
12/31/2016 2:14 – Facebook Post

11:40 pm


Face Book asks whats on my Mind…
And I respond from my Being as if it is In itself a beacon which pulls everything in my being to flow out of me and onto this blank screen.

I just finished reading the Article The Elegant Nomad…
(I have posted it before on this page)

15 yrs of wandering through portals
15 years…
I read it and how I meet David and then 15 years later the bed next to me is occupied by David.
The last in a long line of Davids but the very first in 27 years no David Kalu in boarding school..
D.K… 38 yrs ago!
The first David in which I feel no connection with at all accept through his name.

There is no one left…
No one to find.
Stonely Okung has given me the messages.
I have taken them, understood them.

But today after completing the 47 page piece.. I saw that after page 45 I had added two more pages..
46 and 47
44 67
That has been played out with Dean Dunkwu and FGCE Federal Govt College Enugu…
Sacred portal 44 ‘Goddess Bliss G B”
Marina Burini -44 she texted me from D.C

And sacred Portal 67 “How far will you go for Love Truth”

Federal Government F G 6 7

15 years of being undercover never homeless but following a trail, a pattern and following this pattern, reading it, and getting its Echo Confirmation outside of me.

Pi Phi Golden Ration Fibonacci Eulers Number…

P P G F E…
C is missing Constant…
And I have been Constant…

P P G F C E…N… E=C Me4/3

Patterns I followed and discerned right to Face Book and the way Face Book friends arrived as I simply began to post.
And I noticed a pattern there too.
Which I began to break down and read..
And it formed a sequence and codes which I applied my own Codes to and my Expression Translation and to my amazement I found myself in communication with an Eternal Truth which I had never spoken about to any living soul.

But it required that I speak as men and people in this world do not speak, from the very depth and core of my being infront of a World Consciousness which even the Brave must hedge and conceal their words.

I could not be naked, publicly and reveal all to this world where people who knew me family acquaintances could mock and crucify me…
But I did
And they did
But I fought back…
Because I realized that what was flowing pouring out of me – a Spring, Fountain Waterfall Stream River Ocean Sea..
Was causing a response from those whom I had searched for the moment I came into thus world.

12:15 pm

Lifes Completion.
Of Dec of 15 yrs since I went undercover through the portal of the Shelter System

The more I expressed in such a transparent clean true way, the more they echoed responded through you all and in world and environment around me.

I wanted to stop. I was appalled.
Not on Face Book
Not through people I had never met
Allowing everyone who wished to be friend me in and they having.access to me and my post sacred truths most…
There must be a mistake, this was not the way, not possible.
Only hatred could submit a person to such a fate.
Evil intent
Cruelty, intent to Ridicule make mockery
But you all saw me.. Stay.

The misunderstandings the endless explaining as I realized that I was moving through all of you on Face Book Friends in ‘Space’ on Face Book and around me on the Streets.
I was moving through Heaven and Earth represented by you…
And speaking to my Family across this great Cee and See of expression…
And they were responding..

None of you could fully grasp what I was saying or doing..
Using codes to speak with them while fighting through your beliefs Translation and Interpretations of what I stated clearly I was doing.
Your history stories cultures world views.

But I could hear them, and even you began to hear and some even see them feel them in dreams vision
Nenad M. Djurdjevic saw them looking at the Face Book play
Nikoma Rios saw them around me then on David Phillipe Gil..

Only my expression brought them closer more real solid but through my expression and the people who sent Face Book requests.

And so I could not stop though with all my heart and soul I wished to.

12:44 pm

Time is Harmonies expression.

It was Jays Birthday today, a young handsome guy at the Star Bucks who took a shine to me…
I never lived here..
There is a Jay here but no connection formed here.

More at 1385 Metropolitan Wood
I spend all my waking time there posting solving aligning…

Today is the 31st

And i saw the added appendage on page 46-47
44 67
76 44
S P 76 Awakening Gods Frequency
44 David Dawn 8 16 H P
Harmony Peace
Harmony Perfection
At 816 Face Book friends on the
16th Dec…
X Mass
24-6 Fact
8 Harmony 16 -7.

I have 7 Usd left in my Wallet

And I read page 46 47

1:00 pm

Which was written in Feb 2008
Alphabet City Between B and C

The last line reveals
I guess this is my Story
Finding my Family Beautiful
The Family Of E
Are The Beautiful Ones”

And so I have built a Bridge
Through Expression and Diamond Hearing all the way 842 Face Book Friends
And the play of Stonley Okung linked to L
S O L! E

A Crossing through 6th Sense as Hearing not through the Ears but the Entire Being full circle O

1:1O a.m

So Solid in Reasoning
That they arrive at where I truly lived at a cafe at a crossing
Awakened Words Meaning
And Point
1:13-1:14 am


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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