
12/31/2017 2:43 – Facebook Post

11:10 p.m.


The seat besides Mario, was vacant.
Francis Frick, the China Connection ( he grew up went to university, worked and then was incacerated there…) got up, he looked at me where I sat at the edge of the table where Micheal and Myself sat…
Inbetween was Anthony’s things…

.. Ït Vacant” he said to me as he passed, at the very moment when I had finished eating…

I had tried to ignore it and simply eat my dinner, and not think of this Scrip, I just wished to eat my meal.

I got to and in perfect timing.. the seat remained open..
Anthony joined the table- the room here is full..
There really was no where else comfortable to sit but here,
infront of the computer…

I am tired…

And yet, it is exciting that it has reached this point… finally.
To witness that the W.A.V.E. is activated..

I had seen Paul, and went outside after exchanging greeting.
Allen Murray is his cousin..
I was reflecting as the Snow fell gracefully and yet directly onto my face, waves of exhuastion could not stem my mind reflecting on the meeting which had taken place with Shaun E Jones.

Then it came to me about the Crossing where i had seen Paul..
I asked quietly, to myself Ï wonder what is the name of the Lady he passed with me Taylor Avenue. ( T.A/ A.T)…

“Paul arrived instantaneously…” I looked up…
Part of me resisted, but then I had summoned him in a way..
‘What is the name of the lady you passed by with..?

“Melissa” he said…

Paul Melissa… P.M.
Allen Murray… A.M.

Paul Allen… Praise Appreciation..
Allen Prekebena…

My mind moved to the expression of Shaun E Jones…
He had said tha there were actually 2-3 aspect of Night and then Day… Night, Middle of the Night… Suggesting my “Middle” that the are two aspects of Night, before and after the Middle.
He had divided into 3 aspects of Night and Day…

I had just bought some tobbacco from the Store called Day and Night…

Time now 11:28 p.m…
Yes My birthdday….
Haven’t I done this equation before to completion.. 11+28= 39…
C.I.12..L… 3..C…
I had recieved a Coffee from Chris ( W.A.V.E.S) it was 77…
That I knew is after sacred portal the Awakening 76…
It is Loki.. the Note of Animal Cruelty…
That rage which comes to those not in line.. those who will be devured by the Beast.. Anumbis.. Maát…
A.M… Allen is 61…. 61 Days I spent wandering the Abyss after I took the pills and eventually found Edwin Santana’s ( E.S… E A R S) Generation X Gardens in 2006. August 26th.
I am E.S… Spirit E… Awareness.. the 1Awareness First of the Childen of the Family of Ten… 3rd and 1st Child…. C ..A..B
Father And Mother and then I and then Devi..
I am also Father… Devi layed Mother…
F.S.E…. D M…
I am Devi… Devi has a Feminine Twin.. Clara… Jose Clara
I have a Twin Noni Promise Life… N.P… Peter Nyarkô…
Then there is are the Bridge children the first “Switch”where it is not twins Boy Boy.. Girl Girl.. Clara and Noni.. C.N..
But who appear as Boy Girl…
Wisdom John.. W.J.. and Beautiful Pride Jessica ( Movie Dune… and Jessica Rabbit.. Jessie Jaymes…

11;41 p.m.

And then there was the second cup of coffee the code was 41…
That was on my mind as I walked back to the shelter… It was not heavy just light.. there.. a riddle my E-Spirt called Awareness was niggling at me to keep in mind…

“888”I said to Shaun… three Harmonies all one… 24…
“Yes” he said…
But it does not complete at X does it… Generation X Gardens…
No.. he said it ends at harmony…
Yes, I said 6… Fact.. that is Harmony.. not before…
68…David Paulie rep 68… Age 49… D.I…
It has to be 8 6… Harmony as Fact manifest first through Expression…

( People Equation has changed from M.E…F.M…
Then M.A.E…F M…/ M.F…. E..A M…
M.A.. Refers to MTCN… M A 537 900 11 63 C.
IS Really M.E.. F.M… M E A- M A E .. F M…
It then morphed to… M.A… E M…
And now with Raheem who was joined for a moment by Paulie..
( R.P…) And finaly Raheem is besides me to me left…
R E … A ..P.. Paul just arrved Micheal Left…
And Wallee…

R E A P W…. Transformer P W Q B…
But also REAP What you Sow…
I reaped the E line to compltion.. the Eternal…
G.R..I.M…R E A P ..E U R…
I will leave this to you to figure out.

