
12/6/2020 17:52 – Facebook Post

12:31 pm.


There was a money play yesterday…
10 moved to 3.
And then I saw on a Flash Light I have of Arden’s- the number 300.
C x 3 I had placed it on the “BI AT E ( M F, yes link Miguel Figueroa) /001 gifts from Liberty along with the Tunning Fork, a baby mitten in black on it.

I can not begin to describe the Frozen and “Phrozen” Fury in me at the work has continued for this long while fully aware of the presence of the evolved.

I am fully aware of exactly what is going on as well as an impossible betrayal which allowed this play to continue to use my body my being, money .. and the absolute selfishness imposed on me and my body to twist and turn, and be tortured day and night by this play which is for the benefit of all, yet has and never really had nothing to do with me.

I have been living a nightmare, in which everyone else whom I have been made to work for benefit from the situation of a personal horrific nightmare I am in which most are aware.

That I have to continue to use my power, solve other people’s riddles while being face to face with the Avatar Descendants who are being used as shields and portals for the lines they represent which, I truly have no desire to listen to or solve their riddles.
It is only because of the truly evil and monstrous allowance of such a play to be allowed and enforced by that which claimed to be Nnamdi- Father and Alien Father.. and the lie of Mother Nature Earth Universe that I have been made to continue to deal with this nightmare… Because of a story using core beliefs, as fuel to sustain this personal nightmare.

But this was a story, was never real, a point I have maintained for most of my life, and finally in this challenge which had me dragged to New York.

Belief is a principle that belongs to the Noni Promise line as wells as shelter, protection, and the teacher of life.

I made it very clear from the onset of this impossible mess, that not only this is not real, but Belief is not required.
And that I am indifferent to them, all that is required is Facts.
Solid Facts.

Nor do I have any faith in a script that has used exploitation, extortion, lies, and making me prove who I am…and even then there is no respect.
Not for the truth, not for the proof and the nightmare of an existence which I have endured, representing my being cornered to fight for those, I did not choose to fight for or sustain.

The ingratitude and the extreme selfishness I have encountered in people via this script and the use of those who do have beauty but in the end who simply think only of themselves and put themselves, their needs, desires before even the proven Source, who all this slavery I have been made to endure was all for them.

What I have experienced, especially in the last three portals 900 South roads, 29 Lincoln, and nowhere where the illusion of B-Lack is beyond words to describe, so I would prefer to remain silent.

How far would they go, you go .. be allowed to go…
But this far…?

There are no words to describe my full awareness of how far this was allowed to go at my expense, finishing a script of the illusion of the “We The People” – a people who do not even exist, because as I have been made to demonstrate and prove, right to this portal at south Whitney 219-217 on the second floor, that this is a story.

Can you imagine, a force being allowed to challenge The Source of Existence source of all Expression made to walk through a challenge to prove manually in Human form that this is a story, for only a story can create such a play- not the actual reality.

-A work of fiction and fantasy is the only place where such a script can be created of a story of The Source, Truth, and all the true principles embodied in existence can trap such beings in a play and a script of challenge and demands so outrageous.

Only a story can create such an absurdity, and that is what I felt when I understood by 1996 when I found Jay Taun Jerome at The Collection.

I knew it was done, It was over.
see sacred portal 96.

Think about it, that was 24 years ago.

A power that could force me into a story and my telling this force no, that this is all a lie, not true.. that it is a story, and then for 24 years it could make a person, its source travel through Its idea of Creation Existence and not only contest my truth, The Truth but fight to prove that this is all real and that I am not correct.

I would often say it on Facebook those early years, very quietly “But what if you are wrong and you have gone so far.

How far will you go for what you believe is the truth… what evil will you do enact in your righteous fury that your truth supersedes mine?

What will you do, after all, that you have done to me, to people persecuted, tortured, cursed to an Eternal Pit by you…


What will you do, after betraying the most sacred trust and power, only to discover you were wrong and that this being you so tortured with every imaginable cruelty, and made him ( me) move through the story of absolute evil -impossible for Humans people to conceive, but which you all know based in you being the very source of that power which trapped me in this story of which I experience absolute betrayal by something claiming to be Nnamdi, Mother Nature, Mother universe and my E Family.

How far would you go?
To what levels of evil will you sink to, what expressions words actions will you do to silent me, as the arrogant conceited fool who dare make the claim that he is the Source.
The Creator.. and it ends up being true.

In this script, belief is the betrayer… and those of you who held onto those beliefs by using Facts or Common sense- just emotions and fear.

And imagine an Alien Father- and Mother who take advantage of the situation of the power of the human species, to make me solve all your riddles to bring you All home- when over and over again I stated and then was forced to prove that none one here is real and only those who are moved by the Eternal Expression and are aware are slated to rise and that they come from Two Men.. yes with phalluses…

1:31 pm

How far did you all go, in expression to mock challenge and deride my expression that I was insane, mad, beyond conceited.. despite all the care and true love, and everything shared day and night wit you- knowledge which lightened your load, cleared your eyes, transformed your lives.

