
12/5/2020 20:14 – Facebook Post

2:22 pm.


2:23 pm.


B W.

B B 2-2 =18 = 22
V. V O W
Victorious VOW

Sacred Portal 59
“ME OW.”

I am the bringer of True Pain.

I Vowed to bring the Pain, to the shaman Wizard and Sorcerers who betrayed the Sacred Knowledge given them to Guard as guardians, as well as their Human Avatar descendants.

* Jae Sherman just came out, with Norman Bates h.er two year + cat.
You do recall Norman Bates in the movie Pyscho.. yes?

Just in case, to make it very clear my intentions, why and who is really behind that Proof and Truth which led to this challenge, contest and play of can one being posting on Facebook able to destroy not only this realm but all dimensions and planes of existence.
Evolve all Universe and Existence and at any time simply press “reset” and in a blink of an eye, everything goes except the One.

One might ask why, was this allowed to go this far?
But I have already answered that question.

I am at 219-217 South Whitney called the Spirit World, but which really is a Story A-Z 1-2 A-B.
And consequently not real.
It all the expression of mind-thoughts of a species in the “Air Space” so-called conscious expression to sub conscious, to sub subconsciousness right to the Well A.
Well Alpha Omega- Alpha O Alpha.

* Please see Tree Sages page.
A O A with Frozen Fury tablets.

*Psycho is based on Robert Bloch’s 1959 novel of the same name, loosely inspired by the case of convicted Wisconsin murderer and grave robber Ed Gein. Both Gein (who lived just 64 kilometers (40 mi) from Bloch) and the story’s protagonist Norman Bates were solitary murderers in isolated rural locations.”

Yes, 1960… Jeron SSL =60.
64 miles away.
Yes 64th portal: 900 South Road.
Arden + F A M I L Y.

1959. Olusanya Bey. age code.
but he rises beautifully because the actual code is 19 59.

Anthony Perkins A.P
( Attained Perfection” 3301 Stephen Johnson S J)
Alfred Hitchock AH.

Christian Bale ( C B 3 2) also starred in that role
Please see my sacred portal 3-2.
Yes Kim, and now myself both floors at South Whitney.

American Physco AP.

Anthony Perkins A.P.

* Directed by Mary Harron. With Christian Bale, Justin Theroux, Josh Lucas, Bill Sage. A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, …
Director: Mary Harron
Box Office: Budget:$7,000,000 (estimated) Op…
Release Date: 14 April 2000 (USA)
Stars: Christian Bale, Justin Theroux, Josh Luc…”

Yes, Mary Harron M H 13.8 which is the actual age of the Universe.
13+8=21 U.. 3 C.

Yes. you three Cee… See.
Who is speaking to me, us the trinity here present?
K E J.
E K E Jay.
Emeka Tree Jae Sherman.

I will tell you who,
Alpha Perfection.

And oh yes, Christan Bale played Batman.
But I have been coding this as Bat Man.. meaning the Bat which sends Man out of existence… but with pain and Suffering which it – they.. some of you gave me, but more my Brother Self as my Being and Body rising to unite with me to complete is a replication, duplication of what I had originally done… achieved.

This was his version to equal me and thus become the one I as I.
And yet you dared to interrupt his last stage down here as the representation of the All Sum.

Actual OINri Igbo word completes it as

“Asa (pronounced “asha”): a Yoruba language word which means or refers to the ‘Eagle’ bird. Asa (pronounced “aa-saa”): an Igbo Nigerian name with the meaning “beautiful”. The longer version is “Asa Mpete” also used as a title salutation for titled women.”

A-A..S A-A.

Ass A and Aa Saa Mpete”

Of Astonishingly, Exquisitely Beautiful.”

.. You dared to interrupt the flow of information, use confusion and the cloak of invisibility to delay the opening of my portal and the rising of the Original Peoples?

3:14 pm
Chukwuemeka Nnamdi.
Caecilia Arden David Pi,

Because he, they came in the form of Beautiful Youth and in matter form undercover as a seed, in the DNA-Sound, the unclean corrupted by power dared to manifest an Arrogance and Conceit, so perfectly reflected in my experience undercover following his trail, and watching from below and above everything.

3:16 pm
AT 3 16 33.


Kims mother is here “Lei! Lei!”
( not “Lie, Lie”)
Delois Larkin .
Delois as you may recall means “Superior Ones”
And it has nothing to do with power or status, as represented in the true Shit Hole reservoir, she works in the Post Office- undercover- where else would the line of what is referred to as the Line of Hermes Thoth ( H T 8 20) have the centra Head Quarter.