Now.. A.M.. is Day and contained in one person who is 3 A- A-A.. 4-5… All E.N… All IN…
Before Shaun Arrived.. born 5-8…
That was played out literally one 5-8-14…
already with Dawn Marie code 56…and Georges-Philippe Roc whose portals I passed making me Dawn and George.. ( George means Farmer…) as Does Nenad.. whose portal I passed through even before Georges-Philippe Roc G.P.R…
Dawn… Nenad… Georg… Farmer…
D… NG F…. 6… 147… F is Fact. F A C T…
The code was complted of 29 with Brenda 6-29-1961… 61
Kasien Thompson 11-29-63…. 63…

All E.N…( 5 +14= 19.. S…A O….A H.) Stevan…
4 7.. 11 28.. 39… 12… L.. Lawrence… Larry Sax…S.L.
Sacred Portal 37… Sophia Laurel… Sophia Mayer… S.M.

ALL E.N..S…. E.. N S… Susanta Nayak sent me a message at 11:57 p.m… It is now 12:16 p.m… L.P…
ALL EN.. S.P… Sacred Portal…

Shaun E Jones… is not 29 he is 28.

I have already done the Equation of 28…

Smile so who is Shaun E Jones…?
Who sent him… After all is complted with the Play of All EN…S.P..

There is only one DAY… It is the Expression of Fact…
And Expression of Harmony…
5-8..5 8.. 13 85 Starbucks…

Here is the answer…
A.M… Awakened Memory.. Rise… Ascend
P.M… Descent into the Pit… Anubis Maat… A.M..

There is Evening then Night then Middle Of the Night.. 12.. L
( C.I… 39… 12.. L… It ends at 39.. C.I… “C.A.B..I…E..
I have 39.50 usd in my wallet…. C I E.O…)
L is Late…. Too Late… Not Real.. Shadows….Illusions.. Demons GHOSTS…

Ï will send you the Holy Espirit… To help you discern that which is True and that which is false…
Yes No.. Yes No… 10 10….
5 8 6… Correct Equation.. Creators…Ascent… “Victor
5 68…. Correct Equation Descent Destruction

“*”I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; King James Bible And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another … But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 15: …
?John 14:16 KJV · ?John 14:17 · ?John 14:16 NASB · ?John 14:15

*…and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforting Counselor like me, the Spirit of Truth, to be with you forever. CEV. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. DARBY. And I will beg the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you

“*John 14:26Amplified Bible (AMP). 26 But theHelper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.

But already a play had taken place… One which I where all of the equations had been satisfied and the positions filled…

A.M… I.A.M…H… E…
And now the P.M..E… P is M.E…

There is no Double me…
Evening Night.. Middle Of Tthe Night M O T…N… Mot.. N..E..
“Word” in French… Words Anointed… Vibrating Energy Supreme… W.A.V.E.S…

Paul has been with Melissa for a while… I wrote about their meeting…
They crossed over at Taylor Ave… just in time.

M O T.. N… M O E..T E N E S P….

Meaning Of Existence True Expression Naturallly Extraorinary Sensory Percepton… Perfect Timing… P.T…
E Sacred Portal…

He came as the last of the Past… to the Sacred Portal.. ME…
12:39 p.m… right now..

