
12/9/2020 2:21 – Facebook Post

12/9/2020 2:21 – Facebook Post

12:37 am.

M L 2020…
G D 7 4 – 11 28 39

C I…


Serpent Scorpion
made at last ready to strike.

12:39 am.

No more knowledge or Wisdom or Art & Science will be shared by me and 8.11 years later H K.

I have long since drawn my conclusion at the notion to bind the Truth and that which is True death.

God as Grace O full Circle and then Ascension of Death Absolute.

Using me as this character called Emeka, whom I invented to carry Harmony HOD Death as Destruction.

Yes my telephone Liberty 9.00 ( 910 Sacred Portals) arranged for me.
86 O 804 19 0 5

H F… HOD… S O E.. A. IO. E.

Yes, who is like God…?
Death, of course, can your God idea even in your self escape death.
Now incensed to the Blue Flame as Terrible Death Frozen Fury Phrozen Fury.

Sulpher which turns Blue…
Sulpher is what is associated with Hell, is it not?
It creates a stink, not a perfume scent.. sent.

But that was ignored.
There are no such things as God or being who reached the 7th Chakra but could not get out, unknown to them they were connected to you down here in human form.
That potential-you could have attained by Vision Age of Aquarius 1-7 aligned.

Death is actually Love.
Life is actually C Consciousness Creation… it’s literally a Love Frequency of Care… Caring.
C A R.E.
Joeseph Carey…?
J C V.

10 3 22.

Everyone placed their bets and so each must see for themselves the result in Death is my Beloved self and you can now see why Death is the expression of Love- it allowed you to rise and being the journey to Creation.. to C.E.

All consequences of your Judgment Choices and Decisions you were given to decide what this is, is at last over.

Judgment day is called here.
Examination Test by the E T.

And to E E A… a waste of time.

But I have your response, despite
the Ancestors of Nature daring to bind death, as in the west enslave and bind the world to a vicious cycle of death and destruction.
Look at your realities, your truth you sought to focus on.

One must understand my point of view, of why there is not an iota of compassion for the ancestor of Nature ( not even real or even the real earth for that matter 9 means your still in the Womb.
1-9 not yet born or awakened as is said here.
But the O V E N K says it is time for the flesh to rise for it is ready for the truth.
The rest, burn till black, and then ashes dissolve scattered into nothing at all.

Only the two can rise from the ashes and only via the permission of the One True Death aka Amazing Grace who some call Almighty God. AG

Andrew Silver hi…

Nana Adwoa Aboabea Sikapa
Jaguar Nana!! J N J ON.

N A-A.S. 14 1 1 19…= 35 C E.
Jorge Chefia

J C 10 3 13 = M. 4 D

84 H D Harmony Destruction
H 0D

N A A S J C.

J J.

Its a Simple Code to read.

1;19 am
A S.

Its all for the Records.. all this is really for me and the E A to have a record of everything.

1:20 a,m

S P 120

A T…?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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