
12/5/2020 21:16 – Facebook Post

12/5/2020 21:16 – Facebook Post

From Kim Arthur Hinds -sight-e

7:59 pm.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer who spent most of his adult life in France.

I understand. PRP. Full Circle.

*The name Picasso is derived from the central southern Italian word “pica” meaning a “magpie;” as such, it was likely originally a nickname for a gossipy or wordy person.”

*From the Roman family name Paulus, which meant “small” or “humble” in Latin. Paul was an important leader of the early Christian church.”

Children always :Spill the beans” tell the truth and of that which they have heard.
which is why they are the Beautiful Devils and spie of Alien Father MAG PI E.
IP ( Man) G .A M.. EG Exemplified Grand Ma. M is AG..P I E… smh chuckle yes i know)

M is 100o in Roman Numerals 1000…
10 x 100.
X C….

Head of the Alien Council… A Beautiful youth- the crossing guard into Eden.

4 Picasso D P IC ASS O L E Q Solution Perfume.
Scent Myrrh Frankensien Casper Kasper Lomholdt Serup.

Only Adult Monsters Gossip spread lies and rumors vicious, without any evidence fact, or proof.. malice and entertainment because they are bored.
Tis they who polluted the air waves.

Put them to work, in their dungeons of hellfire of their own making.
OV E R… for us but for the ones who shall never rise…

OV E N…. Burn along with your lies.

8:16 pm

H P.

@ H Q.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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