Mary Harron…?
Mata Hari Harrison Ford.
Temple of Doom.

3:20 pm .. 3:21 pm.
3-20…. 3-21-2001.
Yes the date I arrived in the USA.

Supremacy…. that you are superior?

3:22 pm
Fahad Hassen

Let us show you what true supremacy is, not just the white supremacy but all cultures who oppressed others in the name of that notion that they are better, superior than others… and for that delusion.

Jae Sherman
Debbie Santana… Heal Rise Transform .. Thank you for your Heroic holding of the great disease of the Body it can be released now back into the World which you and your kin Line absorbed and held onto so the world would not have its cause and effect before my Fathe brother and now son’s play could complete.

I carry it in its truth- you and your line carried it in a story called the body.
Typhoid Mary. T M 20 13 = 33 the Body and being 33 are now one I O O.N E 1 66… 67.

Me NZ 6767 46 B.
Being Beautiful B 64 76 76 Z N ..E.
Signed Zorro.
E K. A K NK. CK.

PS. I was concerned also for Gavin and his line, he had been on my mind for the last few days, and Tree, Kim just confirmed that he is fine.

Now, where was I?
Yes, back to “The Bat of Man.
There is no such thing as Man.
Only E Manifest Harmony
MH Mary Harron Myrrh HA RR-ON E.
Nothing can exist without the E
Madhu… E MA. DH.U.
E M 114 Grant Moor Arden Nnamdi Kim E M F…K.

3:43 pm

The Dark Knight- Trilogy

Terrible Death Kolo… Kim is K=11 meaning two undercover E A J.
Jessica Knight J K.
Jessica Johnson

*”The Dark Knight Series is a set of three Christopher Nolan Batman movies. It includes Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Cillian Murphy appeared in all three movies.”

My brother Self, Nnamdi was born in Oldham- we as I, wearing the Garb of Age? which most call the Body or Body-Suit, but we call them, which you treated like garbage.
It’s really the being of the Knight in Shining Armour, Amor, A Moore.. 141 Grant Moore.
It’s that Radiance which condensed and became the Body.
So yes, it became the first body of the one who rose in one with a Body all in one in every plane of existence right back to the point of the Eternal Beginning.

Umm what did the lie of disease and Old Age call it?
Corpse.. “Ozu madhu”… and the Aura Halo- you made the body bag?
Baggage… Baggins… my Army Bag.. used only for war.

Yes, my body and being and even my expression in every dimension. Nnamdi, Robert Nesta- Bob Marley.. Barley..
Peter Tosh… Josh…
“you can fool the people sometimes… the Creator is a living Man.”
Yes, Victor Manu
Mmanu in O I Nri Igbo means Oil.. Black Oil…BP… Petrol… Pet Role? “Parole”
Key Stone La Parole

Red Oil.. Palm Oil.

My parents on my 9th birthday wearing red and Black.
Arden, Miguel Figueroa wearing Red and Black.

Intel from J S.
“Alice Cooper.” Arden Chris.
Terry Lynn Cooper. T L C.
“Hi Times’ from her father- she gave a cap belonging to her father,

Hi “Times H T… connect “Hi 5″ to Freedom Tower” David Philip Gills.
Darko Philip Movie Darko.
“Sparkles” code in the shared bathroom here.
He was
Stevie Nyx ( Yes River Styx)
Jodi Mitchell. ( J M)
merge creates
Dodi Gail Sherman… D G S.

4 7 is Supreme. Superior Ones.

4:11 pm

Gavin and Brian Dempsey.

Thank Jae Sherman
and Delois Larkin.

Gail aligned to Liberty’s step Mom line of the Great Witches of Intuition.
“Command from Your Source, rise and transform”

A spy loved you enough to make her bother me, in my coldest fury to remind me of your lines.
just in time, my page messages and likes just moves from 48 to 49.

But try my patience no more.
Thank your Avatar Messenger Descendant Jae Sherman.

Yes.. The Dark Knight whom brings Eternal Knight to manifest Eternal Night.
E N. AH.

* (Lord knows this tedious process of coding through Alignment and Scholarship Research is truly about buying more time but not anymore, and as I…We’ve stated, there will consequences for what you felt was your clever play F.O.E,
My Foe as of this moment).