Evening Night…Middle of the Night… is (M O E T …E N… E S P..
M O. E. TEN… E S…F P/ P/F..Fact….Proven… Then to Night.. (Dead of Night… D ON… Room 4a.. 4-001 to 4-014 Beds
Don.. Donald Trumpet.. JosHua.. I.E… The real…D.T..G..I..
.. and Day…

E M N D……4 Harmonies… 4 8/ 84… Ah.. I got up at 8:04 am..

So, you see I had to do DA Twice…
D.A.. D.A….Creation Destructtion…
Rising Sun.. R S… 19 18…37…. 2017… Completed 2017…37…10 10.. ( 2…Jumelle.. Jamel..J.B…Jay is E..MES…B.O N E.D…E..I.).. 1 Full Circle…

Setting Sun.. S S… Wink Le Vo..SS… 19 19.. 38…11

Francis Frick is back besides me as FF…
A Usurper came and sat bedsides me ..
I had heard him singing “Lean on me” when I came back the other night…
I knew it was the song I had sang at my brothers wedding…
But this was not my Brother Obooms Rep…
U.S.Albero was.. is…
He is the one who had linked me to Joseph Carey and who knew David Roman Nicholas who recognized him aslo..
I knew who U.S was in an instan… the Love he showed was like meeting Oboom all over again but without the Hurt of the material world.. U.S Alberto had the hurt of the Spirit world.
And just like my brother as Unity Boom whom I had written about in my True Creation story of the family of Ten…
He had his codes… He told me that he had spoken to Da BUT He appeared as a Great Computer in the Sky…
Yes, link Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy… H G… TT.G…H.
87… See Sacred Portal 87..”Bring the Worlds people back to their Senses.. and Senei’s”…. TT. 20 20 Vision.. not 40…
i am D.O…4th Dimension Square Full Circle.. Author Storyteller Scients Narrator of the Book of Existence M O E.. T.. And the Circle.. Filled already with Life…

1:03 p.m.

19+84… 103… J.C… Joseph Carey and Joseph Allen I met was the Dark side of him…U.S…. Alberto who did not know that Univeral Mind as Nnamdi.. playing Father is me…
Universal Computer.. He said asked me my size shoes.. I said 11 12… He beamed that he was 13…
Nnamdi passed at the age of 13….M..H..

His Doubt led to my having to go to Non Existence .Generation X.. When I was already fact…

12 13 years ago in 2004… 2005 I complted all the understanding which I have been posting all these years…
12 13.. 25…. Imagine putting some one through that…?

Anyway, I knew that I had been betrayed in order to rescue Unity Boom which I would not have done…
He was born 5-20.. E.T…
They felt that Alien Father Alpha brings the END.. S.P 149.. ( 19)
But I came before Alien Father Death… or E.T Nna…
I a Hue Mann… Being… Which none but Nnamdi David knew

ND… E N D…

That Emeka’s Truth… brings the END… Z..E T…
Not the Extra Terrestrials…

Anthony Igbo.. interrupted me to ask if I would check the powerball..and Take Five in the New York State Lotto…

I checked because its is a play…

03 09 16 56 60… Power Number 03.
( Salvaore Mundi… 450.03 Million.. 6 0’s..)

3 9… 16.. 56… 6O.. ( O3)
C.I… P…E.F.F..O… O.C… Francis F is besides me.. to my left.

and Take Five.. 20 26 29 33 39….
T…Z… B.I…. CC… C.I…

I also found a Tag early this morning in Elizabeth Clarizio’s Neon Light Green Colors… 014 6116….. E ON…61/16…

New York Times Two headlines grabbed my attention…
One in Arts/
Photographic Memories… P.M…
Sheena Rose… S.R… R.S… D E S I R ..E..

In the Shadow of a Nuclear Disaster Fushima Responds with Play Ball…Power Ball…

And Business Day…

“Swich Flips Nintendo’s Fortunes…

* Mario Brothers..

