
12/8/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

12/8/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post
12/8/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

From Louise Barbara Smith.. L.B.S….

Extraordinary Eyes…

I Accept all Face Book request because the pattern of which what seems as a Random Selection of people choosing or deciding to be my Face Book friends.. (as well as those “Unfriending Me”)

-has revealed a Pattern, which through using the Ancient Arts and Science of Gammatra, Divination, Naming things and meaning of things….and my adding Modern Science of Synchroncity, Order Logos, Reason. Convergence and the sum total of Reasonable Knowledge…
have merged with what I call my Evolved Consciousness..
Which I hasten to add was always in Us… and which had become activated by the years of my living undercover ( as most people do.. then forget) being an Observer of my the outer reality while anchored in my own E consciousness of the Observer….

Which created a whole new way of perceiving Everything including all knowledge…
Thus, creating and Evolved Consciousness in Being as is happening up with the ‘Quickening”- but the Quickening aligned to common sense..

Such as in ancient terms, the Quickening is called Mercury Hermes the messenger…
The Messenger was Ancient Man learning to understand and describe his environment.. and to tame his/her fear of the unknown, used stories to make translate things..
Such as the Legend of the First man Adam, learning to Name things…
And to Name something really means to identify what is already IS…

Not giving random meaning to things not based on Facts and Actuality….
Based of Supposition or Superstitions…
Such as the Diagnosis given to me Condition..

I just has a incredulous text conversation with Yolande Makha…
Whom I met only through her then 4 year old son..
I was sitting outside 80 Spring street when she and her son came to sit down on a bench nearby…
Her Son she calls B… calmly walked up to me and sat on my Lap and began hold me, and carress my Face, to his mothers absolute amazement…ans shock…

“He never responds that way to people’ she said staring at him..
He was comforting me, seeing me in a way very very few people could see what I was really going through and why…

That there are children being born in the world with Evolved Consciousness because that is Evolution…
And Evolution happens also in Humans…

I had always had these abilities as a boy- which my parents and teachers and people around me recognized…
But I had learn’t early enough to go deep undercover when I saw the concern and sometimes Fear in the eyes of my Parents, and adults..
The other kids, were better, but were kind of protective of me…
Like I was their secret.. that Seed of Evolution they all had- their furture which had to be protected…
It used to bother me and I wondered why they thought that I was strange but loved me and sought to protect me…
I never understood until Hindsight…

I learned to be able to “Go under cover’ and watch other children, and observe reality so as to not stick out..
I learned to adapt, not pretend but to simply take on programs of of Behaviors which brought acceptance…
A process most children do, only difference was that I was aware of each step of the process and why I chose each program… and what function it served…
And I was also looking forward to the man I would become by mixing such a great aware choice of “Applications and Programs”

And so I learned to adapt.. until I wrote that book as an 8 year old an blew my cover..
But I recovered and went to Nigeria where I was not, certain people would call me out.
People who sensed and knew…
I have detailed all of this here on this page…

And then my desire to live in this reality, until I realized that there were certain fundamental aspect of my Nature… my Essence which I would not, could not give up to be accepted..
I watched as the Kids I knew, began to grow up and lose that way of Being…
That perception and Sight…

And I could not join them, and I missed them..
And so I found that as I entered University the two worlds began pulling at me…
My truth and my desire to be accepted and to Belong…
But the more I observed and interacted with this reality, the more it went against Logic reason and my very Nature…
And I saw that it went against the very nature of others too.. but somehow they could forget… and then literally Die… or seemed to become as ‘Sleeping Beauties” in a Coma….

And I could not join them, I stayed awake…
And then the Spirit world people in Nigeria I kept meeting kept coming to me, they could see me, see beyond my cover…
But though there Realm was interesting it was not the way I saw things and I could see where they were not always pure or seeing the other…

I saw also the horrors done in the world of the Spirit…
Witch Doctors, Shamans, all based in Superstitions and Shamans,..
Even Yolande spoke of this, of seeing a relative who had these gifts being consecrated to these Secret Societies against her will..