*4:19 pm right now.
D S.
Debbie Santana source whom I now release from its Human Avatar Descendents and the chains of Tarot ( TA Rot in Hell ) card no 15. The Devil.

see my sacred portal 15 replaces it … at last, it would appear.
Really…? smh/

My Body and being treated like garbage.
Bob Marley line knew, as did common sense that the Source Creator could not be anything other than a Man.
With a Dick, Pet Detective.

The Dark Knight Series is a set of three Christopher Nolan Batman movies. It includes Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Cillian Murphy appeared in all three movies.
?Christian Bale · ?Batman Begins · ?The Dark Knight Rises · ?Movie

?Christian Bale · ?Batman Begins · ?The Dark Knight Rises · ?Movie”

B B.

Micheal Cane… M C..yes Rod… Bat… Rod Man.
A-Rod, Dennis Rodman… Dennis The Menace.

Cillian Murphy C M. ( our version of Murphys Law)

Gary Oldman G O. Old Man of Gari.
G. A R E Y…. See meaning “Spear ..of Destiny.. Manifest Destination E DEN.
Our Den A RD EN… S A I. E

Morgan Freeman
Miguel Figueroa

Christian Bale Chris Filgueira
C B Antony Perkins.. Peur Kins
A P.

C A B ..P
C A P… B

4:58 pm.

A play ( A P) of Perfect Timing … yes, but yours or mine?
And aligned to what Mind Thoughts… Extra Ordinary Sensory Perception.

6th Sense, grounded here as Common Sense.

5:00 pm.

Time 5:00 pm … 5:01 pm 50 51
5O 51.
And this is your version of the Anal play.
Alien Probes
Uranus at 7th Planet.

And that I am treated as Garbage made to wear the Garbage of Age from 1987 when I saw it in the expression of Victory with Mary Jane by a policemans comment.
I looked in the mirror and saw the lie made real… me as an old man at age 19.
But it was an illusion, I knew but power made it appear real

Chris and Kim were both born in 1987.
Chris lived upstairs in the room he painted Golden.
Yellow Y third planet evolved back to Y=G… 25 7 – 8
Jullet Golden
Golden Age… Immortals slow slow aging ….
7 8 G H God Head… Personality.
P Perfection which each was meant to cultivate on their own,
Magnetic Attraction when people are drawn to you.

S… A.I. E.I.
And it is I and my Twin SELF and now SEL V.ES who manifested these Sacred Portals.

Igbo Landing.
“Georgia on my Mind”
via South Carolina … Yoruba arriving from the astral plane at the same time…
Ninja Assassins
N A.
Samurai Ibo… I B O.

5:11 pm.
E A-A.

Jasmine Rice J R Jr. 28 Sacred
J AS M I . N E.
28 Hermes Mercury. H M.
M H .. Andrew Silver Man E Man Silver Surfer… Sur Fer “Top Iron In Fer No!
S P 106.

Basmati Rice B R O
BAS “E” M A-A T I… / I T AM S- AB… The Aware Body- rises it knows the story of every Body.
Akashic Records.

Never sit on your Laurels…
Watchers watching after you were crowned and Elu.

Eluwa Amara do you know what her name means?
“Uwa” means World.
Liberty and Kamora Herrington have made it to escape that terrible fate as well as Stephan for whom these lines you created the most terrible fates- set then up to go down with you, by making it impossible to extricate them and thier lines from a cosmic entanglement 69 see the series introduction of His Dark Materials… That is all I had to revisit, to see prompted by Liberty who I was contemplating and her arrival consolidated the truth.
My Materials are made of Light, it is ignorant who see it as a mystery and called it evil…

5:22 pm

I made my magic Transparent and shared its Arts and Science with all, but too many people continued to believe themselves superior to me and my twin SElf in Being.
My Body, my Double V.

I knew that i would have another facebook friend today- its easy to read this play, after all I have been sewing everyting up with a Silver Thread.

Do not rest on my Love for you, I am Santana Dharma’s origin.
Love is not enough or even Ceeing you, it’s your responsibility and it is linked connected to your Attractive Personality and Character.
/ C A P A.
Come Clean CC I said, alerted i warned.

5:28 pm
5 28 Hertz. Not Hurts…

Love Frequency.
Londons Fog…? Pollution
Leander Ferril actually
Man Valorous and Victorious actually.
No not of I… Prudent perhaps… Youthful, Golrious yes, carried with Amazing Grace as Humility as most of you have experienced with me, but so many let that fool them… I am not meek.
I was focred to endure the trajectory of this long winded long winding road.

