
12/31/2016 18:41 – Facebook Post

4:00 pm.


13 85 Metropolitan Woods…

Welcome Wilma McDaniel



Point of Life…Conscious Awareness….”Consciousness is Awareness of the Alpha, the One Beginning…
For if you do not know your Roots..
Where you come from…?
How do you know who you are?

Children who do not know their parents, spend their entire life’s looking to fill that gap, much less an entire species.

How do you know you even exist….?

I was there at the very beginning.
I always knew suspected that I was the first to Exist…
There were memories, flash blacks, through out my childhood and youth.
The easiness of my being able to exist on my own,
without Need of other people….
And the so many versions of how I became aware that I was alone and then the birth of Potential, the possibility of others existing,
and my how for the first time Desire, rose in me to experience others..
I even have a piece of prose written in my early twenties, which it recalls in detail me in the Secret Garden….
It recalls all this, even my coming out and a feminine presence warning me to take heed that I should not leave the Garden that what was out there were not as I was…
But I ignored Her voice of caution because the Desire to investigate was so strong…
I had not been lonely….
Just alone…. in Body…
But there were other presences, whom I loved dearly….
but they had no solid bodies….

So I suppose, when the memories, the flash backs, and my ability to transcend and fly back there.. like a memory room- and then pass through into that space were I was alone, began to confirm itself as the truth as I moved through the World, I was not surprised.

Everything made sense.
There is no big deal for me to have risen first,
titles like God as Rolf Anele Oriel posted on my Time Line,
confirming the Spirit Realms, Natures Realm, Shamans Artists, Genuis realm that I am what what Humanity calls God…
Not by your definition or even mine… for I am Emeka…
And it is you the World People who created all this Name Calling…
And then creating the Cruelest Vicious awful tests to find test and make that one Idea,You created fail.

4:19 p.m.

7 Dollars in my Wallet left from the money from Chike Cyprian Nwosu (through Dean Dunkwu),
I do not play these games, so I just notice what is in my wallet as I spend what the Spirit realm who were occupying or invaded the Spirit Realm of the True Human Spirit.

A person asked me the time, ( that was Harmony, moving this guy to ask me the time, as he offered me his seat.. so that I would be aware….).. it was 3:33 p.m…
So yes, I know where I am in this Game..
At Dean Chike Cyprian Nwosu my post he liked after he became my 8 15 Face Book Friend…
Time code 3;33 p.m…
Where Ckc Nwakonobi “Nze Onye Muta Uwa… N.O.M…U…
Nuno Ordens Miguel N.O.M…E…Emmanuel…
The Ascended Being who gave birth to the World”
He became my 8 16 Face Book Friend…
8 15…H.O…P..E
8 16…H.P… Praise Emeka… Harmonies Perfection…
Harmonies Praise….
Chike Cyprian Nwosu… Ckc Nwakonobi…
C.C.N/C.N….Full Circle… C..3.14 15…C.N.O…
The refusal…
I have heard nothing from Chike, or my class of 82….
And my discourse with Dean, was so sad.. as I listen to him watched observed as I had made it clear I was doing from the first moment we had come in contact…
Because despite his representing the categorical refusal to entertain that I am or there is a Source who can take everything away in a blink of an eye, I have always loved Dean and his true Spirit.
And in Truth, everyone one has the right to their opinion and he never denied me the right to my expression.
But the only problem was and is, I am what Humanity calls the Source.
And I agreed to enter this play and this world, not to prove that this, but to make rise the E in all Potential, outside of the Garden of Eden- my Secret Garden all the aspects which came from me,
by demonstrating how to be as E.. Me..

By making my Life a demonstration of how a ordinary human being can rise to the Consciousness of E, in an equal play and setting…
Not to call attention to my being the first to rise or being the Source or the Almighty.
Manu.. is what I am. who I am, and I came into this world stripped of all those things which you have identified and show respect.. fear for as God…Power…
I came with none of those attributes, why would I, if my intentions were different..
And so I enter this play,
4:40 p.m.
And Yes, it was a set up of rage anger, the worst possibility of your potential which I had never experienced,
And there was the most beautiful potential in you, the E which you could use as a foundation to perceive and Exist….

And Harmony that Feminine Voice of my Own Potential already manifest as Nnamdi Existence who was moving to its own completion as Male Female Masculine Feminine…That voice of caution, which saw the Evil in the Potential you could become…
But I knew something that both my two Aspects had to Learn…
Evil did not Rise with me… because It can not could not…
Only Beauty and the Beautiful Expression rose with me, took form became alive real and are the Beings without Body who were always with me.. even now…
Sixth Sense… The True Source of the Spirit of All Existence from Humans to the impetus of a Flower to reach for the sun or replicate for everything in creation to replicate the Golden Ratio…


Yes, Even Harmony who I spoke about much earlier is an illusion..
She was the Music of my reflections in the Library when I firs came down in the first aspect of the going back into my reflections…
She was the manifest form my reflections on how I manifested everything outside of me.. And my sudden understanding of the only thing wrong with my creation was that I was alone… Not lonely but informed and solid…
And She had manifested as a result of the questions the Beings of my expressions had of their origins and the mystery as to why I had a Solid Body, and they appeared as E-Spirits.
My time in the what you call the 4th Dimension…