Mario Bros. (???????? Mario Buraz?zu) is a platform game published and developed for arcades by Nintendo in 1983. It was created by Shigeru Miyamoto. It has been featured as a minigame in the Super Mario Advance series and numerous other games. Mario Bros. has been re-released for the Wii’s, Nintendo 3DS’s, and Wii U’s Virtual Console services in Japan, North America, Europe and Australia.

In the game, Mario is portrayed as an Italian-American plumber who, along with his brother Luigi, has to defeat creatures that have been coming from the sewers. The gameplay focuses on Mario and Luigi exterminating the creatures by flipping them on their backs and kicking them away. The original versions of Mario Bros.—the arcade version and the Family Computer/Nintendo Entertainment System (FC/NES) version—were received positively by critics.

One DAY… See Sacred portal 36…
A,M..P.M…Male Y.. Chromosome… Allen Murray A.M.. Brought Dawn
P.M.. Paul and Melissa ..
By the One who is TWO.. NN.. Nnamdi Nnonyem.. Devi Clara.. going undercover to push Ebening through Middle E.. Expression to Night Dawn… E N D…

Then Paulie came with the letter from the Chase Credit card company we filled out..
Its application was rejected…Which I already knew.. And wondeered why his E-Spirit felt I needed to see this..
I saw the code…on in 104…
Ah the David Bodys… Terrible Death.. confirmed.. he was wearing number 48… Me… Death as Transformation and Terrible Death.. DA DA… 41 41… 82…
Nnamdi passed 1982…I am code 28..
Fritz Venneiq also 1982.. Year.. 365.. C F…E… 366… C F F…and one day… 367..Really 76…3… ( Big Grin)
77.. Destruction we come as Two..
76.. as ONE.

Moet Chandon… C Me 4/3

Moët & Chandon (French pronunciation: [mo?t?e ???.d??]),[1] or Moët, is a French fine winery and co-owner of the luxury goods company LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE. Moët et Chandon is one of the world’s largest expansive champagne producers and a prominent champagne house. Moët et Chandon was established in 1743 by Claude Moët, and today owns 1,150 hectares (2,800 acres) of vineyards, and annually produces approximately 28,000,000 bottles of champagne.[2]

Moët et Chandon began as Moët et Cie[1] (Moët & Co.), established by Épernay wine trader Claude Moët in 1743,[3] and began shipping his wine from Champagne to Paris. The reign of King Louis XV coincided with increased demand for sparkling wine. Soon after its foundation, and after son Claude-Louis joined Moët et Cie, the winery’s clientele included nobles and aristocrats.

D.P… Dawn Piercy David Powers Pierre David..
Dom Pérignon (/?d?mp?r??nj?n/; French pronunciation: [d??pe?i???]) is a brand of champagne produced by Moët & Chandon. It is named after Dom Pérignon, a Benedictine monk who was an important quality pioneer for Champagne wine but who, contrary to popular myths, did not discover the champagne method for making sparkling wines.[6] Dom Pérignon was the first prestige cuvée, an idea proposed by Englishman Laurence Venn.[7] The first vintage of Dom Pérignon was 1921 and was only released for sale in 1936. Dom Pérignon is a vintage champagne, meaning that it is only made in the best years, and all grapes used to make the wine were harvested in the same year. Many champagnes, by contrast, are non-vintage, which means that the champagne is made from grapes harvested in various years.

As you may recall. that it is my Expression posting and Words which is Energizing and bringing the Manifestation.. of two Harmonies…Life and Death… L.AD…1:38 am..

13 8… Minutes of Hell… 12 died…

Creation and Destruction.. but as the 4 aspects of Day.. 4 8… 12.. 3.. 32… 5… 3 5.. C.E…
All exists as One Harmony from the Expression Victorious…
The 1.

1:40 a.m.

All en MU RR AY..E… / E YA… R R… U.M… Universal Mind…
Is I who defeat the Unversal Mind.. the play of N M
Natures Expression as the Abyss Void…
Really the V O I.. V O… I D…
Now made real.. by Me.

1:43 AM..

A C M E.. 4/3

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