And she spoke of her own flight from that reality to embrace the cool rational world of the West…
But she also made me aware that she had no escaped it..

Thus the only way to escape it I reasoned when I finally also fled Nigeria. not out of fear, but in the realization that the consciousness I represented was is important, if not just to destroy the strong hold of the Spirit world over the Physical world….
And that the Spirit world.. Medium the Bridge of the process of Energy to Spirit to Physical Manifestation was being blocked my mis translation, distortion and even done in some cases intentionally for power over the Human Spirit and eventually the Physical and then Material World…

And so my battle against them- the Spirit world and their intentional and unintentional interpretation… Superstition Tradition, ancient sects and beliefs began to take over reason and humanity…
Which has spilled over into the Physical exploitation of all living things…
and then moved over to the Material World…

I saw this when I came to shoot my film The Ethnic Odyssey in 1999 End of the Year.. and saw the Material realm but as Consumerism taking over the entire western world..
I filmed and everywhere, in every major capital in the west I could see teh same pattern..
A complete take over…And i saw that I could see and read patterns way before any one could see them…
I noticed this but wondered what I could do…

Which is when the war with the Spirit World became more intensified…
The Spirit of Humanity was being so corrupted and this was affecting people minds and expressions.. Bodies and Being….

It was horrible. terrible to watch and I watched as I finally made a stance in 1989 to be as I really am, and come undercover and prove the Truth, the Beautiful Truth which an entire species seemed to forgetting, scores, millions billions surrendering, giving up… giving into to their own most terrible rape….

And I watched as the True Spirits of Humanity, seeing that I effortlessly had retained this consciousness, willing sacrificed me to this Hell, by being able to use use Sound and Sight and the manipulation of this reality and its perception, as well as their great power in this physical reality, which in their turn they were in a great war with this Darkness called Death as the End.

And what was the worst the entire Human Subconscious was expressing this through their Art, films but none would or could it seemed bring it to consciousness…
Build a Language and Ladder to sustain what they could see before the “Dark End’ would swallow up their temporarily awakened state…

Sure there were warriors, fighting, especially the Youth, who I saw while filming all over the Western Capitals…
The True Human Spirit was at War… but they did not have that language called Physical and Material which could break the Spell of those who became as Medusa’s objects….Made of Stone…

I could have written this way, much clearer all these years, on Face Book if it was not for the interference of these Guardians of the True Human Spirit…

Albert Santana had once risen, to tell me that it was for his sons, for the children so that they would not have to endure the Rape he and all the people he witnessed endured…
The drugs, the guns, the killings, the horror… and yes, it was and is horrible and terrible but it is not just amongst the poor as he felt…
It was all levels of society form the rich famous, Royals Everywhere..
My life and the places I was able to access in so many countries and roles I played showed me that…

And so the Spirit and Mind realm did not care what I went through, they wished to know, and for me to share how I was able to always stay awake and aware..
How I was able to stay Joyous Happy and never fall asleep…

And they did not care what it costs or the Evil they incarnated…
They threw me into the black pitt of the Dark End…
And to them, if I survived it with my consciousness then my consciousness worked..

Which is why when Shaman Durek Verrett was sent to bring me from Istanbul, I refused…
Because there was a better way…
But they were desperate to Win The War…
But there was no war.. just their own Fear of the ‘Dark Side…”
Their Dark Nature…
They were too busy judging it to see that the reason so many feel into it was because it was who and what they believed themselves to be…

And they were becoming it.. literally…
Because in their desperation they had turned into abominations..
Sacrificing their children their loves, their Everything to be saved from this Dark End… Which was simply the expression of thier fears….

And this Face Book Play is the end result..

My body is GROWING… Became it is stretching..
It is not a Pituitary Gland… P.G… Abnormality as I had already investigated thoroughly 6 years ago…
Which a security guard called Martin came to my room to tell me the day I collapsed… Alluding to 7’6 Basket Ball Player Mamadou Ndiaye… M.N…

But her genuine sincerity and compassion hit upon the very code played out here..