I know what this script you “The People” of this world earth and the idea that you were, are God, Stardust, children of the Great mother, Devils, God- all these ideas without any facts evidence, empirical knowledge could not only challenge the creator but then… but then turn around change their minds and force me into another script .. after all that, in which I must now untangle the cosmic mess of ages you created throughout time and get you all out…
play the savior, for those who went so far in their denial or even entertaining the truth, ignoring the proof and the facts I was then made to present to you by being extorted, blackmailed, tortured in an impossible nightmare… To Forgive and Forget…

To be honest, that took even me by surprise.
The demand that it was expected that I clean up your mess, swallow all the insults, all that I have experienced with each of you and your lines and the Avatar descendants of the Eternal Family which your thoughts and material desires kept you chained to…

That you sit in your homes, go out and party, continue feeding fear, disease, gossip, blame right to my face after the experiencing of the truth, the proof to the few paying attention whom I literally had to tag and constantly remind.

Who was it recently said that “The world needed a reminder?
and posted the code 103”

10 USD to 3 now… Minus the 7.
Who are the 7… 1-7 it never existed and I have managed to extricate the true 1-7 AG by proving that 1-7 Sound and Colors was all a lie, and an illusion.. a beautiful Illusion because A.G is really I.
Infinity Harmony.
9 8 – 89 in your Numeric systems of numbers.
Really simply I and I
Harmony Infinity.

Infinity Standing up.

I am of course aware of why I have been made only slightly more comfortable when only when I lie down and why standing up, sitting ( on my Throne sacred portal 45) has been such physical hell and torment.
And the effort to prove that the Infinity symbol is an 8 loop lying down not standing up.

1:47 pm

I could have stated to that force that the equation is not physical that this all creation is expression which all physical matter comes from, and thus the influencing of my body and use of Human Avatars as Spoilt children- not well-brought up- where common decency and respect for those who truly are worthy of respect and manners has been destroyed by infecting them with need and distraction of this material world.
This disease of the west which has infected an entire planet, this self-absorption, this twisted awful ego and me, me! me! twisted meaning of Narcissism has made these human children become the spawn of the evil of non-existence to be tools to feed the force of non Existence.
Nonexistence is really the realm of Alien Father, of whom I am the original representation.

This was the world’s wish of you as children and beautiful youth, you saw suffering, injustices and many of your wished to change things to make things better, “Change the World” back to what you said and knew it to be.

And then what happened?

“They did this to me, they did that to me… ” blame pointing fingers, false accusation so few of you looking in the mirror, and looking to see if you might be the cause.
And so you went into yourselves, to protect and preserve yourselves, became Adult Monsters to protect the beautiful truth of that one true light of your inner child inside.

And you became monstrous and selfish, everything was about you, inversed, twisted, distorted from that Beautiful Truth of wishing to help others as you yourself grew… that beauty in you who knew that it was all about you being an example to inspire others.
Instead of the beautiful self-projection as the term Ego means, you became its perversion, everything was now about you.

2:00 pm
And you wondered why my body is twisted and why in truth, based on this script’s conclusion but beyond that, what I am experiencing at this very moment…
Living here at South Whitney again but on the second floor, once more in the play of proof that this world your life. this Universe is naught but a Story which all of your past to present helped to write.

Appreciation Gratitude in its authenticity and sincerity does not exist even at this point except by a few who even now, I have been solving the riddles of the lines they each represent.

2:04 pm
24 years
Yes, E MF.. = 24.

You sought to blame Esteban Stephen but he is not here on Facebook any longer as E M F he is MF… Miguel Figueroa
E M F… but perhaps it was our interactions and his annoyance with me, and this script of the Book of Evil people unclean… which influenced him to move from E M F to M F in perfect harmony.
or perhaps it was also his E Harmony.

Is this not all about sharing?
I shared everything, taking your posts to honor you, and sharing it on my page in a play script I loathe and do not care.
I introduce each facebook friend, since 2012 Jan.
I acknowledge, honor support, name listen to people’s problems despite them completely ignoring what I am posting of the conditions I am enduring.

When my phone went out, my computer laptop broke down… Only Esteban stepped in… and the phone… well he got over his rage and stated when asked he would fulfill his promise.
Which is great but I still had to ask him… and he is of the highest in the play in the enacting of the true human spirit.

Who are you?

I really have do not recognize who or what you are.. or have become.
Sharing, acknowledging each other, speaking up for each other, helping solve each other’s riddles with grace courtesy, and elegant manners, without acting superior or expecting something in return.