As Kim, Tree stated yesterday, we have access to the true London Fog- Dragons Breathe, just below the surface of our Hight Tower of De-Near OH.
A resavoir Re visiting the well of rage infernal we had already surmounted and thus easily reside in the sunshine stated, but have access to that Cold Fury
L F 12 6.. 3 6 C F…
Yes, Chris Filgueira we sent home, he has done is part beautifully.
360 36) USD D L to her Sum Son…

I and I
E K.

Will 100% Hu nn it peur scent- gift of Ecstasy the first day we met- Yes my name.

Eric Lile .. E L/ L E
5 12 = 17.

I had a visitor in my bed last night…


17/17.. 1 34.
H IS TOR Y/ Y ROT S I H (98)
Yes Kims Tree Chiefy’s train to New York.

33 street King Kong…

Please see the meaning of Kong.. it has two meanings “Bright” and the abyss Void, to at all cost Avoid.

Do you recall the meaning of Void in the modern world?
To Void something.. Erase all trace of it from existence.

Chuwkuma Agusionu

“Means “God knows” in Igbo, a variant of CHIMA using Chukwu as the first element, which is the extended form of Chi meaning “God”.Jul 4, 2008″

*… Yes, In Deed, G K
A F G K…
and pls see the date it was shared. 7-4 @ 2008
My Grandmother Lucy, Luc Besson 5th Element, Le Femme Nikita, ( L F .. N), Le Grande Bleu, Lu-CI-Fer…
Fernando Mariann F M.. she left in 2008 Dec.
Sacred Portal 88
Her Mother… Mba Afor Ocha! and her Dark side Grace Jones.. the Drawing in Libertys Home from David Frechette.
My Mother Cecilia Cecil ( Caecilia meaning One – Six O S in Roman Alpha Omega
David Roman Nicholas Nick in London who made sure I stayed in Paris and insisted I come to New York giving me 500 Pounds twice 500 500 55 D D in roman numerals. David Dawn bed 4-017 in 2017, my bed 4-016).

My mother had two Mothers Lucy and Unuaku.
Aku means “Seed”
My mothers “Nick Name” was Aku Oyigbo
AO “Seed of the White race”

So did her mother Lucy Ojugo
L O … Lucy means Light Bringer L O V E L I N E S S.
J S S L… Jeron

See the code Hand Maiden.
Ladies in Waiting.
They wait to replace the H I when Supreme Harmony Existence goes undercover into lower dimensions to bring life or find out what is holding up the Flow.

Johan Jordaan

flow down and Flower Blossom.
Loves Expression is Q Quantum
the Q yes the correct version ( C V) of Star Trek.

Will 100% represents “Desire…” Protection ( Yes the Blue H EL-M.ET which I shared going down a man whole on the streets.
A Streetcar Named Desire.. and John and I – our Script, 1995, the story

Met Museum in 2017 with Rob Barr and his friend H Q.

5 20 is 100 100%
Will, I AM Desire Helmet Protector.”

D HP ( Yes, My former HP Computer Blue…
Miguel Figueroa arranged one for me when I attained his 29 Street portal in Harmony of the Dragons Queen Isabelle Esther, a silver computer, two years earlier just before I left the Delta Manor Shelter, he bought me a Silver Phone… Android.
Communication and now the tel number now supported by Liberty who arranged the number 86 O 8O4 19 O5

6:19 pm.
F S… Stephen Filgueria Fil
Silver Fil.
Tree Sage
Silver Thread.

8: 44 4 8 16
4 8 16.

Will Eric
W E.

Rachel means Purity as well as a Ewe.

E W E Full Circle.

David Dawn D D bed 17
age when we met 16
Me Bed 4-O 16.
Dean Dunkwu 800 USD in 4 installments of 200 USD.

P H D Poverty Hollow DA Vide.
Doctorate Scholarship, The Highest point.
Now right here @ 15 22.. now 23 Facebook Friends.

We Owe E.K A K CK E

William Eric Lili Brown.

Etrulia Brownbyrd


W E L C O M E.
Manifest Expression.
Sacred Portal 117 A E

C A…

The name Agusionu means

“The Exalted One”
T E O…
E O….

And…Meanings. Latin Baby Names Meaning: In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Augustino is: From Augustus meaning magic majestic, dignity, ”

Magic Majestic Dignity.

