
12/5/2016 18:34 – Facebook Post

4:06 p.m.

My word I am back!

I wasn’t even aware of just how deeply undercover I went
in this play.
Nor did I know that it could go that far, but I was reading it even as I saw myself descending into the “Present” as Existential Death…
This Pit of Being…

Hello Face Book Friends…

Yes, I am in a much better mood and would like to first express my appreciation to all those who sent words and thoughts in that moment of which I too was absorbed in the play.
And going something very very real..
and those especially whose words reminded me of the play, Mila Starfyre Lord Orien Laplante… And Dean Dunkwu.


Of course, it was a signal that the play of putting others, even the World first before myself, and those who are of the same ilk and rising through the Evolutionary line.

What happened was really a signal of the end of the play….
It is drawing too an end, after 48 years, a life time..
And my own personal “Earth Quake”- though real was the Signal of this. Which I was aware of because of the codes and what I myself had spent a life time reading, right up to recently.

I have spent the morning, taking action to leave this place.

But I have news for you… we were conned…
Yes, even that whole hospital thing was a con. I was aware of it but when my knees gave way and I could not stand up, I quickly surmised where we were in the Play, and it was what I call the Titans…
Gravity, The Elemental Might of Existence, the Body, the Earth..
Solid Strength and power….
And the Supremacy of the Spirit as it source…

Because anyone who was reading what I was posting was aware that, that that play brought forth some extraordinary intelligence.

4:19 p.m.

Firstly, I wish to inform my Face Book friends, that from now until I leave Face Book This play and perhaps this country, is that I am no longer going to explain my consciousness or what I am writing or talking about.
That is one of the things which was “Draining” my spirit. I put it in Parenthesis, because they were not really draining me, but rather I was being called out to “Act Out” what is being done to those who are awakening-
Literal “Demons” as Human beings intentionally taking their Energy.

There is enough data and intelligence, explanation demonstration for any new Face Book Friend to go back and understand what this page is all about.
And I have older, loyal face book friends who have not only been part of this play and script but have contributed to it and will be seen and acknowledged for their roles.
And there ate others old knew who don’t require explanation.

What I had to do, by all that explaining is actually done.
The codes are easy to read and self explaining…
1=A… 2=B… to 8
Do Rey mi to 7 and then Full Circle to One and the at the same time 8
Colors, same thing….
A-H. the n 1+8=9..Letter I
A-Z…1-26… the End.
And the Sacred Portals which are in my Albums, and of which I have posted for so many times, that they are very easy to find.

Meaning if this play or my page interests you…then read.

With this you can understand everything.

But from now on I will stay in the Story I am weaving and no longer enter in this realities version of the Story of Existence.
That Opinion really does not matter…

For the moment, this is My Story and I am the Narrator…
Of course, it is our story, but until I get evidence that it is our story,
the way I received from line of Power and Circulation himself,
Kerwyn Vincent….
Then I will tell it My Way, because, I have given evidence of not only my credentials but fulfilled the Burden of Proof, Proof of Concept, as well as the Echo Confirmation from outside of myself, from not only you the Public. (even while not being aware) but the Everything in Existence which is real…

I will stay in the Consciousness of the 5th Dimension, because the Bridge of Language has been Filled, and the Gap in Human Expression of let’s call it 6th sense has proven itself a Fact.

Yes, I have been speaking to what I call the E in you, but I found that I had begun to take too much time to explain the the public here present- going down a ladder into places of consciousness which at this moment in perfect harmony with the play and my own body and state of being and body have confirmed.. Enough..
“There is nothing and no one to go down for”
, all that is real or of that potential is harvested, there is nothing left there but literal Evil, Existential Death… Those who have been primed to be cut out are all that is left there.”

I was already aware of this by the arrival of Heather Dowling H.D…
H.D…(84) followed by Marguerite Watkins….M.W (13 23-46)..
4:46 p.m. (S.P. First Drop)
.And Ali Jafari.. A.J. 1 10….

Heather means,

“The name Heather is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Heather is: A flowering evergreen plant that thrives on peaty barren lands as in Scotland. Heather.

This name is of Anglo-Saxon origin and is from a nickname for a man with particularly dark hair or a swarthy complexion, usually found as “Dunn”, and of which “Downing” and “Dunning” are the patronymic forms, meaning “the son of Dunn”
Dunn means Dunn
“Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duinn, Ó Doinn ‘descendant of Donn’, a byname meaning ‘brown-haired’ or ‘chieftain’. English: nickname for a man with dark hair or a swarthy complexion, from Middle English dunn ‘dark-colored’

See Dean Dunkwu… :Dunkwu being an OINri Name…Basically the “Oracle Said or it Spoken Will”

Dark Colored, which would Afro Origins….