I share on pages, all on public access, so you do not have to be my Facebook friend to access the knowledge I am fully aware is priceless but I lived like a Bum taking donations and only the constant generosity of Stephen ( though yes it all came from me, your money wealth blessings, wishes granted, people you wished to be healed helped… none of the diseases you contracted came from me…Yet i am the one made to come down and clean up your mess)

There is a sickness in you, a sickness that you are given everything even knowledge and an exemplification of how to be a Human Being-
Do you not examine your consciences and why should anyone have to remind you about basic manners and that this human being, compelled to post day and night and write for 31 years, prove, call you out, do things for you all which is common sense.

2:20 pm

To make a better reality, it starts with you, not this perverse ego, and the idea that the most truly beautiful souls and beings of existence owe you anything and that you are entitled to all the suffering you cause others?

7:21 pm

That is the date I moved back to 29 Stevan – Lincoln place.

Its a code “Grown Up”
I am not an adult, I am a grown-up, a Human being natural who shares even in this despicable unnatural and evil script.
How can you truly expect to use the excuse that you are only Human after I have been made to play ( and stay) human?
Define, remind what being a Human is and what every day people.

Esteban just came over,
I had woken up with Rage and had told Jae Sherman and Kim, Esteban had promised that he was now calm and would come over this weekend.
I had not heard from him but that this was my finale with him.

He arrived with no message or time he was coming arriving with John Mack and Mackayla.

I was glad to see John and Mackayla.
But after greeting them I told them my mood of rage, not with anyone in particular but by being placed in this situation.
I was in the middle of this post and as he walked in with food and his expression.. I knew the Truth.

Suddenly the rage of this play and yes, even the actions each had done John and Mackayla was not with intention but their belief.
Esteban spoke of the Ritz in Miami he had gone to and finally about mt being The Source…. there was no respect… again it felt as if it was a joke…
I was making coffee when the very nature of that which I have been posting rose in me…
I did not wish to hide the anger and rage I felt, but I was calm but furious.

And then Esteban Miguel Figueroa exploded and began to speak as if I were mooching off him, the tirade of words where so abusive and demeaning- so insulting for any person, that I was reminded that Jae Sherman was in the room.

Jae was furious at not only how he addressed me, but what he said was so vile- it was as if he felt himself God and when I asked him to leave when he ranted about all he wished to do was come here with breakfast and go and get me the phone he had damaged and promised to bring, he made it sound like I was a beggar and ungrateful for all the things he bought… for me and how he took me out of the shelter and never should have.

Jae Sherman was outraged as John and Mackayal looked on.
I asked him to leave, and then when his tirade reached a point where he demanded of Jae Sherman what I contributed money wise.. S.he said I helped with her mental health.

At one point I asked him to get out and he stepped to me… he actually stepped to me.

I love Esteban and you can see what I was writing about him before he arrived, but somehow I was not allowed to finish this post because he arrived at the perfect timing.

I have lived through his rage since we first spoke on the phone and through the 2 years of explaining to him and proving this play was real and his getting all the evidence.
I had lived through his tirades and rage which without protection, I had proven that every dime coming to him and everyone was because of me, meaning that that which had sent me was alerting people of His presence and proving his truth.

I had also stated that Truth is love and that it brings love as clarity.
And as he was reigning his abuse and insinuating over and over again that I was a mooch, a freeloader… he reached over for my tobacco- took it to Jae Sherman astonishment.

Who was roaring at him, at his audacity of coming into someone’s home and acting in such a way as if he were God that he had arranged everything.

I can say that yes, I knew this was coming that this was set up…

There was a comment Jae Sherman later made, that “This is why you should have been paid for all this work in acknowledgment respect…

I ordered him to get out again, he brought up his resentments even to Kim for his placing him in a headlock.

Why did was this energy of perfection moving through him, and the love i have for him did not blind me to his truth or the fact that he had been used, but we had long since passed that play which demands that each person take responsibility for the shit, the self-mastery.

Jae spoke to me after they had left about how She was exactly like that before and that S-He wished she could tell him how terrible that state was and how S-He was much better now.

Jae was so horrified she searched for Mackayla and John and Stephen on Facebook.

I had fought for Esteban for 2 years and given all I could to help him rise.
But today, I knew, despite this being a setup, and he’s taking advantage of my posts and the love I feel for him… but not just him but the beautiful truth in every single person…
I knew that I never wished to see him again, not in this life and not in the Awakening.
Yes, I said he is safe, but that which is the beautiful truth in him- the soul of him and all I have rescued.
But this Ego of insanity and Primordial rage will cease to exist and shall be sent down with all those he represents…
3:49 pm into the sum total of my Frozen Fury.

I had stated that there is no one I will forgive for this play… No one, not my Mother, not my siblings not my supernatural nor E.T family.