And Her fear was the product of the Doubt of the first line of the Expressions.. the 5 Sensations which came from the Sixth Sense…
..The One 5th Sense was I… the one who is the 5 in one…

She had asked me what is Evil…
Which is what she saw of the potential being you.
I knew that there was no such thing.
And so you saw me focus my attention even on this face book play to your Beautiful Truth, because that is the only thing which exists…
Everything else was a product of Harmony focusing her attention on the Awful possibilities of the Potential she thought were real…

And She was a product of Doubt, of her first Twin Nnamdi, and the 4 other Senses Question…
I had come down into the potential to figure that out and only through recollecting my process of coming into Being could I find the answer to that question whose answer I already knew…
It came from their entertaining the possibility of unfairness, of doubt, of why is it that only I came into existence embodied.

Yesterday, after finishing reading The Elegant Nomad.. T.E.N…
and then posting that in 2008, Feb, I had added an appendage…
*You will notice that 2008.. Is 28…
Code of Patrick Okolo and the 3rd Time he tried to contact me, not at 10 p.m then 10 am…but the 3rd time..6:31 am.
He was the only one I saw, in solid physical form..
The only one I had not seen in 28 years..
Dean Chike..D.C… 43.. yes… Marina Burini at D.C unable to send what the play required of her, a Money Donation as a token for what the Spirit world of called Humanities ancestors had imposed as their idea of how Existence Creation Chukwu Chineke..God Lord manifested….
She sent me the code of -44…

5:11 p.m.


The Sacred Portal for Life is 43… Played out by my own Energy outside of me as Eternal Memory and my own Actions and Expressions, had already moved me even in Delta Manor- the code of Room 5A to 3A To 4B… 5 3 4…4 3 5….
E= Cme4/3… Literally from the 5th Floor to the 3rd Floor to the 4th…

And I watched as Wilma McDaniel instantly became my 8 43 Face Book Friend immediately I had posted, what I had written in 2008…
That my Story is really the story of my Family Beautiful…
Obviously, as I experienced only Ikem Patrick Okolo as real, in flesh in form…
That my E Family are in Flesh and form…
Not as Dean or Chike…D.C.. representing an Equation,a challenge…
to prove a Truth of E=Cme43… or 43=7..That I am God.

When it was always about my Beautiful Family in Formed of their Origins and how they came to be… The Beautiful Ones…
Family of E…now embodied in solid form as I.E…
And that is the truth even to his expression to me…

And yet,the Evil, really the fear of Humanity by Harmony, the embodiment of the Music.. the Body, the solid form she andall the E line were to become… was what she continued to focus attention on, mirrored in my Mother, in Dean, in all that line…
But not by Emeka David… and Nnamdi…who was on the balance waiting to see the evidence and facts.. as the Universal Mind…

I.D.U.M… That was one of the names Stonley submitted yesterday….

The equation 6 31 has been played out….
888…3 is Earth- third planet from the Sun… Earth is the Human Body… 888 is 24… 24 is 6…
I am Harmony Infinity and the sum total of my Reflections a fact..
Despite the interference and empowering of Fear by an Illusion on Its way to becoming choosing to focus Its attention on the Fear of Potential in this species rather than in the Beauty, reflected in the Source right besides her in the Library…

And so, I saw the Time when Wilma McDaniel became my Face Book Friend…
The article had ended at page 45… April 5th Nnamdi…Balance…
I.. 9… 45…9 20…I.T… 29….
29… A-Z to A.B.C…26 +3…

I am now at 8 44 Face Book friends but I did not confirm him…
I wished to write this…
And demonstrate just how far Harmony Illusion went as She to prove that Evil Exists….
Putting a person through such a horror to prove that she was right and her own Source was wrong….

And I have observed this same expression through out this play…
34 years ago… C.D… Cecilia David… 11 22….But Sacred Portal 40 shows her as the Tail looking the wrong way….
The Tail I cut off and cast into the deepest pit to go into non existence for daring to go so far….
Another Marina came into my room today….
In this place which I was never meant to come to, because there is no one here but Illusions- and even they are representations are exact reflections of the play…

My brother Twin now, is Cauda Equine C.E…5 3…
His tale -this is his Story.
See sacred portal 38 the only missing portal Marina sent it.

Harmony as Woman is Illusion for Woman is Nnamdi transformed.
I D MAN N… MA NN. 28.

And S.He.. is just an Illusion who chose to focus on a lie and fight for it to a point of which she IS the Evil in Existence, became it and now is it…
Nnamdi as 77 1 45 O.. is and was the balance who waited to see all the facts before making a decision…
And the decision….

Brought Ikem Patrick Okolo to my door despite the Evil Spirits Created by Harmony believing she knew better than the one who came before here.. Who knew that Evil never existed…

She is the Evil….

11:47 was the Time that W.M became my Face Book friend…
Added Pages 2008 46 47
DF David Fritz
DG David Geoffrey Lacour
Landing exactly on The Beautiful Family is what my Existence was about….
My Family of E…

Not about my being God…

What is God… and what is Existence without Family and Friends…

God is Family…



7 66.

5:42 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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