And looking back at the records of the “Play” when I was rushed to the Hospital, It was at about the same time Heather D became my Face Book Friend, and at the same time Dean called me.
That in a way has nothing to do with the “Play” – But only in Hindsight one can see how it links to the play…
And thus, the Play is simply a re-telling of what took place naturally.
As a narrator recounting something happened, why so and so is his friend, or why he made certain decisions….
And that is what has always disturbed me, Who and Why am I explaining myself to?
The decision I make, or the way I live, exist is no ones business but mine…
And if someone wishes to understand my consciousness, they have to ask me and I have the right to say yes or no…
Without having to explain myself or why….

5:00 p.m.

That is my right, and everyone Divine rights…

This entire “Theater Play” has been designed to defile and circumvent these basics rights.

I fully understand that, in the see I represent of a spy who went undercover into the the illusion of the 1-4 Dimension, sought to show people that Everything is already in Harmony..
But that was my decision and an act of Grace on my part…
I have the right to stop, to change my mind… because It is an act of Grace, of my own free will, for what ever reasons I chose…

No one, or nothing in Existence has the right to move, or manipulate or force anyone to do such or such, especially if no contract, or evidence of a contract was signed.

And if a persons, does decide to share, not only does he or she have the right to do it in any manner they chose to do so, but can not be manipulated or forced to do it the way another wants it…
Especially, if it is detrimental to the person, and the Grace or Offering or gift…
Be it a Birthday present, to the gift of Existence…

That person does not even have to explain why it is taking that Gift of Life or a birthday present to you…
It is a present like a week in my hotel, but after a week you have to go…
It is not your House or your Hotel..
Just as since there is Nothing in Creation which you made, and all was a gift which can be taken away- without even reason.
This is the Simple Truth.

The expression of making it clear, that you know why it is being taken away, is simply the Beauty and Grace of the Owner-( and the reason why you are the owner and not they), of that which they covet be it life, or to get better.. or to spend a weekend in your guest house…
Even if it happens to be Planet Earth….

I do believe that is where this play on Face Book, and which has become my Life, has been something which I fought, and was incredulous to, right to my not being able to get up from feet, I was kneeling twice, both times it was infront of Women..
And because I see what happens around me, as just a projection of this which I already knew… And what I had transcribed and transformed into a more aligned language such as calling Titans the Elementals and the Elementals concepts such as Gravity, Electrical Power….
I knew exactly where I am and who is doing what….
And I am aware of the Nri Igbo principle of when men take the highest titles, that they bow before the Ada… The First born Daughter… They acknowledge Woman and the fact that they were born from her Womb…

I saw I was forced to my knees, and that was twice and I remember tears springing to my eyes, for a moment- tears of rage and sadness that this script had been powered to the level that this the power of my legs could be taken from me…
To bring me to my knees..?
But that is not bringing someone to their knees at all..
That is cheating… Cheating yourself, and simply not the Truth…
You just used a Trick to make it “Seem” that that person is bowing to you- and anyone observant can see how it was all Contrived to seem that way.

But that does not make it the Truth, or even relevant..
It is not even important…

When I came back, what sprang to mind by a mostly warm reception was what my sister had once candidly expressed during an interview of T.V. after I won the Designer of the year award…
“We would like to sometimes see Emeka fall, just so we can know that he is human just like us..”

I understood the sentiment- and that is what bothered me even more about that her expression- and perhaps began the Illusion that I was under a Spell, to begin containing myself for the benefit of others, when in actuality, it was not that at all- it was Grace, of the lightest touch to remind her, and others that they had a power to be anything they wished to be and had no need to envy me.
I began to demonstrate to my sister, and after just one try at what ever I had taken a moment to master…
She benefited from it in a moment.
And I recall being very aware of that, and noting just how easy she grasped things…
Meaning, I surmised as a Child, that this is laziness and use…
Abuse… Perhaps very innocent, and I loved to share, but I also saw my grace and the Truth of my sister and all others including my mother friends…
Everyone… had it could “Get It” if they made an little effort instead of cheating and getting a Man, or someone who had worked at it to do it for you.. By using pity, or by making a person feel guilty, or”Your Lucky, your Gifted, Your Special…”

Yes, I was aware of that as far back as I can remember, which is why it was very easy to cut ties with people who did this in a blink of an eye, while still loving them purely and completely….

I would continue, to give and watch their gratitude, which at most times they would Gauge just how aware I was of the value of what I was sharing, or the benefit for them..
Which of course, I would not state, because it was not shared in that spirit… But I was aware… somethings do not require to be said..
But I was aware of it right up to knowing how this Portal of Existential Death has manifested become activated and real…

5:34 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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