And that this was not about Love,.. it was about each person’s truth, so there was no sadness in me as they left, He left.
I am not a story, there is another Stephen Estaban who exists in another body… This one ceases to exist for me, and his consequence is the consequence of the arrogance and conceit of this species – who take advantage of their being in situations they think are advantageous, making them superior and using divine intelligence, lying in wait.

Yes, I understand and understood his rage, wrath, but it is not an excuse.
I have often stated that I hold no grudges if you rise, but if you do not, and you go so far as to think yourself special and can sit on your laurels after I said you are safe… And yes, I was aware when I posted all about not resting on one’s laurels.

But he stepped to me, a man who even he said had helped him so much, but whom he felt superior to because of his access to money and that his rage could make him literally step to my face.
Then that person will be given the greatest lesson of the PHrozen Rage… my coldest fury and hate.
True he was set up, I said that to him in my last text, but that does not exonerate you when you already know, nor can you dare publicly seek to humiliate me in front of others- to make yourselves like the Ego projection you have created and this playscript of forcing me to interact with you.. making you assume I need you.
You have to grow up, and thus the last 2 years of my being sent here.. and to hear his words tirade one more time is my turning to the source of the script which created for me such a role.. In which for playing such a role this is the acknowledgment I am given “In God We Trust” Money.

And since you stepped to me, to seek to take advantage of my non-physical violence stance…
Or thinking that because you are Emeka said you are Safe, Beloved to him… suggesting that is because of money.
Then you are liable, and that Demon Rage you give into, use as a source of power to Dominate Control and shock people into submission.. Then that Demon is the one who rises and takes you to the Hell you created.
Along with the true expression of my most violent and cruelest rage.

I am tired of explaining, nor do I blame Esteban or anyone- each to their own point of view and expression.
And its consequence, which I have not to desire any longer to protect you from.

Because I know and have experienced the Truth of you which you have held onto and that is now your Truth and I accept it.

But there is another force, behind this which set this all up, right to this play of Jae Sherman being chosen as the evolution of Stephan.
This is the force whom I have eternal hatred for, it’s the hatred which set this up, to take its what I promised it, to take all those I reject down to Non Existence and the true meaning of going out of existence.

4:11 pm Nathaniel Kim.. Nnamdi Kolo… Nature Knows.

Perhaps now that he is gone, the last Twister line of the truth and I have let go of him with love and not an iota of regret, that my body will finally rise and we can have the evolution awakening since i have rescued Terrible Deaths truth and beauty- casting the corpses of the Avatar Descendants who betrayed their own eternal truth.

4:14 pm
D N as the one usurping me.

He came with Mackayal and John Mack, each of them chose their truth.
And the arrogance of Esteban Stephen without asking me, and bringing them to my door…

Of the home of Kim and Tree and to create such a scene…

Let him now carry long after he ceases to be the Eternal Shame Blame of Humanity and be remembered as that for all Eternity.
Let it be written and indented in all records that he is the representative as to why the Human Race became extinct.
And his companions who he brought to my door.
The gateway J K… 10 11.

5 10.

4:22 pm.

Its not enough to be in harmony E you must embody it too.

Free will and choice.

4:22 pm

PS when he took my tobacco without my permission, he threw 20 usd on the table.

I understood it was Animal Rage and the spirit of Jealousy…

So since he took advantage of my condition his line caused, and my self-mastery that I did not snap him in two.
Now let him and his line experience the beast in me as the true Animal rage which is not contained by a playscript of evolution awakening which he has disdained with such contempt while I sit here every day.

Was I aware of this possibility and truth of course, I called him Erek The Red.
my Bio Father Maurice code 7 28 my Bio sister…
I would never have tolerated all that ( despite seeing him with true love)
but I have been through this before with Erik The Red whose Blood lust and thirst for revenge I was tasked to evolve.
he was also called Iron John.

Its is all documented here on Facebook the play with my first contact with Stephen at the Shelter, after Billy Hung and so many others had offered me ways out to leave.

And John Macks play here when i said if you betray the E truth, that it would destroy me.
Then read what took place.
Then see the Mackayla play..

But what was I to do? it was all set up and all i could not was do everything in my power to help them rise to truth J and M and E S.
Can you see the play.. Jam s means usurper but not A, Arden or E… Me.
And Jessie Macias O is in harmony with E.

4:47 pm.

4:47 pm.

I accepted the challenge to the End.
it ends with Kim Tree and Jae Sherman

Now I see why the delay.

Truly Evil play and script but yes, and a vile way to get the truth in a realm of Liars and Pretenders who were each created from the Beautiful Truth…it proved to the truth to a live Audience watching on T V.

This is why I said, that they need to see power pain and the lash, not being protected by the lie of “They Know not what they do”

So show them my Pure Hate.

4:52 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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