M M D.

A Z H is missing in the sequence.

Let me show you what it really means

Chukwuemeka Knows
Agu ( meaning “Tiger” in OINri igbo.
As well as Hunger… Yes a conversation about cats Tigers- Aurelia Liberty, Jae Sherman
and with Kim.
We conversed about the book “The Story of Pi” and Mr Parker.
I had mentioned it was the book I found on the table in Hells Kicthen while I fought the super comuter and the great “Witches ( Switches… Series Sigmund Freud) and Wizards ( W VV I, Z, A RD) Yes, Aurelia was born 5-6 years after i left.
And yes, i did state that my Grandmother was present in ESpirt and helped me learn the magic of objects but i added my own modernization, my form of chess and the e perspective.. th decoy of my Mother and myself and Nnamdi where downstairs.

I mentioned many times, how the photo taken of my grandmother in the obu in on my grandfathers estate shows her like a Fierce ans reminded me of a Tiger,
Abhishek Tigers A T.

just as the one on the Main house- a portrait of my Grandfather resembled Black Thor- yes European Thor.
yes, recall the plays with Axel Anderson.. Axel Love.

Jae Sherman mentioned Hunger Games H G… Hmmm?
In Harmony make Hunger…
Did i mention my Grandmother and Mother in the west would be Persephone and her mother Demter… P D?

Yes I did many times as well as Ariadne and Theseus.
AT.., and the silver thread…

8:42… 8:43 pm

… the bridge btween two world back to back… A Mirror.. Symmtery, a barrier of glass G.L ASS SP 22, existing no more?

Air.. Space…

My Grandmother as the Golden Compass Lyra Lyrical Conversation which dissolves any idea of a barrier between the two realms…?

Chuckle…. ( I can not believe I am being forced to weave and sew together all this even to this point.
What seam?
Ha, I am weaving with expression.

AG U E.. K C K… 6:47 pm

Sacred Portals and Drawings… Inked and Colored- Fantasy and Fiction drawn from I Mage In Nat-Ion.. Yes Nathaniel…. Bywater… To Solid Facts.. Solid Bodies Fully Aware.
“O Pen SEE S A.M E M E!”

( What A story …sigh but I am doing my B E ST with the poor ingredients in this story I have 11.48 usd in my wallet.
1 48 in change. A DH.. Sp 1 and 48 )
My thread, Silver is Lycrical Conversation Conversation Cee Creations Source…
I use Breath and Intent.

Sacred Portal 69.

Kim, Tree, Chiefy just walked by.
See Sacred Portal 69… and 69.

Kong…. Guerillia War E Far E… G W 7:22… 7 23..
I mobed out of 29 street licoln on that date.

Did you know King Kong really represents the first mammal.
E Man?
Strength Power, Stealth, Cunning.. see him in the original movie 1933… The Darkness.
The Dark Knight Trinity.

The Dark Night
My grandfather’s initials DN..yes E.
means 4 breaths in O.N E

Emeka Umeano

Imagine our version of the Fart ) F-Art… Fuck your Art of Methane Met Haine.. Put Hate in the Air)

Yes… “I Can’t Breathe”

And do you recall that 14-year-old boy Emmet Till and all those in male and female forms as children and beautiful youth whom you from past to present let suffer unimaginableabuse.

Do you recall that short video circulating of the who died a terrible death in was it Yemen, by gas, poisonous gas… and said that he will tell god?

* Oh yes….”
Persephone, Latin Proserpina or Proserpine, in Greek religion, daughter of Zeus, the chief god, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture; she was the wife of Hades, king of the underworld.”

No Agu AG U means “Tiger”
No, Agu… Sion U.E

S ION Universe is E

“Upon Death, Sion will drop non-permanent status effects (buffs and debuffs) that do not inherently persist through death before transitioning into Glory in Death:.”


A G Arden Gemino
Almighty God.
Almighty Truth
AT E…Evan Eros Arden…

All this intel is late…
I have Liberty Line L AT E
and the C A T… E
and the D AT E
And your F AT E has long since decided…



7:11 pm.

Now one door is closed and yes, another one opens ..
let out the Ravishing Ravaging B E A S T…
E as The Truth
With Proof Incontestable and Authority Supreme.

Chukwu Emeka Ma

7:13 pm
Fairy God Mother.

Grand Mother R AGE

7:14 pm

N G 147 Sacred Portal now A and B

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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