abomination committed then raped in every dimension every moment and then held hostage, his I.D, his Truth, His Presence all by the dictates of the Will of a people who do not exist, whose fate his destiny is placed in..

And the demand of his self negation over and over again and agreeing to all this while doing all the work unrecognized despite glaring evidence…

Where they can change the rules at whim, the make demands and control mamiuplate and lay claim to all He The Creator does and can hold His Identity hostage and can be extorted blah blah.. non stop and can do nothing about it until he satisfies all Their Demands..

It is a propesterous Script…

Absurd which no matter how I have fought to come to terms with how it is still manifesting while literally ignoring it to focus on the Original Plan E.T, despite everything done to conceal that Script in favor of the Absurd, the Insane.. the Ridiculous powered by a Betrayal of that which was once part of me, or Ethreal Energetic me which on It was to earning Its Their I.D apart from me went to far, so far as to created a Script where I am contained as their Eternal Slave…

All wrapped up in the envelop of these creatures as God and Gods and myself representing the embodiment of all Evil.. Every Evil in Existence all created by They who are created to be blameles while the Author Creator is to blame and responsible for all the Evil in the World.


I have Done…

Now your turn…

line of L…Male Female and all those who challenged and did nothing but watch the show.

1:12 a.m.

A Stupid Script… and Role which defeated itself by making no sense in any realm of being even here, in fiction myth fantasy or even Cartoon.

1.13 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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