76 is my sacred Portal 76… The Awakening…
Pit U R IT ARY… Gland…..
P.G… The Code which has been figuring here through out my 4.8 years giving of public evidence…

P.G… 16… 7…. Two Harmonies 88… moving to one 16… Which creates 7..
Red/ Violet…. Purple… R.V… R.P… R.I.V… R.I.P… River of Death….
P.R Is as represented by the arrival of what Kerwyn Vincent Kerwyn Rawles Vincent represents…. Room 4-5….

P.I…T.. U.R…IT…A R…Y-G…. ARGILE Meaning “Clay’ in French…
Adam.. Red Earth.. the ability for the body to Regenerate…
To Evolve to G.. 7… G- Land…
and only then can the Beautiful Truth Land….


Which I have been forced to use codes and break downs over and over to prove this….

Mamadou means
“45. The meaning of Mamadou is “Worthy of praise”.

Ndiaye is a clan “NDI..AYE’… The Pet name for by Brother Nnamdi was Ndi… Whichalso means “People of..’ AYE Means “Yes”

‘Worthy of Praise The People all Agree..”..
My name means Praise….

And I do not even wish to bother telling you what that message means or where it comes from…

It is all so so stupid… Black White City Woods…

To go so far out of fear at the End of Humanity, the Future so many saw and embraced… Why not an end of this horror so a new original truth would take its place…
And instead of looking for a Hero, why did you not All prove it into Existence..
If you love Existence Life so much, why did you not fight for it..?
Or at least not Help me fight to prove it….?
Instead of being the greatest Hinderance and evil to that which was amd already IS…
Set in the Original Blue Print of All Things…
The E…?

She then told me that told me that I had to get to Diane l.g.. through her..
I was concerned, but I went with the play until she told me her friend said that I should call her only if I had a a disability and HASA… “HIV”
I already read the code,,, H..A.S.A… Harmony of exceptional Beauty… ASA!!!!

And the Dis Ability is D. IS ABILITY….
And then it became extortion when she I said I would call her friend based on the former Disability…
What disability she asked about 12pm while I slept in a Mental Health Shelter…. 27 Years… 15.9 years… 4.8 years of explaining and she was a Face Book Friend.. telling me she had no time for My Long Stories and suddenly she wishes to advocate for me…
Speak for me when she doesn’t even know what I am going through…?

I was so stunned I said I would speak to her in the morning then added that code Expression to Existential Death.. for that is what she expressed..
My Existence and Expression and Emodiment meant nothing…
And if I did not call her in her time, I should forget about getting any help from her friend… that she would call her and tell her….

I understood of course,
but I told her that did she realize that all I have endured was 4 B.. her son…
And all the children which He presents…
To give them voice an expression so they would not endure what I would never have endured if I had not been meddled with by others Fear…

There was nothing to fear..
Donald Trump was meant to be elected..
911 was meant to happen…

People were meant to find the True meaning of Why and not assume….

9:11 p.m..

It was allowed and what was the Beautiful Result not the ugly one…

David Brewer
David Powers
Pierre David
Jonathan David Frechette
Miguel David Mega Isca
David Machado Miguel Daví
David M Chileshe
David Bryant
Robbie Davidson
David Cooperstein
David Machado Miguel Daví
Antoÿnÿ Laurent Machado Daví
Akil Davis
NGa Sidney Davis
Guerrilla Davis

Anthony Bienke
Anthony Rosemary
Anthony Spencer
Anthony Pitts
Anthony John

Sarah Nkem Blackstock
Sarah Lagrange
Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani
Sarah Simon John
Sarah Beth Friedman

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones
Eunice Mulosa

John Kemakolam
Anthony John
Elliott John Elliott
John Mikel Obi
Sarah Simon John

Abraham Madu
Aqua Mentis

Angela Marie Alexander
Evan ALexander Judson

Rachel McWilliams Young
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Okocha Devona

Sjani Human

Gay-Marie Bradshaw

I am tagging so many people…

Because there must be someone out there who can Hear Me!

9:16 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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