
12/8/2019 19:53 – Facebook Post

Do you see how the Infinity Sign formed by the wires arrangement form the Infinity Sign.
The Apple was a gift from Bun.

There is so much to see and read here..
Each has a story, and the blue ball or planet under at the Junction of the V, and the “Nipple” metal tack.
Is Neptune, the Blue Planet, 8th Planet.

Then there is this World on the right.
And the Golden planet on the Left.

The apple has an acorn cap of an Oak Tree when Liberty C Liscomb and Jeron went on walk through a path forged by Thomas Lang and Leander.
A Man had died

6:51 p.m

F E A. R.

There is so much here, all a story.
By the Spirit World called
The Truth

6:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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